private IN OUR HEARTS WE KNOW THE TRUTH [★] Heavy, Lilac


After Brightshine was settled, Lilacstem and Heavy Snow met with her as requested. She gives the two felines a hard look.

”That was… unneeded.” She starts in a scolding tone, ”Your clan is as low as ever on warriors. We needed you both in camp or out hunting for your clan.” Brightshine kitting out of camp had been an unnescisarry risk. What if the blood had drawn out foxes? The tunnelers had only just driven out a badger that had made home underneath the earth, what Brightshine had done was foolish and the two warriors who allowed it were worse off.

”I usually am one to say a queens buisness is hers alone- but why for StarClan’s sake was no one at least given the courtesy of knowing where you three were?” Still her voice was stern, but she seemed more frustrated than outright angry. ”I don’t think you two need a reminder… but cats of your blood have a history. It’s difficult not to wonder when you all disappear like that if you’ve ran off to join kin.”

She waits for an answer from the two but first rules, ”To make up for your abscense you will both be assigned to double the hunting patrols. I’ll be having Sunstride get you both on as many as he can muster. I don’t even want to see the fresh-kill pile oogled until you bring more than your fair share of prey back, understood?”
  • @Lilacstem @HEAVY SNOW :3
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Lilacstem had always worried something like this would happen. Of course, in her version their discovery involved the clan finding out about the identity of two of the new kits.

Although Lilacstem isn't thrilled by the prospect of being interrogated, she was at least relieved that Sootstar seemed none the wiser about the full story. She bowed her head slightly as Sootstar presses them for information, pointing out how suspicious it all looked given the history of their kin. "Forgive us, Sootstar. Brightshine only intended to walk a little that night, but you know how kits can be. They started coming very suddenly and Heavy Snow and I were loathe to leave her lest anything happen." Lilacstem hoped that sounded somewhat convincing.

Sootstar waits for an answer from both of them before giving them a punishment - they would be put on double hunting patrols. Well, that wasn't ideal, but Lilacstem kept her face straight. "Of course, Sootstar," She nodded in agreement to her suggestion.