The clan's needs grow more difficult to keep up with the later into leaf-bare it gets. It seems like for every hunt they go on, they are already three hunts behind schedule. What little they catch goes diverted towards the nursery... the elders... the sick... and their numbers do not decrease with each passing day. Oddgleam's litter (and Orangestar's as well) now eat prey rather than the milk of their poor dams... and that is it's own new burden.
So to be asked after for a mission that removes them from the monotony of prowling through the trees, they practically lunge at the idea to be useful in some other way. Doeblaze has not been around the Twolegplace in any sincere capacity in some time.. at least not half-so much as Edenberry. They'd been called upon once before for their expertise in that regard, only to unmask the flesh-strewn bodies of what once had been clanmates beloved.
"Of course," they respond, voice cracking with the effort to sound cheerful.
"I wouldn't want you trying to wander around here alone," they add, admitting their fear for what lurks through the alleys after dark.
Their ears swivel, listening for the clatter of metal trees and monsters that roar in the distance. Finding cats to interrogate would be simple enough, depending on the location- their own paws itch with a familiar adrenaline, recalling a particularly nasty rogue that had been eager to fight over the scraps discarded in the huge, shiny boxes of stink.
"Right... well... the Twolegnests are mostly going to be kittypets and dogs- we'll want to head to the dark paths and abandoned nests to find anything useful probably..." With no Twolegs disturbing those areas, they made great hideaways for the more nefarious and lonely types...
-- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 20 moons
-- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
-- color #728c69