sensitive topics in the back of my mind, you died // pipitpaw

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023
mottledove & 26 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen
Its a rare thing, for mottledove to leave camp - a perma-queen by choice, she'd never quite settled into skyclan the way her fellow shelter-rescues had. Skyclan, warm and kind though it may be, has never quite felt like home - but it is one that she has made the best of, learned to love in her own way. Still, she cannot stop the ache and ebb of homesickness that crashes upon her - the fact her twolegs had left her willingly seemingly unimportant to her shattered heart. Somehow, it seems the stars feel it her destiny to be left behind - forgotten.

An orphan, snapped up in the jaws of a dog and only rescued by twolegs kind if clumsy paws. Then he'd thought she'd found love, only to be abandoned - her neighboring kittypet stealing that away from her too. She'd thought at least she'd have her twolegs forever - that much, certainly, the universe would allow. But it was not meant to be - tossed aside, left behind in cold metal walls. Skyclan had given her saftey and freedom, even if it had been utterly terrifying.

And then she'd had her kittens, and suddenly she wasn't alone anymore. She'd adored watching them learn and grow - motherhood was one responsibility that, while not quite prepared for it, she could certainly handle. As she lagged behind the others in attempts to hunt and defend herself, caring for her children seemed infinitely easier. Three perfect kittens had become three perfect apprentices, and now, soon to be warriors.

She doesn't shy away from showing her happiness, from telling them just how proud she is. Those are her kits - her babies. All grown up now, and she couldn't have asked for better.

It's for this reason that she agrees to leave camp - the sudden influx of warrior ceremonies last meeting is enough to have a flurry of paws working overtime, and she feels stuffy all of the sudden. Too many faces, too much going on. Its nice, she muses as she trails alongside Pipitpaw and his mentor, to just step back and enjoy the sunlight. To wander, to breathe in the fresh new-leaf air.

Its a slow process, the queens movement hobbled by her missing limb, but she pays it no mind. To her, it's normal - always has been really, since as far back as she can recall. Soft purring rises up in her chest, gentle smile upon her maw as dull teal eyes glimmer with warmth and affection. " Look at you my love - you're all grown up now, " she says, voice heavy and warm with emotion when she looks at her. " Passing your assessment - surely, orangestar just be giving you a new name this moon... a full warrior of skyclan at last, "

She's caught up in her thoughts, in her affectionate musings - doesn't notice the way their surroundings are strangely quiet, doesn't notice the air still. " I'm so proud of you, " she says, pushing past undergrowth with head turned to face her child behind her. Isn't looking ahead to see the flash of orange fur and wild amber eyes. Doesn't notice the scent until it's too late, until jaws are closing in on her in a flash of yellow.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I F - Y O U - M U S T - L I V E , - D A R L I N G - O N E , J U S T - L I V E
// @pipitpaw
Pipitpaw walks alongside his mother dutifully. His days of being bound to the nursery with her are far behind him, and although he recalls apprenticehood as a newfound taste of freedom, he far better remembers wishing he could curl up with her again. The chocolate tabby had nights where they could only peer out of their new den and look towards the nursery, wondering if anyone would care if they snuck just one more night in her loving, motherly embrace.

Maybe they should have.

He takes his time with Mottledove despite naturally wanting to quicken his pace. Her injury is a story not yet forgotten, however the details seem to be fuzzy to the both of them. "I'll be taking you on walks more often," she muses, a rare smile on her face. She presses her shoulder to her mother's briefly before an odd smell passes her nose. His mentor notices it, too, and his brows pinch as he slows his pace, bidding a, "They can't have..."

The foxes that've harmed his Clanmates - if this is one of them or cheap circumstance, he does not care any longer. Their mother bids them praise before pushing aside stubborn leaves and releasing herself to the foul beast. It's too quick. The fox snaps her up and makes a ragdoll toy of her before whipping her back down. It guards her like fresh kill and Pipitpaw feels everything in her sink so, so terribly low. The need to vomit bubbles in her gut but rage and grief take over.

She surges forward first, the call of her mentor to retreat landing on deaf ears. The fox gnashes its teeth at them and though they expect it, they feel yellowing teeth clench desperately around an outstretched leg. He yelps, but adrenaline keeps him going - his mentor joins the fray, too, likely catching a few hits as well. Pipitpaw manages to score her claws down the fox's hind end, her mentor dragging theirs down the side of its face, and before long the already battered beast takes off.

Pipitpaw grunts as the weight of their injury slowly becomes felt, but they awkwardly trot towards their mother regardless. "Mom- Mom," she tries to shake the other's shoulder again, nearly whimpering. "Mom, please, stay awake. We can find Fireflypaw, we can...!"
mottledove & 26 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen
Yellowed teeth flash as they slip past mane of fur, sinking deep into flesh and sending blood splattering as throat is torn open in an instant. Mottledove almost doesn't feel the pain - eyes blown wide in shock as she's pounced upon, feeling her body slam against the ground as she's thrown off balance. In the end, the queen doesn't really stand a chance - perhaps, had she not chosen to stay in the nursery full time, shewould've put more effort into the pitiable amount of self defense skills she'd been tought. Maybe, she'd have caught the scent sooner, thought to stop or dodge or... anything, really. But she doesn't - she didn't.

Vision swims and she's vaguely aware of brown fur tussling with red, of the shouts of cats both familiar and not. Apprentice and mentor chase off the beast, but its too little to late. Honestly, starclan is one of those things that while mottledove had listened and learned, she'd never really believed would come for her. Some part of her had still half-expected the end to be nothingness - but it wasn't. Hazy shapes slip past her vision, swimming with silver light and stars. The cat who guides her is unfamiliar, but the touch is gentle - warm. She is not scared, despite it all. She feels sorrow for a fleeting moment - her kits will not have two parents calling their warrior names after all and then she is gone. There is no final goodbye, no answering reply Pipitpaw's pleas, only still figure and glassy eyes.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I F - Y O U - M U S T - L I V E , - D A R L I N G - O N E , J U S T - L I V E
  • Crying
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