in the hush of the night | open


Oct 24, 2022


Scorchfrost wasn't an avid hunter, he didn't wake in anticipation of catching critters or bragging to his mates, but he was an excellent hunter. He'd learned many things as an apprentice, combat was more familiar than his paws, but his mentor had focused on teaching him to hunt. It had been drilled every day, from the moment the morning dew formed upon leaves until the darkness sent flowers closing. He was trained until he could catch far more than he lost. The scarce years made it a valuable skill. Leaf-bare was a ruthless and unrelenting master. There were times of strife, sickness, and of battle. Days where the fresh-kill pile contained nothing more than a thin rat and a beat-up toad. The snow could pile high, the sun could him beat down, and Scorchfrost would still hunt.

He had already been on two hunting patrols, though neither was as productive as he'd hoped. He'd gotten ready to set off by himself once the sun dipped low, thinking of what could be used most. It changed where he went more than the darkness did. He had to be surer of himself when he went out late, predators lurked just as well in the dark as they did in the day, but he knew well enough to avoid them. He knew he'd be safer with some company, even if he wanted otherwise.

The smoky warrior stood, somewhat reluctantly, at the entrance to the camp. He could at least wait and see if anyone was interested in coming.

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The very least that a Shadowclan cat could do to pull their weight was to contribute food to the fresh-kill pile. Prey within the marshland happened to be scarcest out of all the territories, and the odds of a hunting patrol to bring back anything substantial were slim to none. This made providing food for the clan such an important duty - half of their ranks looked scrawny and malnourished as it were.

On the odd occasion, he would catch a pigeon. Every now and then, he would land a bullfrog. But, as of late, all Smogmaw had been taking home were mice and lizards, which were glorified scraps if anything. The tabby wished to change that, hence he jumped at the opportunity when he glimpsed Scorchfrost waiting by the entrance to camp.

Padding towards the smoke on steadfast footfalls, he did not need prior conversation to comprehend what the older tom wanted. "Let's get some food," he mewed quietly, nodding once as he spoke. His eyes then darted to the dark, expansive forest outside of camp.



Scorchfrost gave a single nod before turning to head out of camp. He had been considering a few different hunting spots, he had briefly entertained the thought of the carrionplace, but he'd already done a fairly wide sweep of the territory earlier and there wasn't much around. Maybe they'd have luck by the thunderpath. The residual heat of the black path seemed to draw out reptiles and small creatures at night.

He flicked his silver-flecked tail to signal Smogmaw to the direction he was going. Scorchfrost was unwilling to disrupt the silence. He had to stay alert and ready should something go wrong but he could still enjoy the ambience. The birds had all but gone quiet, save for the occasional hoot of an owl or cackle of a crow, leaving way for the buzz of insects, the croaking of frogs, and the everpresent hum of life. The marsh was never truly asleep.

They reached the thunderpath in good time, stopping only once to check around a stale scent of fox. It had passed by earlier in the week and bore no current threat but there was no harm to double checking. Scorchfrost was not going to be the reason any of his clanmates were caught unaware by a fox.

" Together or apart? "
He spoke in a hushed tone. " I keep to pairs when by the thunderpath. "
Fogpaw is already out hunting when his brown eyes coast the dark to locate the origin of a new sound. That's when he sees Scorch and Smog traversing the long pines and his fur flattens on a vacant sigh. He's been out hunting an herb his mother was missing earlier but seems rats got to it first so he decides to divert for now. Fogpaw falls in behind the pair, unable to ask permission but he's sure they know he's there. The apprentice's steps keep steady pace until they reach the Thunderpath and his expression knits into worry.

He's had many bad dreams about this place, even before Briarstar's demise. Fog sees a mystery clanmate in harms way from a monster but he can't warn them and he doesn't know why the rumbling or blearing monster noises don't either until it's too late. For anyone else, they could awake and breathe a sigh of relief or laugh it off but for him, the muteness is permanent.

Swallowing, Fogpaw steps back, and moves to abandon this hunting party with an apologetic, fearful smile.
  • Crying
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Smogmaw held a deep respect for those who didn't need a hefty amount of words to convey their purpose. Less is more, as they say. The trek to the thunderpath turned out to be largely silent, besides a grunt in greeting that came from Smogmaw when Fogpaw joined them in their journey. The mute apprentice's companionship was short-lived, however, and only he and Scorchfrost stood along the path's rim by the end of the trip. For a moment, the tabby's gaze rests on the moggy as he wanders off. And then he glances towards the older tom.

"Together," Smogmaw assented, nodding as he spoke. Weird things happened along the thunderpath, and he didn't want to be caught all by his lonesome if some twoleg made an effort to snatch him. "I'll let you lead the way," he said, "I'll trail close behind."



Scorchfrost hummed in agreement, paying little mind to the departing apprentice. Some cats didn't like the thunderpath; it was of no consequence if the apprentice left, scorchfrost wasn't his mentor.

He walked along the side of the path, the only noise being the faint shuffle of paws. He made an effort to quiet that, and then there was nothing. An occasional small reptile darted past him, too little to make an effort to catch it. A single bite of prey wasn't worth the chase when better was about. After a few minutes, his eye caught the faint gleam of fur under the moonlight. The creature that Scorchfrost rarely saw, especially at night, was a marsh rabbit. He stilled, flicking his tail to guide Smogmaw to the right. If they circled around, one by the side of the thunderpath and one approaching from behind, they might have a chance. The marsh rabbit was fast.