in the eyes of shadows | hunting



જ➶ Toes squish and squelch through the muck, thick brown coating her paws. The mud feels familiar, easy to maneuver through and her silence a testament to where she came from. Her maw is slightly parted as she picks up the scent of what she has been following for some time now. The smoothed scaled creatures that skitter two and fro without getting stuck. Her jaws slowly close as the predator sneaks forward, body held down low and finally she sees them. Though she may not be able to catch both one is well enough. The biggest one. With precision she moves and then launches herself in a leap. Claws cage the lizard and she snaps her teeth down on it. Skin cracks and breaks and the prey succumbs before she picks it up. The other has run off and smart for it too would have met a similar end. With a flick of her long tail she turns from the muddied banks and makes her way to drier land. With a huff she drops the lizard and begins licking at her toes to get rid of the sticking mud. Her hunt has proved rather fruitful on land and she casts her eyes to the small buried grouping of another lizard and a rat.

They remind her of home. They remind her of Wolve. Blinking slowly she shakes herself and starts to dig up the remainder of what she has caught to take them back to the river enclosed camp. It'll be good to put these on the pile.