private in the jungle - cindershade

If you ever told him that someday his staring would bite him back, he would say he was already of aware of that. Just... I didn't think it would be so soon. He knew that staring at Cindershade was not the brightest idea, but it wasn't like he meant to! The problem was that he wanted to say something to her, say how cool she was and how he thought she was the most fantastical warrior he'd seen. Although, in the few times he did call her name he wimped out and ended up giving her a blank stare. All it took was one look and all the words died. Agonizing it was, unable to convey his admiration of her. That's not creepy right? It's not strange just to tell someone heyyy I think you're really cool, right? I think saying Cindershade I think you're the most wonderful hunter in Riverclan is a bit much. She would probably kill me on the spot. Glancing over at Cindershade by his side, he audibly gulped. Yeah, maybe she's already planned it and I'm doomed!

Taking this a few steps back, this all happened when he was caught staring at her. Normally she would stare back at him and it would be extremely awkward, yet this time she told him 'let's go out' in camp. Too shocked and nervous he agreed to go out with her, despite not knowing what 'let's go out' entailed. Now for those who screamed clearly love is in the air, sorry to say that was not the case. Cindershade was not interested in toms and Pikesplash himself didn't think of her in that way. She was not his type as some would say. To all who wished for romance, here lies your hopes and dreams. Anyway, they found themselves in a relatively secluded spot.

He's about to ask her what exactly this was about, but all of sudden he finds himself thrown to the ground. It all happened too fast, he's unable to let out a yowl in alarm. He stays there on the ground, trying to process what on earth just happened. It's only when he feels an ache from how hard he was tackled that he finally manages to mutter a small, "Huh?"

Pikesplash certainly had a—a strange way of showing his emotions, especially towards the rosetted warrior. She'd often feel eyes upon her back, their gaze burning into her fur. Cindershade would turn and nearly every time it was Pikesplash. Her chartreuse gaze would lock with his every time, but no words had hardly been spoken. She often saw his twitch, subtle hints of wanting to speak, but nothing came of it. What the hell is his problem? Is he stupid? Did his mother bang his head on the ground too much?
Her expression would curl into one of distaste, incisors protruding from beneath her top lip. Please don't tell me that he—likes me. Ugh, why does this happen to me? A shudder would pass through her body, goosebumps collecting onto her skin that laid underneath plush fur that now prickled up her spine uncomfortably. Cindershade obviously shown no interest in toms, or so really anyone for that matter. No one sparked her interest.
But today—today she's had enough of it. Clearly her disinterest and scowling was not going to work. She had thought that maybe he'd finally get the picture, to not trifle with her, but no. She decided in her mind that she was going to take Pikesplash away from camp to finally get to the bottom of it. Perhaps he was just too inarticulate to speak in a crowd, where ears and ears were constantly observing. She'd get him away from everyone to finally get to the bottom of it. Maybe they could train together? It wouldn't hurt to sharpen her skills and StarClan forbid Pikesplash's. He's as soft as a flopping wet fish on the riverbank. Maybe I can get a rile out of him.
The shadowed molly would come to him then, offering to come out with her. She does not speak of where their destination resided, only elegantly struts out of the camp with a high held tail. Pikesplash does not speak to her, nor does she to him. It's an awkward silence that bears weight upon both of their shoulders. Nothing was heard except for growing distant roar of the gorge as she leads him towards the Beech Copse. Her virdian gaze flicks to him for a brief moment, trying to dig under the mask of his expression and simply get to the bottom of what he really wanted.
Annoyance, irritation, and aggravation bloomed within her chest, sparking a roaring flame so hot that it made her grit her teeth together. WHAT IS THE DEAL HERE?! Cindershade finally snaps, hanging back a step before leaping onto the gray tabby warrior's shoulders and slams him against the sodden earth with her bulking frame. He's clearly surprised, not even trying to fight back! What kind of warrior is he?! Is he just going to give up and show his belly? What if I were a real threat? Pikesplash manages to squeak out a measly huh?! And that—that just pissed her off more. "What exactly is your problem, Pikesplash?! If you have the gall to stare at me so much, then you damn well better have the gall to tell me what it's about. Also—look at you! Face down in the muck like a soft kittypet. Fight me like the warrior Cicadastar named you to be." A snarl would rip from her vocal chords, placing her broad muzzle near his ear. "Spar with me, boy. Maybe that'll get your flappers going or so help me StarClan I will push your face into this mud and give you a new identity."

Horrified he is when Cindershade starts belittling him and reprimanding him at the same time. With every comment he winces, unable to meet her eyes. He knew that if he met her gaze he would most likely pass out from fear. She demands answers, yet she doesn't give him a moment to respond. However, at the mention of being a soft kittypet he glares at her and hisses. Maybe she would find it thrilling that the soft kittypet she called him would bare fangs at her, or maybe... Maybe it just gave her more of a reason to kill him. Any semblance of fear is gone when she reminds him of his blood, reminds him that he is below them. I don't even know why he made me a warrior! The thought never leaves his mouth, but what makes things worse is the snarl she gives him.

A snarl followed by an order of battle is enough to effectively dash his small moment of aggression. The fire in his eyes is gone and he is rather pitiful, repeatedly yowling for mercy and squirming under her. No, no, no, no, no, Cinder please! He's trembling under her now and his maw is opening and closing rapidly. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, can't... Fighting was never his strong suit. He couldn't bear the thought of harming one of his clanmates, even if it was all a part of training. He didn't want to experience the pain of hurting those he cared about. Cindershade was not particularly close to him, yet he would never forgive himself if he by some bizarre misfortune hurt in a way she couldn't be as spectacular as she was.

She's too close, he shudders from her conviction to learn why he stares at her. The only 'attack' she would ever get is pike attempting to paw at her legs in an attempt to escape. For a split second his own muzzle touches hers when he shakes his head, "PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT THAT!" Don't make me do it. Don't make me. Please don't make me! Before he can stop himself, he frantically exposes himself to her, "I don't have a problem with you! I really don't! I just think you're the most amazing warrior, but I don't. Know. How. To tell you. Okay? How's a soft kittypet supposed to talk to someone like you?! You make it so! Fucking! Hard! I'm not like you. I'm not strong or cool, I don't even know why Cicadastar even made me a warrior! Can you blame me for being so nervous?!"

At his admission, he is aware he is panting from his confession and semi rant. Instead of feeling proud of himself for managing to say what he's been meaning to tell her save for some... Words about himself, he's left feeling absolutely ashamed. Look what you've done. She probably thinks you're pathetic. Maybe more than she already thought.
She feels him squirming beneath her weight, desperation and fear seemingly pouring out the pores of his very skin. He wriggled and twists to no avail, as if he was a mouse beneath her very own claws. A spark of fire flickers within him as she compares him to a kittypet, clearly striking a nerve as it was responded with a fierce hiss and bared ivories. For a moment, he moves more frantically and threatens to throw her off center. His paws move and grasp around her own, his attempts to throw her off growing more successful. She almost let her own claws slip from their beds, to dig at his silvery fur in order to dig a deeper hold upon him, but she doesn't. The shaded warrior gives a warning of a new identity, to slap his face in the sludge of mud and StarClan only knew what else, hoping to rile him up more to get a spar out of him. But, this seemed to have more of the opposite effect.
His fire extinguishes just as quick as it was ignited, and now here he lay like a flopping wet fish, crying and wailing like a newborn kit. She stiffens as their muzzles connected, her claws briefly digging into his fur out of pure instinct. The tom finally, finally, admits what his true intentions were. The hellfire in her eyes fades to an amused shimmer, raising a quizzical at brow at him. A smirk etched onto her dark face, finally letting him up and back onto his feet. He thinks I'm amazing, huh? How cute. Her thoughts drench with venomous sarcasm and mischief, silently listening to him squawl his feelings to her. Apart of her feels a bit empathetic, wants to console him and his feelings. She often knew how it felt to be left out, but not in a way he does. Silence falls between them now except for a clearing of her throat, her paws kneading the soft ground uncomfortably. "Ahem." She's unsure of what to do here in this situation. Cindershade often didn't often talk about her feelings—if ever. She couldn't remember a time when she did, even as a young kit. Stow it away, forget the past and have eyes on the future. There's no time to be groveling in your feelings like a squabbling kit; her father would say. He built her up into a stone wall, her fortitude near impenetrable.
She appreciates his feelings towards her; after all, someone admiring her skills was definitely a compliment in her eyes. But the way Pikesplash handled it—well, it'd have been one thing if he'd have just come to her rather than stare at her as if she had two tails. The molly finally stifles a small laugh, raising a paw to cuff him along his velvet ears. "Why, Pikesplash, I didn't know you felt such a way about me. I'm honored." She purrs, a dark look in her vibrant gaze. A wolf in sheep's clothing she was, poison dripping off her silver tongue. A hollow laugh echoes through the skeletal Beech trees, nudging at his shoulder. "Let's go, Dumbass! I still want to spar with you. And it seems like you really—really need the practice."