pafp IN THE FALLING RAIN / discovery

Jan 14, 2024
Ekat is grateful for the newleaf sunshine that spreads its way through the foliage overhead, even when the heat sinks into her midnight-furred pelt and to her skin beneath. The bright sunlight that sets the forest greenery aglow and welcomes the chime of birdsong in the trees above soothes the anxious she-cat's racing heart, just a bit. She still keeps a well-enough distance from the rest of the patrol so she doesn't interact while they pad through the freshly-growing grass, searching for nearby prey-scent among the chittering of creatures high in the branches. She still startles harshly when a squirrel bursts suddenly out of a bush and tears its way up a tree, claws scrabbling against the bark. But with the sight of so much life and warmth beginning to fill the forest again, it's hard not to let it lift Ekat's spirits a little. Despite the she-cat's penchant for fearing danger might be waiting within every shadow, she thinks being here and not out in the wilderness with no real place to call home — might be the safest her and her father have been in moons.

However, Ekat feels her heart sink quickly in fear just as it usually does, when she glances between the trees and sees a strange gleam and eyes peering back at her. The she-cat very nearly leaps backward with a startled cry, and the pair of eyes move farther away too. Ekat blinks, her heart pounding, and watches the strange sight of the cat between the trees ahead — or at least what she can see of it, as they appear to be partially hidden. "There's someone..." Ekat whimpers, but her words taper to silence as she notices that the glimpse of the cat in the distance looks startlingly like her. It's very nearly what she sees when she looks in a puddle after a night of rainfall, if only a bit clearer. And the reflection moves along with her too, she can see the rapid rise and fall of the cat's chest. Briefly, Ekat wonders if she really looks that terrified all the time. The glimpse of the wide-eyed, trembling cat staring back at her doesn't appear like a warrior at all. In any case, she's staring at something that functions like a puddle, but it isn't water. "There's something there," she tells the patrol instead.

/ Please wait for @BEETLEBACK to post first!​
I wish something interestin' would happen. Let's see anyone here who has problems with anyone else? The blue tom taken in each member of the patrol in sight, thinking of everything he's heard from each one and trying to figure out a plan of attack so to speak to cause some trouble. Nothing harmless, but something that would cease his boredom. Aha! Heh, I think this will be do nicely. "Hey d-," is all he can manage to get out before Ekat alerts them all someone is here. A rogue?! Without thinking about it he rushes to his patrolmate's side confused when there is no one else. Annoyance creeps up his spine. When he turns his attention to Ekat, he notes her fear.

All he can do is follow her gaze and when he does, he is startled. Fur stands on end, but it is only for a moment. A nose is pointed to the air and takes in whatever scents surround them. Other than prey, there's nothing that screams danger. "Chill out Ekat, we're all here. Anyway, I think? That's just you? Unless you've got a littermate who looks and smells exactly like you hidden around." A mischievous grin creeps to his maw as he places a paw on her shoulder, "Or maaaybeee, you're the fake? I gotta say for a fake Ekat you've fooled me! Hope the real Ekat would forgive me for mistaking her." To play up the dramatics he droops his tail and head. Don't bore me now.

"What's going on?" The spotted tabby's voice was filled with alarm at the insinuation that something was watching them. Silversmoke moved towards the two that seemed to spot it first, his ears pinned back as he scanned the horizon. There was nothing there, at least, not for a time. Prowling ever closer, Silversmoke moved to stand in front of Ekat, his body a barrier between a clanmate and whatever had spooked them. It was only then that the large tom saw it, a rogue with odd eyes glaring at him in the distance. Silversmoke bristled and the stranger followed suit, claws unsheathed on both sides, then, when the tabby's tail started lashing, the other tabby's tail started to too. It was a foul imitation of him, each action causing an escalation that Silversmoke knew could only end in one way. He ran towards himself with claws unsheathed, hissing at the stranger's audacity. The other ran with him, the last sign he needed to know that this snarling creature was dangerous. He prepared for impact, then...

He headbutted the mirror with a loud thwack. Confusion flashed through his brain; that was not what a cat's skull felt like, he felt like he'd just ran into a bramble wall. Darting back to his patrol before he could process what had happened, Silversmoke, whose head was notably sorer than it had been mere moments ago, came to a pause next to them. He looked over his shoulder towards the thing where, in its reflection, he could now spot Ekat and Beetleback... and the stranger between them suddenly seemed much more familiar. Tufted ears grew warm with embarrassment as looked at his real clanmates (real by his standards, not Beetleback's), clearing his throat as he searched for an excuse. "Just making sure it wasn't the real Ekat," he muttered under his breath, gawking at the faraway pines.