camp IN THE GREAT BEYOND // moving

Oct 7, 2024
Ashenfall gifts him treasures of the nursery. Moss from their shared nest, a few feathers from when leafbare began and Amberhaze had all that... stuff. The many, many things Ferndance managed to dredge up and bring home (he decided to only pick a few trinkets, and leave the rest to whoever wants them.) By the time Promisepaw is able to finally move to the nursery, the young, spindly legged tom is heaving a heavy nest filled with too much that simply cannot be comfortable. But he does so with a lazy grin and half lidded eyes, unbothered to an irritating degree.

He arrives before the apprentice's den, tail waving behind him. "Helloooo...?" He's been warned that the apprentices that linger will likely nudge him to the edges, where it is the coldest - but he won't mind. He's been told that greenleaf comes next, and it'll be hot, so maybe it's for the better that he's a late bloomer in this regard. "Where can I put my stuff?" Asks the tom, swaying on his paws impatiently.​
One could hear Promisepaw approach before seeing him, given how loud his nest is with all of that junk in it. Odd baubles, gaudy trinkets in her opinion, she never saw the benefit to cluttering one's nest like that. Though she supposes she can't judge too harshly when she glances towards her littermates nest, maybe the pair of them could be friends. If Buzzardpaw could put up with his rather bratty attitude, fangs worry the inside of her cheek, maybe that's too harsh. She had witnessed the miraculous recovery of Rainbowpaw's attitude once he graduated from the nursery, so maybe Promisepaw could hold that potential too. Puddlepaw has to admit that even if his tone is grating she doesn't mind his general behaviour.

The chimera isn't sure how she managed to wind up being a welcoming committee of sorts, nothing about her is generally very welcoming. Still, right now she is the closest cat in the den with him for the briefest of moments. "You can put your nest over here" she remarks with a flick of her tail, "if you sleep too close to the exit you will get cold so... I would refrain from doing that" she supposes that's where he's supposed to go. Yet she disagreed, the only apprentice she actively tries to advocate for that spot is Cornflowerpaw, no one else has grated on her nerves like that just yet.

There's a twitch of her muzzle as she settles next to the spot she suggested for him, still in the edges but at least in her mind it was better. Unimpressed rustic gaze never leaving the atrocity that is his nest. "Will it be comfortable to sleep in that?" She can't imagine so, has he even tried to yet? He seemed like he might be able to sleep on anything so she supposes she shouldn't be surprised.

The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid

: ̗̀➛ㅤfemale (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤunknown sexuality
: ̗̀➛ㅤ08 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
: ̗̀➛ㅤapprentice of ShadowClan for 02 moons
: ̗̀➛ㅤSister of Buzzardpawㅤ/ㅤApprentice of Wormwatcher
: ̗̀➛ㅤpenned by Juiceㅤ/ㅤmessage Ouijeejuice on discord for plots!

A slick rosette fawn tabby / rosette black tabby chimera. Quiet and calculating, struggles being able to describe or identify her own or others emotions. All opinions are IC as she can be quite harsh in her judgements.