in sickness and in health | coyote

They sit close together, sharing a squirrel, though Howlfire eats slowly. More and more cats grow sicker by the day and still no sign of a cure or something to alleviate the symptoms. It was worrying to say the least, and Howlfire hopes and preys that they will lose no more clanmates anytime soon, and that rather selfishly she remains free from the disease. Howlfire leans forward to take a bite, swallowing her mouthful before speaking. "I still can't believe Sheepcurl is dead," She says softly, still moved by the loss of the warrior. She's not sure how Coyotecrest felt about Sheepcurl, but she hoped he could still acknowledge the loss for what it was. "Hopefully the medicine cats will find a cure soon," Howlfire mewed. "Either our own or those from another clan. No one else should have to lose someone to this disease."

Angry at all the things I can't change
Green eyes stare forward, mind whirling from deep thought until the molly's soft voice breaks up a world full of what if's. With a slow blink he tips his chin, glancing down at her with a mixture of several emotions. "Yeah..." He relents, breathy and solmen. The warrior's death was something he felt uncertain about. She was among the few kind gentle souls that made him feel like he could truly call skyclan home in the beginning. But after his back had been pressed against the wall, after Sootstar's demand to lead the herb raid, well, all of that crumbled. Churrodream became bitter, distant, and cold. A selfish part of him felt relief. Relief that he no longer had to look into the eyes of someone that blamed him over a situation he truly had no control over. But the other side dwelled in regret. Regret over not taking the initiative to possibly work things out between them. Perhaps she would have understood? Maybe it wouldn't have mattered. But what bothered him now is that he would never know.

Cream ears flatten partially against the length of his broad helm. "I hope so too." The severity of this sickness was beginning to spread and claim victims faster than the medicine cats could find a cure. His eyes dart back to the squirrel, sweeping over its grey fur in the midst of his hesitation. A single flaxen paw tucked itself slowly underneath his chest as he formulated the word. "Howlfire, promise me that you won't fall sick too." He didn't want to face the possibility of losing her while the rest of the clan swiftly picked up the disease. It was nearly an impossible promise to make her keep, but he wished to ask her all the same. Glancing away from their shared prey he looked at her again.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

His response is fairly neutral compared to her own words spoken for Sheepcurl. She had expected such, and knowing the complicated relationship between the two she does judge him for it. Howlfire recalled how Sheepcurl and many others had treated him upon his return from WindClan, questioning whether it was right for him to return after leading WindClan to their clan. Although Howlfire had warmed to him considerably since, even she could remember treating him with an air of indifference.

Coyotecrest agrees with her hope for a quick cure to the disease. She takes another bite of the squirrel, aware of him shifting beside her, before speaking again. Howlfire swallowed sharply following his words and turned to look at him, finding his green gaze already looking at her. "Well, I can try," She responds earnestly. With how unknown the sickness still is she can't promise him that she won't get sick, but she can certainly try her best. "Don't you get sick on me either, Coyotecrest," Howflire said, playfully bumping against his shoulder with her own. "I've rather liked having you around as of late."
Angry at all the things I can't change
The air of tension surrounding plagues and death shatters as Howlfire offers a good natured bump against his shoulder with her own. A smile splits and chases away formally solmen features, leaving a soft airy chuckle to follow close behind. "I guess I'm just like you. All I can do is try." He murmurs, shifting his weight to reciprocate another bump to her shoulder in playful fashion. "I've rather liked having you around as of late." Cream ears flush with foreign warmth upon hearing the simple compliment. It was an ordinary string of words, but they made him feel more accepted than he had in quite some time. The level of ease he felt around the molly, the momentary flutters that danced within the pit of his stomach, they were things he failed to understand. "I enjoy having you around too." He murmured finally. Stretching his nose forward, the tabby touches the rim of her ear then retracts. "It's...comforting." He admits in a whisper. Was that all it was? Sheepishly he returns his gaze back to the squirrel and takes a bite.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

She does not expect him to respond, much less share her sentiment of enjoying her company. So when he does speak, she gives him a raised brow, which is swiftly replaced by a shy smile.

His following words cause her further surprise and she feels her cheeks warm at his words. Comforting. Yes, it was strangely comforting being around him but was there something more? Howlfire couldn't say for certain but she also was not ignorant to the warm feeling washing over her, unexpected but not unpleasant. "I feel like besides my family you're one of the few cats who understands me," She tells him softly. True, their stories were not entirely the same, but they were similar enough that a sort of kinship had blossomed more in recent moons. Howlfire looks at him for a moment when he looks away, more words hovering on her tongue, afraid and unsure what to say. "You make me...happy," She says hurriedly. And then with a nervous flush, looks away from him and at her own paws.