IN THE DARK — facing fears...?

Nov 17, 2022
Sand is a familiar texture against his pawpads. A little further and the river laps at his toes. It sends a shock up his spine, but now it only takes a moment for him to calm and move deeper. The water rises to his ankles and he can stop there still for comfort. From here he could wade, scoop out a fish if one comes close enough. It is the bare minimum for his status as a RiverClan cat.

Further away from the fishing patrol, now recovered enough from his migraine to go out, Ravenpaw could listen to his own thoughts. The water lapped at his heels again. It was deceptively playful, beckoning him further. I know what you did. He reminded it. Only moons ago the river that gave them life swallowed their camp whole, forcing them away. If the river was a creature, it would be the most cruel beast he had ever met.

The thought turns in his head and Ravenpaw lashes his tail. Of course... if he thought of it as a beast, it would be so much easier to face his fear. It was something to be conquered. No longer would the stream and current be bottomless abysses that frightened him every time he placed his paws deeper.

"Yes." Ravenpaw mumbled in concentration, pushing further into the shallows. No longer would he let it torment him. The water lapped at his belly and he winced. A beast, not an abyss. A beast—a foe he could fight with claw and fang. It was not foreign to him. He closed his eyes and imagined a cat whose pelt was entirely made of water, empty dark eye sockets glaring down at him.

A beast

Ravenpaw gasped, eyes flying open. The image shattered and melted into the dark hole he was so afraid of. Feeling it grasp and choke at his throat, Ravenpaw broke away and scrambled back to the bank, panting. The relief that he was still alive washed over him but all too soon that dread settled in. Never not a drypaw.

stalkingpaw | 05 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Stalkingpaw has never feared the river. Though it moves and breathes like a living being, it's always been a part of her life - in fact, the crashing tide one of the very first things her tiny kitten ears heard when they opened. A constant lull in the background, a comforting lullaby. But what gives life can take it, and they'd already had to move their home once due to the floodwaters. She knows now it is not always safe, that even the most experienced swimmer could get dragged down by a strong tide, but still she finds it just a beautiful.

When she sees ravenpaw, it doesn't immediately click in her mind that he is scared - that the river might be something to be afraid of. Only thinks that he looks quit silly standing there, only to scramble away from... absolutely nothing. Green gaze simply watches carefully, her head turned to the side and ears drawn back questioningly, before she simply shrugs it off, weaving her way over. "You okay there?" the worry clear to read upon her face, there is not the slightest hint of judgment, only confusion.

"Did a fish nibble your toes? I had that happen once, scared the daylights out of me!" she continues on, rambling a bit as her mind wonders over the possibilities. Maybe he'd stepped on something sharp? But no- he'd been standing still, not moving. Hm. Whatever it is, she hopes its nothing bad.


Though the river had stolen from Fernpaw, he had long forgiven it. A collection stolen, it was... almost enough to make him swear never to encroach waters again, but despite all his willpower he never truly would have managed it. The river was one of the only aspects of his apprenticeship that had ever been kind to him. He'd taken to the waters as easy as taking breath, and since that moment it had been the one place he fled to whenever he needed to feel good about himself. Whenever he needed to be reminded that there was things he really was good at.

Ravenpaw, his... his friend, he'd never been taken with the waters. The jabs sent toward him- drypaw, well... they were not incorrect, though unkind in their intention. His mind hearkened back to that patrol, Ravenpaw's gathered reeds drifting down the river- the one time Fernpaw had actually passed wisdom over to another. Seeing the ebony tom slick with river-water, bowed and panting... it was a familiar image.

"Ravenpaw?" he hummed, inquisitive and concerned as he sidled up to Stalkingpaw's side. "Did you fall in? Are you alright?" Stalkingpaw had already asked that latter question, but... the repetition was forgotten in Fernpaw's worry.
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Like most RiverClanners, Cindershade attached to water like a moth drawn to an open flame. Though she was not born here, residing within the marsh group when she was no older than the trio of apprentices that stood before her, she had always had a confidence within the waters. It took no time for her to develop her skills within their murky depths, her wide shoulders and paws proved an advantage as she trained against then algae covered stones within the rivers wake. She became no more than a phantom, learning quickly how to tread and to dive, and also how to fight the rippling currents. Though not everyone took it so quickly as she did.
Ravenpaw backs out of the shoreline abruptly, fear evident within his dark festures and laborious breaths. Stalkingpaw and Fernpaw were quick to intervene and ask the latter what was wrong, but Cindershade would walk along the pebbles to the waters edge with her own apprentice in tow; dipping her own paws within its wake until it brushed up her own belly. She had taught a couple of lessons to Sablepaw already, and she was learning quickly. The molly showed promise for sure. Stalkingpaw had asked if a fish nibbled at her toes and thr molly's usually stony expression cracked as a mischievous smile splits her maw. "It's always quite the surprise." The lead warrior comments, swishing her tail along the water's surface and sending crystalline droplets array. It was no secret that Ravenpaw held a deep fear of the water, him amongst a few others, and were always reminded of it in a negative way. Cindershade herself had never said anything in particular, not understanding why it was anyone else's business personally. Not everyone acclimated to water and that was fine. Prey would still be caught between the drypaws, borders were still patrolled all the same. Some were content on never getting their paws wet, but she held a silent respect for those who wanted to push past their fear and overcome it and see the river what it really was. It certainly was a living creature, breathing life into the land that surrounded it and providing a home for the aquatic creatures who resided. But, it also had a vengeance—it easily could flood and sweep away the reeds and sedge without mercy, it also could catch any inexperienced cat into it's grip and cast then away farther downstream if it wanted. One had to be careful.
Her gaze locks onto Ravenpaw, then moving to Fernpaw. "If you want to overcome your fear, Ravenpaw, sometimes having support can push you further. The river is not something to splash around like a blundering buffoon—you must be careful. Why don't you try to come to me and Sablepaw, hm? I'm sure Fernpaw and Stalkingpaw wouldn't mind keeping to your sides to support your footing. You have plenty of paws here to catch you."

//apprentice tag @Sablepaw rehehe

———————————Warrior | she/her | 24 moons——————————
Burningfern was watching from a tail-lengths of distance as Ravenpaw tried in apparent vain to conquer his fear of the water. Pity filled her chest for the apprentice, to not know the joys of swimming, to feel the strength the swift waters bestowed upon one's legs from use. It was a sad thing indeed.

The calico remained silent as their clanmates approached, offering words of comfort and Cindershade even offered to teach Ravenpaw, attempting to coax him out into the water once more now that he had support on his side. Burningfern watched with curiosity, hoping that the young tom would accept the concern and effort positively, and not as some deluded sign that he was weak. She had met plenty of cats who would react negatively to this kind of comfort.

And so she sat, behind the growing group but still close, ready to step in if Ravenpaw looked as if he was going to reject Cindershades' offer. Perhaps she could say she had been looking for him to join a land hunting patrol if he needed a way out. His paws had gone into the water, and to the warrior that was progress enough for the day.

[penned by zaeya].
In every situation you give me peace
Dark paws follow closely behind her mentor's, pausing abruptly along the pebble laden bank as Cindershade slipped into the cool waters. Periwinkle eyes trail carefully along the river's surface, warily searching for the shadows of large fish that could potentially be nearby. The bass that'd attacked her instilled a fear she still could not quite shake. That there was always something lurking beneath the depths. Although not entirely convinced she was safe from harm, she is pulled from her task of looking when overhearing Cindershade mention her name. "Excuse me..." Sablepaw half whispers in the direction of Burningfern as she steps paws the idle molly. She performs one more tentative check before stepping into the water herself. The coolness of it makes her breath hitch as she wades deeper. Taking a moment to let her body adjust to the lower temperature she treads a single tight circle before swimming to Cindershade's side.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
"Ah! No!" Ravenpaw stuttered quickly, shaking himself weakly from the water clinging to his thick fur. A technique learned by Fernpaw, whose voice he soon heard too. Underneath his fur, his skin burned in embarrassment. How many other cats had seen him. "I would have caught the fish if so." He mumbled, digging his paws into the pebbles and sand underneath his toes.

"I did not fall in—I tried to swim, but I couldn't." He admitted quietly so that only the ginger apprentice could hear. He could not risk the angry stares thrown his way if any of the other cats caught on to that admission. He shook out his pelt again and tried to drag himself further, but found himself quickly in Cindershade's way as she moved back into the river. He watched the lead warrior and her apprentice warily. Burningfern's presence behind him was acknowledge by a flick of the ear. He glanced at Stalkingpaw and Fernpaw. Taking a deep breath, he nodded and began to wade back into the water, keeping that same image of a water-pelted cat in his mind as he wobbled over to Cindershade. But again he stopped right when the water reached his chest. He could not lift his paws off the ground.


I tried to swim, but I couldn't. An admittance uttered in a low voice- for his ears only, it seemed. Silently, Fernpaw nodded, catching onto the fact that Ravenpaw didn't particularly want that fact repeated. And to see his vigorous fur-shaking method repeated- that was enough for the ginger tom to know that Ravenpaw really was trying, despite the disapproving glances that were often cast the shadowy tom's way.

Cindershade gave her encouragement- her cadence brought back memories for Fernpaw, one particular recollection of how he had failed to catch a fish playing on his mind. Still, Ravenpaw seemed determined as he followed the other cats into the depths. Fernpaw observed as he did so, encroaching the waters- but the ebony tom soon stopped, froze in place. Like roots had burst from his paws and anchored him there- and immediately the ginger apprentice joined him, sailed through the water arrow-quick and pressed up against his side.

In a low tone, he murmured only to his friend. "I've got you. But we can get out, if you want." Together, they'd be able to find something else to do. Ravenpaw didn't have to push himself any further than he could go.
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