camp in over my head // out of control nursery!

// tagging my kits but this is open to ALL kits and anyone else :) @FLUFFYKIT @Daisykit @weedkit

Something must be in the air today, whether it be an unknown grudge against her by StarClan themselves or simply the energy that newleaf warmth brings. The kits are practically bouncing off the walls, giggles and shrieks sounding from the den and likely gaining the attention of others in camp. But Butterflytuft is babysitting everyone, and she’s got to handle this! The only problem is…the queen doesn’t have much of a voice for scolding or discipline. In fact, there isn’t a controlling bone in her body to her knowledge. She merely looks at the little ones frantically as they tumble around, tearing up nests and making a mess in their play. “Um, hey-“ She tries, but is swiftly interrupted by an excited scream from one of them. Her ears flatten and she winces in alarm, the sound catching her off guard. “Maybe we should…um…take a nap?” Another shriek, and a mossball comes flying right at her face. The queen squeaks in surprise as it bounces right off her forehead, and she lifts a paw to rub down the ruffled fur in its wake. It’s like they don’t even hear her, her quiet voice floating right over their heads and not in their ears!
The nursery is noisy today. Kits are flinging themselves against the nursery walls, claws scrabbling in the moss for purchase. Mossballs go flying. Butterflytuft’s attempt to keep everyone quiet goes mostly unheeded, except for by her puffy-pelted daughter, who sits seriously at her mother’s tortoiseshell paws and frowns as deeply as she can muster. “Please, I want to take a nap,” she whisper-speaks; it’s as lost in the din as her mother’s voice had been. When no one bothers to heed the nursery queen’s words, Fluffykit’s lower lip begins to tremble. “You’re all b-b-being mean,” she gasps, and then she begins to wail. Fluffykit throws her head back and howls, tears streaking down her fuzzy, multicolored cheeks. She does not mean to, but she simply adds to the chaos with her ringing, sorrow-tinged voice.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Daisykit was one of the loud and energetic ones this day, pent up energy from likely needing to be outside the nursery running around and playing with the other kits but the unwillingness to leave his mother's side for too long recently causing his toes to feel like they itched and his whole body felt like it was statically charged with energy that he just needed to get out. So in a way to do so without moving too far from siblings or mother he had chosen to play with some of the other kits in the nursery, paws outstretched as he tumbled head over heel with those around him. Moss moved underpaw and the soft sound of his mother's voice is lost under the squeal one of the other kittens lets out before the joyous noises of the nursery kits are broken by the wail that Fluffykit lets out.

Daisykit skids to a stop, letting more moss break apart from a nest in his wake before head turns quickly towards the maker of the noise and a frown quickly plasters itself onto his face, eyes wide in alarm before running over to his sister. "What's wrong Fluffy?" He mews, child-like voice filled with concern for sibling that was crying for reasons beyond his own current knowledge. Paws outstretch to place upon her head to try and comfort her something that Daisykit had never got to work before but he'd still try anyway. "Mama what's wrong? Why's Fluffy upset, what happened?" He hadn't heard Butterflytuft speak out to ask about naps, didn't see the moss ball that had flown in her direction, and with every word Daisy's own voice trembled a little as he tried to contain his tears that were threatening to spill over seeing his sister so upset.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Boisterously, Coffeekit participated in the madness. Little paws skittering haphazardly as he dashed, jumped, and spun around the nursery floor. Echoing giggles bubbling up every which way as he chased after Daisykit and the Mossball. As it took to the sky he squealed with delight. Coffeekit wanted that ball, needed it, and most of all to gain enough momentum to tackle his kin. They hoped to egg on a spar or game of tag. Zipping by his aunt's paws the tabby completely tuned out her soft plea. Eyes honed in on Daisykit's white and blue tail.

Yet, just like their playmate all excitement came to a screeching halt. Rump hitting the floor he nearly toppled over in a forcible stop. Shaking off their dazed state he peered after his cousins with furrowed brows. Unsure of why Fluffykit was crying and what to do. Panic sets in as the wails grow louder and all he can think to do is frantically snatch up the formerly abandoned Mossball. Maybe this will help? Ears and tail limp with green eyes widened by concern, he turns and walks over to the other three. Cautiously, Coffeekit places the ball between himself and the tinier tortie. Following after their sibling he pipes up.

Left paw pulled back to his chest as he meows in concern. "Did you want to play? Here, here you can play too! See!" Guilt twists through their words as he nervously glances up at Butterflytuft. Am I in trouble? He silently laments at such a notion. Fretful of what his parents might have to say later.
[penned by tasmagoric]

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It would be simple-minded, and ineloquent to say that Candorkit fits the mold of the " typical " kit, just because he was one of the many bolting around the nursing, bounding at anyone or anything that, in his opinion, was asking to be bounded at. He doesn't do this out of any childish desire to "play," but because he was going to be a hero, and heroes needed to be full of energy at all times! The call for a nap would not be heeded, and this he makes known with a bold, " No! " A tiny thud sounds as he pounces at an unlucky leaf that had wandered in

— Still, just barely, it slips from between his paws. " Evil never sleeps! " So, obviously, neither could he! Fluffykit is surely in the minority, proclaiming her apparently desire to "nap." " Sleeping is for night time! " he tells her. And then you're all being mean. " Not true! " he shoots back, swiping at the nearest littermate. He didn't like arguing, but untrue things ought to be corrected!

And then, she starts crying, and it's enough to stop even Candorkit at once. He thinks he hurts his neck, with how quickly he turns around. And that shouldn't be happening! That was something that happened to the elders that give heroes wisdom! He didn't wanna give wisdom, he wanted to fight!

At once, Fluffykit's kin is rushing to her aid. And of course Candorkit would do the same! He's not mean! He doesn't like it when others cry... No one likes that.

...But he really doesn't wanna nap, either! His face furrows in intense thought, trying to put together a solution... Eventually, he suggests: " Um...What if, Fluffykit naps, and we can play outside? "

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  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.
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Reactions: FLUFFYPAW
Candorkit responds to her suggestion with a resounding no and continues to play, Daisykit tumbling around with him. Near them, Coffeekit is twirling and bounding in his own play, and Butterflytuft feels her ears flatten in defeat. How do the other queens get them to listen to them so well? She frowns before her attention is pulled down to Fluffykit at her side, who to her dismay beings to wail. "Oh dear, oh no," She begins to murmur in a panic, crouching to her belly to try and nose at her daughter's cheek comfortingly. "Don't cry, please!" She tries to trill, a pleading in her voice as the other kits begin to surround and mew to her.

She looks to her son, her brows knit together. "I think it's just...too loud in here, sweetie," She offers as a hesitant explanation. She looks to her nephew next, who looks right back up at her miserably. "Oh dear...everyone, it's okay. It's okay. Why don', why don't we listen to Candorkit and everyone go outside? And I'll stay in here with Fluffykit for a moment?" She offers, voice breathy. She hopes this is the right solution. She doesn't know what else to do! But then she remembers...she has to watch them! "Just- just don't wander far from the nursery, I'll be out soon!" After tucking in Fluffykit, that is.
Her brother asks her what’s wrong, concern sparkling in orange eyes, and that only makes her cry harder. Coffeekit, her cousin, asks if she wants to play, and she begins to sponge some of the overflowing tears away with the pads of her paw as she shakes her head. “N-no, I… I’m sleepy…” She sniffles. Candorkit reminds her that sleeping is for night-time, and that causes her eye to twitch. What did he mean? Napping is one of her favorite past-times! “Don’t you e-ever t-take naps?” She asks, sniffling into her chest fur.

But then her friend offers a solution. Fluffykit swipes at her swollen eyes again, nodding enthusiastically and beginning to hiccup. “Y-yeah, I can take a nap inside,” she mumbles. Her mother, clearly stressed, agrees to this solution. She says she’ll stay with Fluffykit, and the tiny tortoiseshell brightens immediately. “Yay!” She turns her tear-streaked face into Butterflytuft’s side, letting her mother’s pelt soak up the last of her sadness.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

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Reactions: CANDORPAW