in the dead of night ~ trespassing kittypet




White paws tingled with excitement as she crept through the forest. She hadn't felt this bold since she was a mere kitten. The wind ruffled her pelt, just like a real wild cat. Her mother would be so proud if she saw her now! In her kit hood, her mother had raised her and her siblings in the wild, in a forest just like this one. Though, she had been taken in by twolegs when she was about four months old, and truthfully she liked this life much better. Her bowl was always full, she got to sun herself in the window all day, and she had many plushy beds scattered throughout her house.

Her twolegs didn't let her outside much, probably to keep her silky soft coat clean and free of the yucky sticks and leaves that littered the ground. She had been wanting to explore for a long time now, and pretend to be a wild cat. Boy, her friends next door would be so jealous tomorrow when she came back with stories of her exploration. Maybe she could kill something to bring back. Wouldn't Nemo just freak out if she came back with a mouse. Her nose even wrinkled at the thought of eating something with hair again. She much preferred her crunchy kibble with wet food mixed in.

A red tabby crashed through the undergrowth, stomping around like an elephant, undoubtedly scaring away any prey within the area. "Nala the wild cat" she would boast, puffing her chest out proudly. She lifted a paw, noting the flecks of dirt and mud that now stained it. "Look at me, I'm even covered in dirt and grit."

please refrain from chasing her off until I post with Flamewhisker!
but feel free to respond before I bring Flame in (:

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had been out hunting on a patrol, having bentured a bit further than the others in an attempt to keep away her embarrassment in case she had failed at a hunt. This time everything had been going well, her hunting crouch was almost perfect and she had been so focused that she didn't realize someone had tresspassed until the squirrel she was focusing on had ran off and she heard a voice which startled her slightly to pop out a soft 'squeak' before she made her way over.

At first she was not sure to confront the other but decided after a few tiks to slip out of the underbush, ears pinnes while a nervous look danced in her gaze. "Y-you're tresspassing o-on Thunderclan's territory" she said nervously, hoping the rest would come soon, her gaze darting for a close by place in case she needed to run and hide away. This...stranger was so loud thar she could not blame them for scattering off. "Y-you scared a-away all the prey" she gently place in, definitely not a real wild cat, especially since the other's coat was more notably clean and smoother, they also were much more chubby and well-fed compared to the others.
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Shallowpaw was not far behind Mothpaw not having followed her or anything. He actually had been tracking the same squirrel that Mothpaw had been trying to catch and in his wait had been hoping for her to fail so he could make a move and snatch the squirrel right underneath her nose. The more prey he manged to capture the more promising he would look in front of the cats who keept on looking down on him. In one or another way he would prove that he also had what it took even if it meant he had to use rogue technique to do so. He had been trying to do it the right way but it wasn't enough. He was starting to get desperate.

Unfortunately the squirrel had ended up getting away in the end and Shallowpaw hadn't chased after it having smelt the intruder in time.

He stopt beside the other apprentice his indifferent orbs staring at the kittypet who had intruded on their territory. This molly looked to be the type who loved attention and eyes on her, but she didn't look all that dangerous. Looks could decive though. He knew that. "Answer her." he would speak up to say, his eyes turning a bit guarded as he expected this kittypet to answer to Mothpaw's question. The sooner she did the better. Might give them enough time for the rest of the patrol to catch up with them.

// mentor tag @Sunfreckle but dont feel pressured to reply though <33


A rustle in the undergrowth nearby caused her to tilt her head curiously. Was it a mouse? Eyes glittering excitedly, she would jump up and attempt to put herself into a very clumsy, lopsided hunter's crouch. Her tail lashed wildly behind her, making everything that could possibly make noise, make noise. However, instead of a mouse, out came a small she-cat.

Her eyes widened at how underweight she seemed. "Oh dear, does your two leg not feed you enough?" she would ask, lifting her paw to cover her mouth in shock. "I can bring you back to mine, I'm sure they would love a kitten like you." The offer was genuine, as she leaned forward in an attempt to sniff the smaller molly. "Who is Thunderclan? What a strange name they have." What mother would name their kit Thunderclan...and she thought her name was strange.

Another cat emerged from the undergrowth, a young tom. He smelled a lot like the little molly, perhaps they were siblings. Poor things, did their twolegs toss them out?

"My name is Nala, what is your name? Do you live around here? I'm sorry about your prey. I can find you more, I'm a super good hunter! I hunt bugs all the time in my garden!"

the hunting patrol was derailed by yet another disturbance in the forest. two apprentice's had trailed off following a scent, but they did not return. nightbird stalks off in their direction, it wasn't long until their conversation reached her ears. an unknown voice made her jaw clench. she moved more swiftly now, following their scent and breaking through the brush forcefully. her gaze was not kind as it landed on the kittypet.

the warrior moved in front of mothpaw and shallowpaw, silver gaze a deadly warning. her tail swished and ears flattened as the orange molly offered to bring back thunderclan's young to her twolegs. "you will not," she stated claws flexing into the softened dirt below. she was tired of every cat around treating thunderclan's territory as if it were unclaimed, and it showed in her low tone and defensive posture. "thunderclan is our home, the one you are currently trespassing onto. you will leave, nala," the kittypet's name was spit out as a mockery, teeth flashing with it's departure. "go back to hunting your bugs." her patience had run thin, they did not have time for this. not when their food was still so sparsely caught. and while she made no offensive moves towards the intruder, it was clear that was the next step if she chose to remain.
[ ☾✩ ]

Her nose flared at the unfamiliar Clan scent, ears pricked forward as she hesitantly pushed forward. She was not alone, and she looked back to see if Owlear was behind her. Sometimes she fancied that she walked so much faster than the older warrior. She sat down and waited for him, however, finding comfort by his large figure as they made sense of the strange cat in front of them.

"You talk very strange." Stormpaw meowed, too young to truly feel hostile or defensive. This red tabby she-cat sounded like a kit with how she spoke! Stormpaw lifted her head proudly, she herself was no kit anymore.

totally forgot the tag lol @OWLEAR

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She hadn't been assigned to the hunting patrol that had found Nala, but she had been hunting in the area with her two apprentices. The bird that she had been stalking suddenly took flight, and Flamewhisker grumbled with irritation. Instinctively, she looked around, wondering what had caused the bird to fly away. Something had alarmed it, and she needed to make sure it wasn't a predator. She would quietly motion with her tail to try and grab Jaypaw and Cloudypaw's attention...if they were about to fight something, she needed their full attention.

Her ears would rotate, trying to pick apart the different sounds of the forest. She finally heard voices nearby, so she would start there. The lead warrior lifted her chin, and motioned it towards the noises, as if to say 'follow me'. She would glance over her shoulder to make sure they were following, then pick up her pace.

The closer she got to the source of the sound, the more on alert she became. She smelled her clanmates, but she also smelled someone else...and intruder. Once she arrived on the scene, the red tabby would crash through the undergrowth, shoving her ears forward and lashing her tail warningly. Another red tabby...judging by her soft, clean fur, this was undoubtedly a kitty pet.

She spotted Stormpaw among the group, and she would move closer to her, not wanting to give this other Molly an opportunity to potentially attack her daughter. A threatening growl rumbled deeply within her throat, but it was abruptly cut off when the kitty pet spoke her name.


Flamewhisker's eyes would widen quite noticeably. My sister.. Her mouth felt dry, and she was at a loss of words. The sister she hadn't seen since she was a kitten...was standing right here in front of her. What do I say? She knew her siblings had been taken by twolegs, but she never expected to see her again. "Nala...It's me...your sister...and this is your niece, Stormpaw."

The words felt foreign on her tongue. She had only ever talked about her mother, not her siblings. She would press against Stormpaw's side, and then take a step forward towards the kitty pet. The moment of softness was gone, and her gaze hardened once more. "You've been asked to leave several times, you need to leave. This is your last warning. If we have to speak again, you will be chased out. Go home, back to your soft kitty pet life. You do not belong out here." Her lip lifted slightly, exposing her teeth to enforce her words. She didn't want to hurt her sister, but this cat was not the same cat she was kits with. This was an overfed, lazy, spoiled pet.

you may chase off now :)