camp IN THE LAND OF JOKE-A-LOT - intro.


Feb 18, 2023
Leafbare had been a struggle for all the Clans, that much Chestnutsplash was sure of. Prey was always scarce in the colder season, illnesses were more prevalent, and only the stars could possibly know what could happen, and even then, they probably couldn't predict the future. Some things couldn't be prevented, sad as it may be, and for one nursing queen named Brownspot, her mate's betrayal and subsequent abandonment was something she couldn't have stopped. Her daughter, Softkit, still so young, didn't quite understand what had happened with her father, or why her mother was so sad, especially for such a long period of time.

They were not a parent themselves, but they did have quite the soft spot for those younger than them. It was not uncommon to spot them playing with the kits or cheering on the apprentices before a tough training session. She'd always tell them, "You can treat me like your big sibling, okay? You can come to me for help whenever."

So it wasn't a surprise when Softkit snuck past the warriors in the den while Chestnutsplash was just about to get up and whispered, "Chestnutsplash, I need help with something."

Forcing herself up out of her next, the brown and white cat looked at the little gray kitten, tilting her head. "What's wrong, Softkit?"

"Mama's been sad for a long time. I want to make her happy. Can you help me gather a happiness patrol?" Softkit mewed, eyes pleading them for their help.

Chestnutsplash smiled gently. She knew that the reason behind this sadness was perhaps a bit too much for the young one. All she knew was that she didn't have a father in the Clan, and she didn't have any memories of him. It may not ease the pain of betrayal, but perhaps her child's effort would make her smile, at least a little bit. "Of course! Just leave it to me! C'mon, let's go see who else wants to help cheer Brownspot up!"

// tl;dr: npc kit wants to cheer her also an npc mom up with a 'happiness patrol', not realizing why her mom is sad. chestnut, being the self proclaimed 'big sibling' she is, decides to help organize this happiness patrol.


Muscle spasms ripple amid his shoulders, making him squeeze close his eyes and breath between licking his teeth in seething moments of brief pain. After every patrol it comes like the waves of a purr, only its more of an earthquake of razors traveling under his skin.

He’s pulled from his haze of pain management to hear a kitten’s voice amid the brambles of the warrior’s den. Grey sights erupt open once more and he spots Softkit, the pale bairn begging for Chestnutsplash to rally a patrol to aid an emotionally ailing queen. Certainly not Thistleback’s direct area of expertise, in the world of emotions being plants- he was a rock.

" well, who better but me. How can I help? " his words tuned with humor, as he was quite obviously not the best candidate but- he loved his clanmates. He had a soft spot for children, and his own were grown so- it’s true what they say, parent-withdraws.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


If there was one cat that should be far, far away from a Happiness Patrol, it was Silversmoke. He was not an animal that was prone to smiling or finding humour in the lighter things of life, dedication to SkyClan as an ideal was all the spotted tabby truly knew and such tunnel vision rarely left any room for relaxation. Still, it would be asinine to say that the Lead Warrior was unhappy, he just found it awkward to express any emotions outside of his usual anger or irritation. Overhearing the growing intrigue for a 'happiness patrol' near where Silversmoke was seated, a large flick of his tufted ear was offered as he slowly swiveled his head around to better assess what was going on. At first, he was going to ignore the offer and pretend that he had some more important duties to attend to (which he likely did, somewhere), but upon seeing Thistleback offer his support, the tom did a double take. The corners of his mouth twitched, threatening to form a self-aimed cringe before he shook out his fur and steeled himself against the growing need to impress the other Lead. How in StarClan's name was participating in this supposed to make anyone like him more or less than they already did?

Suppressing a frown, Silversmoke trudged closer, his movements stifled and tense as if dragged to the trio against his will. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that it was for the good of a clanmate, and bowed his head in greetings towards Chestnut and the child. "If it's to help the morale of a clanmate, then I will join in." Silver affirmed, forcing his tail to halt against his hocks. "Is the Happiness Patrol for someone who likes gifts? Or would they rather see something that'll leave a lasting impression?" He queried, pointing his nose towards Chestnut. More importantly, what did a happiness patrol even entail? Out of a fear of seeming foolish, he omitted such an important question.


"What the hell is a 'happiness patrol'?" Chrysalispaw's tongue brandished to say more choice words to such a stupid concept, as that familiar fire-branded ire flushed behind ivory teeth, like a blade his arm had grown accustomed to drawing forth. It sounded like a complete waste of time, especially when it could be better spent actually fending for the clan. However, he held his words in the presence of his hawkish mentor, whom Chrys swore could bore blazing hollows in his fur just from his stare. Like the eagle who commanded respect with just its brazen-golden jewels, Silversmoke seemed to watch the apprentice's every minute move. Chrys shot a few glares at the unfamiliar Chestnutsplash who had initiated the whole 'patrol,' - she seemed like yet another feline who covered up for their abysmally banal personality with candied smiles and peppered words. How annoyingly childish.

Maybe whoever this patrol is for should get a grip and deal with whatever they're going through. It's not that hard.
He wanted to spit out next, as the anathema practically boiled beneath his bones, threatening to devour him from the inside out. He was no cat to shirk away from the truth - in fact, most cats needed to know the brutal and crude sincerity that hid behind satin lies and downy distraction. He found the game of pretending to be one where the only good option was to forfeit. His feathery tail only lashed behind him in a display of curiosity rather than true altruism. "... If I need to get or do something, let me know." He meowed through gritted teeth, paws thumping with the urge to just get out of the situation.

( ik his signature says it but IC OPINIONS ONLY!!! i love chestnut sm )
"Softkit, you should just... Mm... why don't you go see if any of the other kits want to help? You little ones'll know what she likes best, especially you." Chestnutsplash looked down at the kit, who nodded and scampered off, before turning her attention to the three that had gathered.

She was, in truth, a bit skeptical of the idea herself, but everything was worth a shot, especially for the sake of the young, whose paws could shape the future of the Clan one day. If it would make Softkit happy, if it would prevent her from spiraling downward as if Brownspot's emotions were contagious, then she wanted to try.

"It's for the sake of Softkit and her mother," they reminded the others. "She doesn't know what happened to her father, she doesn't know why Brownspot is sad. I won't speak for you all, but I don't understand what the pain feels like for her. I don't know if this will help, but..." A smile bloomed upon their features, gentle, if not a little sad. "If something small can make an impact, it's worth it."

Chestnutsplash took in a deep breath, stretching before she hummed in contemplation. "If you were at a low point, is there anything you'd particularly want that would, if only for a little while, ease the pain a little? For me, I think it'd be just... having someone there to listen, to remind you that you're not along but, what do you all think?"


Her first instinct, her first answer when Chestnutsplash floats the question of what would help her at her lowest point, is to be left alone. Solitude doesn't help ease the pain, but it doesn't give others the chance to make it worse - but, in the case of Softkit and Brownspot, maybe that wouldn't be the best thing to voice.

"Distraction, maybe." She offers. It's a simple, vague suggestion, but this would probably be better received than her initial thought. At the very least, it had been vetted against her filter. The back of her mind spits a curse to Brownspot's deadbeat mate, and silently vows that he'd be dragged to camp to meet his former mate's claws if he ever returned - should the queen feel so inclined. "Softkit is all Brownspot thinks she has now, but she needs to get her mind of it; to remind her that she has SkyClan, too."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

"Chestnutsplash! It's good to see you out. Softkit will be alright, the Clan has her back. Y'know?" Fireflypaw chimes as he walks over, bumping his head against Orangeblossom's shoulder in greeting before he seats himself amongst the others. They were doing.. something, he wasn't sure. Happiness was an odd thing, especially with all the bad that went down. Perhaps things would get easier for the kit soon. "Y'know, when I made the choice to fully become SkyClan, it was like my whole entire world changed in a good way. The Clan keeps me happy, even if they are a handful sometimes.~"