in the dead of the night—intro


oh, be something you love and understand
Feb 3, 2024

Nights during Leafbare are horrendously cold, and it's only exacerbated by the frigid winds that sweep through the forest in the middle of the season. The pines may stifle some of it, thankfully, shielding ThunderClan from the worst that nature brings, but the air is still brisk at its most mild. On nights like these, it's certainly best to keep to the dens, where the bodies of other cats laying around will offer some much-needed warmth and comfort until the sun comes up. Still, the wind may occasionally manage to force its way through the den's entrance and manage to get its claws on a few cats, especially on very cold nights, making it quite difficult to sleep.

So after being disturbed enough times, Copperfang had decided to go sit outside the warrior's den, eyes fixated on Silverpelt above with his tail curled around his paws, trying to keep them at least a little warm. Despite not being able to sleep due to it, the ruddy-furred tom doesn't seem all that disturbed by the weather, or at least he doesn't show it. He's perfectly content sitting in silence, but he's still thankful to not be entirely alone. So as to ensure he wouldn't wake anyone in the warrior's den behind him, he speaks softly, "The stars seem more visible during Leafbare, do they not? There is at least one good thing that comes out of this cold."

  • OOC.
  • COPPERFANG he/him, warrior of thunderclan, 40 moons
    a tall, lithe tom with copper-colored ticked fur and amber eyes. generally compassionate and friendly, though this can be to a fault.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    speech, thoughts, actions
    penned by @harmoniapm for discord.

Even though sleep tended to come easy to Hickoryskip no matter what season, the cold sometimes did interrupt that. Luckily not tonight, as it was getting warmer ever so slowly, but she still felt restless enough to be awake when she normally wouldn’t be. Maybe it was thoughts of WindClan after their soon-to-be new leader showed up and told of what happened between him and Sootstar, and to keep watch for all those who fled. What’s in store for the future of all the clans? Only StarClan knows. Though, maybe they don’t have any idea, either.

When she takes a moment to leave from the den, she isn’t too surprised to see another face gazing at Silverpelt. Even if he is not someone she communes with often, the comment Copperfang makes is one she agrees with, and she nods readily. “To be sure. I wonder how StarClan is doing right now? Confused, I bet…” But hopefully not bad, Hickoryskip muses. The stars never falter, after all.​
It wasn't an abnormal sight to see Flamewhisker awake at night. Tonight was a rather frigid evening, the cold claws of leaf bare raking against the dens. She had slipped from the den a little while before Copperfang and Hickoryskip, hoping the bitter winds would rid the remnants of the nightmare that had awoken her.

Green orbs turn to the two warriors who sat outside the Warrior's den. I hope I didn't wake them. She watches them for a few moments, before quietly padding over to join them. 'The stars seem more visible during Leafbare, do they not?' At his question, she finds herself lifting her gaze to the Silverpelt. She nods once, before turning to Hickoryskip as she spoke. "I'm sure they are all enjoying being reunited with Berryheart right now." her words were quiet, careful to not disturb anyone who was still sleeping in the den behind them.

"You should have seen them in the mountain.." Her words trailed off as she was brought back to the towering mounds in the earth. "The stars. It felt like if you reached upwards, you could touch them. After being so close to them for so was strange to come back home."
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

leafhusk usually sleeps through the cold nights. her thick, long fur is able to keep her warm throughout. however, tonight, she found herself tossing and turning. there wasn’t anything particular on her mind she just simply couldn’t sleep, her gaze rested on the den’s wall for a few hours before she finally got up and tip-toed out. she had briefly passed copperfang on her way to make dirt, and was surprised to notice more people mingling about.

she had picked up the last part of flamewhisker’s voice. keeping her pawsteps light, she regards the group with a nod. “looks like it’s a horrible night for sleeping.” she mews quietly, “but we have the stars to keep us company, i suppose. i can’t imagine being so close to them…. sounds intimidating. it's always astounding how many there are.” her views on silverpelt were mixed, but she still respected the force that lived above them.​

Considering everything that had happened recently, he understood the sentiment that Hickoryskip had mentioned. He nodded thoughtfully, momentarily turning his gaze skyward once more before returning his attention to the cats around him, feeling a bit warmer while making conversation on a night so cold. His voice was already quiet, but it softens further as he speaks in response to Flamewhisker mentioning Berryheart, "I'm sure they are."

He'd never been to the mountains, nor did he really know what they were like, but he could easily imagine it after spending so much time with his head turned upward to Silverpelt to begin with; standing somewhere high enough that the stars seemed within reach, a tail-length away, instead of where they appeared from the ground, impossibly far and impossibly small, even though the sky dwarfed all of them. The tom's eyes land on Leafhusk as she exits the den, temporarily bowing his head in acknowledgement. "It must've been incredible to see them so closely.. I can certainly understand how it would be hard to readjust to the distance again. It is true, though, at least, that they are consistent company, regardless of how well we can see them."