in the den of lions ✤ playtime

Nov 22, 2022

Boring-boring-boring, she hadn't gotten to go on patrol so she was stuck waiting in camp until time to head out. Poppypaw hated it, she hated every moment of having to be here and longed for the day she could come and go as she so pleased without needing a warrior with her. She could be a good apprentice and clean while she waited, nests always needed to be redone and someone needed to fetch moss at some point for the nursery queens and elders, but she didn't want to do any of that trivial nonsense.

Poppypaw does not expect to be accosted by kittens as she goes to find a place to sit and await her mentor, but she is and she isn't sure how to handle it. Smogmaw, the world's worst deputy and Halfshade had kits and now they were standing before her in a little row staring her down and for once the red and white apprentice has nothing sassy to say in reply. Kittens were stupid, its not like her insults to them would even register, but there was an odd predatory stare in the several different colored eyes sizing her up that made her fur prickle with unease. Poppypaw lifts her head past them, looking for Frostbite's white pelt in the distance to signal to him to come and save her but in moving her gaze from the kittens she gives them an opening.

Kit tag, please let at least one of them post first:
@valeriankit & @swankit & @Garlickit & @APPLEKIT
She didn't trust Poppypaw. And she never should, she doesn't think. Applekit has heard of more headaches by her than she could've possibly experienced so far, but it's enough to make her weary. Wasn't Poppypaw supposed to be screaming? Because she wasn't right now. Applekit scrutinizes her, even if she's bigger than they all were right now. She is not sure what to do, but something had to be done. " We don't like you, " she informs the apprentice, and she looks to her littermates as if seeking confirmation on this fact. She can't quite decipher the words ringing in her ears, but it is an ominous, dull ring, telling her how she should deal with annoyances like this.

She stares up at Poppypaw quietly, studying the red and white apprentice. She thought Poppypaw was smart, she always seemed to know what to say and as a fellow loud and obnoxious feline, she aspires to be just as smart.

But today, she has joined her siblings in staring her down. Applekit says they don't like her.

"We don't????" Since when!!! Not wanting to make her sister look bad, she quickly corrects herself. "Yeah!! We don't!!" She giggles.

This was all just a silly game to her.

"I'm gonna eat you!!!" She declares, and makes the sloppiest, least graceful pounce at Poppypaw to try to nibble on her.
————— ☾ —————

It is not a game to Swankit. It is with grave seriousness that Swankit takes the revelation that he and his siblings do not like Poppypaw. "Oh," he says sadly. "Um. I didn't know that..." He's heard of the headaches that Poppypaw causes, her incessant screaming, but he didn't think to dislike her. Maybe she has a reason to scream... Maybe she is a cicada-cat, explosive screaming creature, and she cannot help it. Well, it seems he cannot help that he dislikes her either. Applekit has declared it, and Applekit says things with such confidence that he can't help but believe her. "I guess, um... we don't like you." Swankit nods idly in confirmation, watches as Garlickit declares her sentence.

Eaten by Garlickit, not an enviable fate. It's apparently earned, though, so he does not object. In fact... "We're gonna eat you." He doesn't want to be left out. Swankit does not move with the same speed as Garlickit, a slow predator chasing prey already under siege by a more frightening kit. He crouches, wiggling a bit, watching Poppypaw, before making a clumsy leap towards the apprentice, ready to latch on with tiny white teeth.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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"UM!" Don't like her?! What did she do to deserve this! She was so friendly to everyone and maybe a little loud but that was just her enthusiasm speaking! Was this because of their dad, had Smogmaw talked smack about her to his kids? That rotten, no-good, stinky deputy! She hated him! He was always being mean to her and all cause she threw a stick at him one time! There was some apprehension as they tried to make their decisions, but in the end the kittens there had all opted for violence and her fur bristled as she took a step back. She could TOTALLY take on three kittens, she was a powerful apprentice after all but then she'd be called a kit-hitter and she didn't want to be known as someone who slapped babies! She wasn't Smogmaw!
"UGH! NO! Don't eat me, I didn't do anything to you!" With a pivot she turned, long messy curled tail raised high to avoid any nibbling and she dashed off to try and find some place to get away from them. She couldn't leave camp without her mentor! Where was Frostbite?!

Mentor tag - @Frostbite help
Applekit rolls her eyes. It was like her littermates didn't even pay any attention to what their parents said. Poppypaw was bad for the mind and ears... so she's been told. So they've been told, but apparently, the rest of them were too mouse - brained to remember. She guesses its okay though, as long as the end goal is the same. Eating others seemed sort of crude, but at this point, she's just glad Garlickit and Swankit were paying attention.

Applekit is more and more inclined to believe her father. The few words the apprentice utters are shrill and silly. They were bringing justice to ShadowClan, even if none of them knew it yet. But she turns to run like a... a... " Coward! " Applekit sniffs. " Get her. " She wouldn't be getting her, because she would be busy making sure everyone else was getting her.
See, he stepped away for only a moment. He did not expect to see his apprentice being attacked by kits upon his return. He approached them with near surprise in his eyes, wondering what to do in this situation.

He can't tell Poppypaw to defend herself, the kits could get hurt and then Smogmaw AND Halfshade will line their nests with his fur. And then some.

"Well.... This is quite the predicament." He says.

"My apprentice is being attacked by little badgers...." His tone is playful and he has a smile on his face. The deputy's kits were an interesting bunch, for sure.

"Sorry to ruin your fun, but Poppypaw and I have training to do, if you'll let us." He says.

He hoped they let him. What if they make him their next target. What does he do then??? Die, he guesses.​