camp in the balance ✘ dog

He understands, somewhat, the stubborn urge previous clanmates had when injured or carrying cats now a little more but he has the sense to continue dutifully remaining in the camp despite the restlessness in each paw. Smokethroat stares off across the pebbled and sandy camp center to the river further in the distance, thinks about fishing even knowing there isn't much to catch this close to where their dens are and the fish are smart enough not to linger in these areas. At most he might get minnows, but even as the urge to be productive rises he finds his head settling on his paws in silent exhaustion and his long cave focused forward unblinking. The dark tom was tired, but he didn't want to lay here in the mouth of the willow den, but he also didn't have the energy to get up and do anything about it. It was a strange cycle of nothingness to be in, next to him an uneaten fish lay in the warm sun and he knew he should eat it before it lost its freshness but the very idea of food made his stomach twist in knots; he chalked it up to the usual sickness that sent him stalking out of the den in the morning to the edge of camp where he could suffer in his silence without being cooed at and coddled. He would be quite happy once he was able to resume normal duties and no longer carried this burden of uncertainty. It had been rattling him since he found out kits were on the way, he'd not yet been able to still the thundering palpitations in his chest at every reminder of them.
The unease reminded him of Ravensong's words, encouraging him to visit more often and he sighed as he pushed himself to stand before faltering, something was wrong. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen something ripple past the reeds and vanish but had not been facing that way enough to realize what it was. Or maybe he was seeing things, it was hard to say what was real and wasn't his nausea induced hallucinating; a paw went up to his nose and he withdrew it wet. Moss used to say a dry nose meant fever but he didn't know how true that was, the gesture was more habit than anything and in her final days her nose had certainly been charcoal black and dry as the sand.
Shuffling forward he moved to head to the medicine cat den when the reeds parted in front of him and a sleek brown head poked forward with beady black eyes and stared at him. Smokethroat stared back, frozen in place and ears flattening to his scalp in silence as the muddy-colored dog examined him with its mop of a tail shaking back and forth.
For a moment he couldn't find his voice, the surprise so sudden as it was, but after a second he croaked out a hoarse, "DOG!" As the beast gave a sharp bark, shrill and piercing. In any other circumstances he might have taken a swing at it, snarled in reply and offered it a proper fight but he is not exactly in the condition to be battling wayward dogs and he turns to bolt into the tall reeds before it can snap its teeth at him; he feels the hair on his tail catch and bristle as it just barely misses clamping down on it.

The dog is a small-ish sized Bloodhound, probably some lost big puppy and it is trying to play rather than kill though it can still cause harm in doing so!

Littlepaw's head lay on her paws, lazy eyes set on the boring planes of camp. Her mentor was no where to be found, and Littlepaw-- what, with her late rising tendencies-- had been left behind with the cats that couldn't defend themselves, couldn't hunt, and it was a huge blow to her ego. At the shout of 'dog' her entire body goes into action, head lifting to assess the situation. The dog doesn't seem to be aggressive but that doesn't stop it from hurting anyone by accident or becoming aggressive in the future.

She lets out a yowl and barrels towards where Smokethroat had disappeared, knowing the tom was pregnant that he might need protecting from her very capable self. She burst through the reeds, finding the dog but not Smokethroat, like she had planned. Littlepaw glared at it, getting down into a defensive position.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
Yowls filled the air. The sounds were slightly faint from her distance but enough to make her pause her expedition and swivel her head around to the source of the sound. The scents on her way she couldn't quite pick up just yet but she sprinted to the source otherwise. The she-cat was battle ready despite all the turn-downs she experienced. Claws unsheathed, body stiff to take any unexpected ambushes.

Petalnose made her way to the scene.

A dog. A dumb-looking creature with beady eyes and floppy ears in addition to a stick for a tail. Then there was Littlepaw crouched in a defensive posture. Smokethroat was running away from it. If she could feel fear, this was the best moment to feel it. Her clanmates were in danger and if she fought this creature she could lose her life or get badly injured. There was a vow she took for this clan, one she took with ease and lived by. She would fling herself into this situation and at least try to scare it off.

Her fur fluffed up to make herself look bigger as she tried to jump in front of it in hopes of distraction, teeth bared in a threatening snarl with harsh hiss and spits in its direction. Normally she would just fling into battle, but it was worth a try to attempt a less invasive way first as a lead. If all was unsuccessful, she would try to swing a heavy claw in its direction. "Fight me, I dare you!" she spat.

Petalnose only wished she would distract it from her more vulnerable clanmates. Smokethroat was expecting kits, soon they would be known to this world. She understood his flight from the creature, although, she had to admit to herself it felt odd knowing he wasn't able to help fight the nasty beast alongside her. It was odd seeing him more vulnerable. It made the thought of pregnancy send shivers down her spine. If her and Aspenhaze were capable, she wasn't sure how well she would accept the state if she had to experience it. She was a soldier to her clan, a clanmate to depend on in situations as such. Petalnose wondered how long Smokethroat would go without getting overly antsy. The patience he had was admirable to her.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The deputies shout cracks through the air, sending Lakemoon to a sudden halt.
The deputy is nowhere to be seen, hidden somewhere within the reeds, but the barking puts an easy target on the canines back.
Lakemoon is on the heels of Petalnose, rushing into the reeds with urgency in her bounds.
Littlepaw is there, crouched.
Petalnose springs and Lakemoons head turns to assess their surroundings.
The dog in question was a doughy thing, clumsily flailing about. A hefty paw thuds against the soil and sends vibrations up the silver warriors spine.
Where Petalnose held its attention in the front, Lakemoon would spring for its heels, teeth bared in a snarl. if given the opportunity, Lakemoon would attempt to snap at its hind legs, grazing two front teeth from one spot to another in an aggressive attempt to encourage it towards Petalnose, away from camp.
If they could get the beast out of the reeds and back towards the water, they’d have a better chance of sending it running back to the things two-leg.
"Littlepaw, by me!" The warrior finally calls, whipping her head around for a heartbeat to look at the apprentice. With two at its heels and Petalnose in the front, that should put the pup in enough hurry, and it was only more experience for the apprentice whilst helping chase the danger away.


stalkingpaw & 09 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

Stalkingpaw is not proud of it, but the girl freezes - eyes wide in shock. Their camp is supposed to be safe after all, a place of rest and relaxation. Whickers quiver and fur bristles, tail turning bottlebrush in her bewilderment. This is her first fight - her first battle. No amount of training can prepare her for the reality she faces, but she swallows stiffy anyways, graceful figure darting forwards and into the fray. Smokethroat has vanished from sight, leaving the apprentice worried for the deputy, but really there's no time to think such thoughts - she's surging forwards beside petalnose, taking advantage of her long legs to swat it on the snout, hoping to draw blood from its muzzle but still avoid getting bit. She can only hope she's making the right choice.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @rosewater optional mentor ping
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

A shrill cry cracks like lightning overhead, followed by a flash of shadow that she barely is able to catch. The voice is undoubtedly that of Smokethroat, but his usualy gravelled tone is cutthroat like shards of stone that pierce her ears as he makes a mad dash. DOG! He shouts and calamity strikes in the camp, everyone is on the feet to meet the threat head on with gnashing teeth and extended claw. She moves the opposite way of her superior, following head on into the face of danger rather than run. She knows this is a hurt to the tom's pride, and she does not question the why. Smokethroat had more than just his own life to care for—and that alone makes her ire more palpable. Her usual stoicism is contorted into an expression of rage, blackened lips reeled back with glistening teeth bared into a murderous snarl.
Cindershade hones in on the drooling beast, flopping and child-like, but she can smell the fear that permeates the air as claw met it's face and flank. Whines filter through her ears and she does not yield, she drives forth with the determination to send this behemoth back to whatever depths of hell that it reigned from. Some idiot hound from the camp grounds, she knows this. It was the only way, but they'd all make sure it would never come this way again. The hulking feline launches herself in a powerful stride, slamming hard into it's back as curved talons anchor themselves into soft flesh and loose skin. An event to drive it back, further and further to Petalnose's direction. She moves quickly, barely brushing by Lakemoon in order not to collide with the lilac warrior. She then turns, aiming to collide glinting teeth into it's other hind leg and bite hard to send it squealing.