private in the darkness of my room [ peri ]


Periwinklepaw spends a lot of time in the medicine den, Sunflowerpaw has noticed, even moreso now that he's been barred from leaving camp. They don't really get it, but perhaps that is merely the tunnel-vision of being stuck here for who knows how long. They certainly liked the medicine den well enough before their injury. But perhaps it's something about Periwinklepaw himself; the older apprentice remains a bit of an enigma to them, despite everything. They don't... dislike him, they just don't quite understand him. Truthfully, they want to know him better. They're curious about him. That's how things began with Vulturemask, too, when they were still a tiny thing who followed him around on wobbly legs.

Vulturemask is out of the den, right now. They're... glad, almost, reluctant as they are to admit it. They still love their brother, of course, but the reveal that he is their brother, by blood, has shaken them a bit. But, pushing aside their own feelings on the matter, at least it gives them an explanation for why cares about them so much. It's revived their curiosity about Periwinklepaw: what's his reason, for spending so much time with Vulturemask and their siblings? Vulturemask is not an easy cat to befriend, they know, not popular by any means. They consider, briefly, a worrying possibility: perhaps they have two secret big brothers. The dark of Periwinklepaw's pointed fur does look a bit similar to their brother's... But no, that can't be right, Periwinklepaw's mother isn't Rain, it's... the murderer. The one who killed Junperfrost. They know that, it's hard not to have heard it. Maybe they should be more cautious about him, they think, but they can't really bring themself to. He's never given them any reason to fear him.

They've been staring at him for quite some time, Sunflowerpaw realizes, ever since he came in. If he spoke at all, they certainly missed it, far too lost in their own wandering thoughts. They blink, snapping out of their reverie, give a small chrrp of belated hello -- or acknowledgement, perhaps -- not averting their wide-eyed gaze.


  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
periwinklepaw | 08 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The medicine den has always been a safe place - aa place of healing and not fighting. Even tainted as it is by memories of dandelions imprisonment, Peri still cannot think of a better place to call home. Vulturemask and his relationship is a strange one - forced cohabitation and loneliness had turned into something more when he'd been apprenticed, when Vulturemask had stepped in and saved his life. He supposes there are always moments in life that one cannot come out of the same. Shared grief, shared life.

And now a shared purpose. Peri has very little family left within windclan - one mother lost, the other exiled. Two siblings dead, and one to busy to give him the time of day anymore. And so he admits, when Vulture had brought back three tiny bundles of fur that day, he might've decided to start a new family - one not of blood but of bond. He's always loved children, so much happier and freer than himself, tiny beings in need of protecting in this harsh, harsh world. And all three of them were beyond lovable in their own ways. Perhaps it is selfish of him, but he wants to be a part of that.

When the boy notices sunflowerpaws attention, it is after thinking such heavy thoughts of his own - of the truth of that night, of the real reason for his actions in risking punishment. An unhappy ending to what should've been his fairy-tale and has becoem a nightmare. Theres nothing that can be done now except to put on a smile, and to try harder. I'm windclan more than most is all he can tell himself, a vauge echo of words shared that day.

"H-hello," he says softly, head tipping to the side as he turns his full focus onto them. "y-you must b-be bored, r-right? b-being stu-ck in here," he says fondly, remembering his own boredom when he was younger.



Periwinklepaw had been lost in thought as well, it seems. They can't help but wonder what he could have been thinking about; truly, they don't know the older apprentice all that well. They think they might want to, though. His words carry with them a soft fondness -- always so kind to them, even if they don't understand why -- and despite their wariness, a part of them does find comfort in it.

He asks if they're bored and oh, are they ever. It'd be one thing if they were like Tigerfrost, their brief companion in injury, still able to leave and participate in clan life, though not to the same extent as usual. But the injury is to their paw, and they can do little but hobble a few steps outside the medicine den before Vulturemask is fussing over them about not worsening it. This is simply unacceptable. Sunflowerpaw is a wild thing, an adventurer at heart, a cat not easily (or willingly) constrained. They have grown so deeply restless, in their time here, always wanting for something to break up the monotony of recovery. But they still listen to Vulturemask, still remain in their nest, because the alternative -- never being able to run again, never being made a warrior -- is a far worse fate in Sunflowerpaw's mind. They can learn patience, if they must.

But that doesn't mean they have to like it. In response to Periwinklepaw's question, the apprentice gives a deep sigh that carries with it all the agonies of confinement. They give a small nod, as if their sigh was not answer enough, and rest their head upon their good paw, a perfect picture of woe but for their unchanged expression.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
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