private in the end đ“‹Ľ glimmerpaw

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 They had a lot in common! And Edenpaw would be stupid to ignore that. They were both... uhh.... not-she-cat not-toms... and.. they both had a friendship with Cherrypaw... and they were both in SkyClan. They both had green eyes! That was more than enough similarities for the happy-go-lucky daylight menace. Except... that they weren't feeling very happy... or very lucky at all.

It was exceedingly uncommon to spot the pin-stripe cat in a foul mood, with a smile straying far from pale features... but today, as they stomped into camp after a night at their Twoleg's nest, Edenpaw looks absolutely miserable. Half-torn face creased into a frown deeper than a canyon, they hardly look up to look at their clan-mates who shuffle in and out to go about their patrols, trainings, whatever. It wasn't like they were going to get anything helpful done today (when did they ever?)... might as well go play babysitter so Butterflytuft could have a break- imagine their surprise and dismay when Figfeather has already been recruited for 'mommy lessons' instead.

With most of their preferred options taken up already, the sight of a familiar tortie coat is a reminder that they are not actually as alone as they feel. "Glim!' A forced joy is pressed into a shrill call for attention, turning to glance to their right in an attempt to hide their facial scarring so casually. "Are you busy today? Was thinkin' we could have a 'they day'" anything to distract them...

Edenpaw was…somewhat of an enigma to Glimmerpaw. They were not a bad cat or anything, just not someone they would have seen them getting closer to if not for their circumstances. It’s a nice balancing act though, having someone more chipper than you to bring the mood up. At least, that’s how it usually goes. Right now, however…

Glimmerpaw has definitely noticed the shift in their behavior. When their mentor died, Edenpaw has been much more dour, and hasn’t been the same… it’s hard to watch. They get it to a degree, seeing as they lost Brightshine just as much as Johnnypaw did, but it doesn’t make it any easier. They might not be that close, but they still care about how the other feels.

When they’re approached, they blink in surprise. The white and black cat looks absolutely miserable, and they almost have half a mind to tell them to go and rest, or see Fireflypaw. But when Edenpaw tries to feign excitement and also turns their head away from them, they get the memo.

“They day…” Glimmerpaw echos, chuckling lightheartedly at the play on words. “No, I’m not busy at the moment. What would you like to do?” They ask, putting on a soft smile.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 The breathy laugh hidden in a tuck-chinned giggle is enough to reassure them that their company is not an annoyance at the very least. They grin, pale teeth a sharp contrast against berry-pink gums, encouraged only by the promise that Glimmerpaw is not otherwise preoccupied. Finally... an escape from training or whatever it is the real apprentices get to do all day. Edenpaw didn't really mind cleaning out the nursery or playing food-delivery service or what have you... but it sure was embarrassing that the extent of their skill was that.

"Would you..." they pause, mulling over the amount of awkwardness involved in confessing their lack of prowess in anything at the ripe age of almost-nine... "Wanna maybe... tutor me on some stuff?" They assume Glimmerpaw might understand, being a sibling of the heroine of their generation, Cherrypaw. They must've missed out on something great... something life changing by being stuck here without her... Maybe between the two of them, they might have a shot at catching up?

"I'm... not very good at most things," they admit with a sheepish, nervous laugh. "I can climb though! That's like.. the big thing the sky cats do, huh? Guess practicing hopping the wood walls around my garden gave me a head start..." They wiggle a bobbed tail in anticipatory delight, "Secret practice!"
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Being asked to tutor by Edenpaw wasn’t exactly what Glimmerpaw expected them to say. Or what they would call a relaxing time, either. But if that’s what they wanted to do, they would oblige. They needed to do some training on their own anyways, before they become too much of a stain on Johnnyflame’s reputation. They already feel like one.

When they mention that they can climb fine however, their expression sours for a brief moment. That’s like, the one thing they wish they could do, and yet they’re still struggling. How does it seem to come so easily to others? It’s in their blood, and yet they can’t even do that. But this is Edenpaw asking them to help train, not the other way around.

“…I’m…not particularly good at anything, either. I can’t even climb, like everyone else here. But I can try my best?” That’s all Glimmerpaw can offer, but they don’t wanna put the mood down even more. Maybe they just need someone to support them, now that they don’t have Brightflame to train alongside anymore… They shake that thought away, and then put on a determined look. No, this is going to be a good time!
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 H... huh? They tilt their head, seemingly confused by the admission from the soft-furred companion they stand with. Glimmerpaw was Orangeblossom's kid weren't they? That had to mean there was some sort of boundless energy potential they simply hadn't tapped into yet. Edenpaw could help with that part! Raw energy and determination was a strength of theirs after all... Glimmerpaw just needed the right kind of push to find latent power!

Brushing it off with an easy smile, Edenpaw's tail flicks their excitement. "Ahhh hush you, I'm sure you've got some genius in that brain of yours," they purr in encouragement. Just because they could climb a fence didn't mean they were good at half the stuff SkyClan was meant to be doing... or memorizing the history or knowing the rules for that matter (Blazestar had made that much painfully clear).

"I'm uhmm... actually... could you help me go through the codes first?" Skills would be learned in time with practice (and now they knew that Glimmerpaw needed it too- they could be like... practice pals. Honing homies. Training two...) They fuss with their paws, blushing sheepishly under thin, white fur, "They keep... adding more and I'm... getting confused."
Glimmerpaw is almost confused themself at how Edenpaw reacts to their admission. Sometimes, it feels like everyone notices how much they fail at everything they do. Compared to their sister, they’ve done absolutely nothing outstanding and it’s clear to them why they’re so much of a failure. But maybe their lack of skills isn’t actually that obvious? If so, that’s a miracle.

Their head falls slightly even as Edenpaw tries to hype them up, mostly out of embarrassment more than anything else. “Maybe there’s something I’m good at that I don’t know… it just doesn’t feel likely most times.” Even with their demeaning of themself, Glimmerpaw purrs back. It almost convinces them that they can do anything if they put their mind to it.

They have to think for a moment to remember every single code that’s been established, but they think they can help on that front. “Yeah, I completely understand. I think it’s currently: your loyalties lay with your clan first, no trespassing, injured cats as well as queens and kits are fed first, and that prey is only killed to be eaten. I hope that’s simple enough to remember?”
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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 They practically slam their forehead into the soft spot under Glimmerpaw's chin the moment the other starts to ramble about not feeling particularly talented. If all else fails... maybe a little dose of friendly affection will stun them into stopping such a tempting slip into self-doubt. They withdraw just as quickly, not quite sure if they're about to get a deft smack on the top of their head for pressing a physical boundary so abruptly (they'd understand, not everyone liked that sort of thing).

At the very least... the dilute has quite excellent memory!

"Huh... that's all of them," they ask, dumbfounded... Why did it feel like there were so many more rules than that before? Maybe it had been kitten-soft in the head, had forgotten them in the throes of excitement and adventure. Blazestar would be happy to hear that they'd have no further issues learning them then... if it were actually that few. "Yeah.. yeah I think those make sense." They tap their foot on the ground in thought, as if still bothered by something before finally mewing, "It's silly... those sound like really obvious rules to be making."

They will not comment on the no trespassing law, they'd only broken it because they'd been tricked!​