Feb 26, 2024
Thunderclan is boring. Is what Deerpaw thinks to himself as he kneads his dark paws on top of the earth below him. His tail twitches from its spot prone behind him as he curls inward into himself. Shoulders grazing his large mismatched ears. He flinches, as he feels a gaze staring at his turned back away from the… normal Thunderclanners bustling around. He shudders with a grimace on his face.

An ear flicks as he hears pawsteps come forward… towards him What? He turns his head over his shoulder, ready to shoo off the random clanmate who bothered him in his… moping? Yeah, Moping in the corner. Oh, Fadingk- Fadingpaw. His friend? Err… Right. She DID turned into an apprentice recently. Hazel eyes squint at the flame point apprentice, before stuttering out a greeting. "H-hello, F- Fadingpaw." With a brief nod of his head. Fadingpaw was a tolerating presence for him to handle, she wasn't too… noisy like their other denmates. He hasn't spoken to the flame point tabby in… quite a while. The scrawny tom opens his maw to speak once more. "Uhm… It's b-been a wuh-while erm– Would y-you l-like to p-play a uhh game?" Dragging his words out, like they were heavy. He felt an eye twitch at his awful stuttering, it was hard to speak. It was an awful problem. He blinked slowly as he stared at his friend, waiting for an answer.

Deerpaw was a strange, nervous mess of a creature with even more stranger hobbies in his free time. He wonders if Fadingpaw would like the game he was going to suggest. "We could h-hunt for… b-bones and teeth?" Hunting for new bones and teeth is a terrific pastime. He likes bones. He also likes teeth. After cleaning the bones of course. What's not to love? Bones were quiet and not noisy like his denmates. He could stare at the different sizes of prey skulls and bones all day long if he could. Mayhap, he could decorate them with plants…? He should build up a collection one of these days… Later. Shaking his head free from bone thoughts, he focuses back on Fadingpaw for an answer. Still curled into himself, sweeping his tail along the ground.

  • ooc. tagging @Fadingpaw ! no need to wait. open for anyone that's in camp! this is a silly thread of bone and teeth hunting, you gotta roll a d20 to find the bone/tooth you're hunting down!
    1-3 = nothing! 4-6 = mouse bone, 7-8 = vole bone, 9-11 = squirrel bone, 12-16 shrew bone, 17-19 = any type of thunderclan based bird bone of your choosing! 20 = rabbit bone + extra tooth
  • no ref yet
  • ( i can't handle it… ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Deerpaw and Adderpaw were a lot alike — both enjoying the peace and quiet that can sometimes be offered in such a boisterous place as ThunderClan; slinking in the corners of camp to get a read off of their clanmates ( and to not be . . . perceived by clanmates ). However, such noise was inevitable now with the whiners who now swirled through their ranks wallowing about kittypets and how little they've done for the clan. It confused the tabby — the bunch were complaining much more about others' soiled lineage than focusing on providing for the clan. So, weren't they just as useless, if not less? The kittypets had decided to join on their own, give up everything they had to be here. What had warriors like Redflower and Ravenstrike sacrificed to stand in their spot today? Not much of anything, really.

Shaking his head to rid the thoughts bouncing around in his mind, the long — furred boy took a quick look over Deerpaw and Fadingpaw's way with a thump of his tail. A game, huh? He wasn't usually one for games ( he had yelled at Squirrelkit — well, Squirrelpaw now — that apprentices ' don't play games, ' but some things could be exaggerated ), but this one sounded interesting. In a way, it disgusted him too, sure. The idea of bones and teeth grabbed from decaying maws or ribs made the bile already sting at his throat. But what if he found a skull of a red — tailed hawk, a few wing bones of a small tufted titmouse? It drew him closer to the two, lashing his fluffy tail as he raised his head high. "'M gonna join in." Adderpaw forgot about the formality of asking to join into something he wasn't invited to, and felt as though with his age he should be allowed to join anything the apprentices were planning.

A D D E R P A W ( he/him )​

Twilightkit had very little interest in collecting things. She had enough siblings to create a patrol with, and thus their nest was often too full to stuff with unnecessary trinkets and toys. And she's sure that even after this little event, she will have little care for whatever she ends up scrounging together. It's the finding part that interests the silver kitten. Hunting for bones doesn't make any sense, but Twilightkit figures that that is one of those things that aren't supposed to make sense at face value. And thus, she doesn't dwell.

"I want to -" and yet, discerning the activity troubles her. She screws up her nose, "hunt for bones... too." Oddly enough it feels wrong, but she again tries not to dwell. Details do not matter. "Where should I look?" she asks, brushing her thoughts away. In the freshkill pile would be too easy, she thinks, but she waits for the apprentices to give her a general idea.​

There was little interest for collecting things in Houndpaws eyes, why exert yourself on a potentially pointless search for something that’s just going to collect dust? They find that they would metaphorically roll their eyes at the concept. Yet she still gravitates towards the the idea of it despite her disinterest, over hearing Deerpaw ask Fadingpaw to play a game with him that involved hunting for bones and teeth. It was kind of macabre, that’s what catches her attention more so than just looking for feathers or something lame like that. With a pointed flick of her tail she pushes herself up from where she had been lounging to make her presence known. “This is a game for everyone, right?” Her tone books no argument, instead of just asking to join in she follows Adderpaw’s approach of just joining in anyways. If he wasn’t going to be turned away then she used that opening to squeeze themself in.

Perching towards the outskirts of the group she tries to think where it may be the best to find a bone or two, maybe even some teeth as well if she could be so lucky. She didn’t really have a need for it, the bones or teeth would probably be gifted to someone else but for once they just wanted to be involved in it. The squeakier tone of Twilightkit causes her gaze to shift to her, also asking the question that they had been thinking. “The fresh-kill pile would be a good place to start” sometimes the most obvious spot was the best, especially since she doubted that she had much experience looking for things just yet.

“If we can’t manage to pry any out from there then you’re welcome to follow me to look for bones in more obscure places” She imagines that it would probably be equally best to look near the camp's entrance, for prey that didn’t make it to the pile. Maybe near the elders' den? No doubt one of the grouchier ones just toss them aside when eating, if they’re lucky it wouldn’t have been picked clean by apprentices sent out on chores.