IN REVERSE [ howlingstar ]

Jan 3, 2024
Things had been bad lately. Very bad, really. Howlingstar had lost a life- Duskbird was dead, Batwing was gone. Bravepaw suffered for it, his siblings just as much. Doepaw felt grief for them. It hung like a droughted cloud, heavy over their heads but would never break open in a rain of relief. Antlerpaw's ears twitched as she climbed up to her mentor's den. She had been spending time with Leafhusk in the time that Howlingstar had been forced on bedrest, though it wasn't like the leader was bored.

The kittypet had joined, the escape to the meeting... she still disapproved about that, worried about her mentor's state of health. She had returned relatively unharmed, so Antlerpaw couldn't have complained too much. Clutched in her jaws was a small vole she had caught herself- something she was both proud of, and wanted to dedicate to the most important mouth in the clan. "Howlingstar? Do you mind if I step in?" Antlerpaw called softly to the leader, head poking into the dimmed den. "I brought something to eat." She murmured.

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  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Howlingstar’s eyes flick to the mouth of the den as a familiar voice gently calls for her. She recognizes her apprentice’s words immediately and mews, “Yes, Antlerpaw, you can come in.” Stifling a grimace, she shifts her body so that she faces the she-cat more squarely. Her attention drifts to the vole in her jaws, its scent warm and fresh. It must have just been caught, and the tabby tips her head to the side curiously. “Did you catch that?” She asks, the beginnings of a smile on her face. She mourns that she’s missing out on so many days of training with Antlerpaw - of course, she’s glad she’s found a way to continue keeping her skills sharp with other mentors. She hears Leafhusk has been generous enough to take on the majority of Antlerpaw’s training along with her own apprentice, and she makes a mental note to thank the warrior when she gets the chance.
Howlingstar invites her in, and for that, Antlerpaw is silently relieved. She stepped inside the dimmed den, settling the vole inbetween Howlingstar's paws. She sits back, nervous in her wait for approval, but Howlingstar doesn't keep her waiting. A relieved and sheepish smile finds the lips of the soft-spoke apprentice, golden eyes shifting over her mentor's body, quickly analyzing where Gentlestorm has been keeping up with what injuries. Not out of fear of him not doing his job- but making sure that Howlingstar was healing okay.

Her question pulls Antlerpaw out of her focus. "Oh- um, yes miss Howlingstar, I did." Antlerpaw states, looking at her mentor in the eye. This was one cat she wasn't afraid to look at directly- well, maybe not Gentlestorm or her siblings, but that was beyond the point. "Leafhusk has been taking me out with Adderpaw. I just..." Antlerpaw shifted on her paws almost nervously, before her ears perked and she managed to finish her statement. "Kept my body still, head and tail even... leapt when the vole was unsuspecting."

Antlerpaw swallowed gently, before perking her ears gently. "I... wanted you to have my first catch. You're also injured so..." The young apprentice sat, tail wrapping over her paws as she let her statement trail off. Her own mentor didn't need an explanation of the warrior code- she felt a hint silly.
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  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Howlingstar's eyes soften as she gazes down at the vole, her heart clenching. She should have been there to see Antlerpaw's first catch. She should have coached her through her form and her silent paw steps, and they should have celebrated this moment together. What's important is that Antlerpaw has her first catch, She reminds herself, shutting her eyes briefly. "It's just Howlingstar," She corrects softly, smiling back up at the apprentice. There is no need for formalities here. She wants her apprentice to be just as comfortable with her as any other young cat would be with their mentor, leader or not.

"I'm very proud of you. This is a fine catch, Antlerpaw. Will you share it with me?" She trills, cocking her head as green eyes shine with pride. She is already making great strides towards being a talented warrior, and the tabby is in the mood to celebrate that. "It's such a big catch...I doubt I could eat it all on my own," She goads more, a sly smile stretching across her muzzle.