in the low lamp light i was free | joining

There are few instances in life where one week can feel like an eternity. Where each second drags by achingly slow, the striking of the hour on a great grandfather clock ringing out the harsh truth of a lifelong prison sentence. Robinpaw - called 'Seraphina' for her fiery temperament by the two legs who had quote unquote rescued her - plotted her escape in the days she spent closed behind oak doors and glass window panes. She watched the two legs closely for signs of a routine. She waited for golden opportunities and tried to time how often they occurred on any given day. The largest two leg departed the home every sunrise, the rich acidic scent of a beverage brewing from the kitchen signaling Robinpaw that their departure was imminent. The largest two leg would not return for many hours. The medium two leg rarely left the house - never scheduled and only to leave for an hour or so at a time, each time returning with paper bags of food and annoyingly colorful toys meant to simulate the prey Robinpaw had only recently began learning to hunt. She never played with the toys, casting the peace offerings aside as to not give pleasure to her captors.

Her best bet was to slip out during the sunrise hour, when the largest two leg made their departure, since it was a consistent opening. Each day Robinpaw stationed herself closer and closer to the door. Each day she tried to appear nonchalant. Each day she yearned more and more for her old life. Until finally the day came where she felt confident in her ability to dart out of the home. She stood mere feet from the door - the scent of morning dew tickling her senses - and the click of the lock snapped her muscles into action. Tensed she stood and when the oak fixture swung open she sprang forward.

Never in her life has she ran so fast and so far. The largest two leg's voice faded in the distance as she crossed manicured lawns and trimmed hedges. Her heart hammered in her ears as landscaped suburbia shifted to rugged woodland. Finally the prodigal apprentice slowed her pace and weighed her options. For days she dreamed of escape but now that she had accomplished that she was unsure of where to go. Robinpaw wised up enough to know she couldn't return to RiverClan - not after she had been such a fool. Many other clans would turn her aside given her age and the vibrant red collar clasped around her neck. The may leave SkyClan as my only option, Robin thinks to herself, nervously chewing on the insides of her cheeks as she tries to reorient herself.

It is a nerve-wracking trek to SkyClan's border. There are no certainties that Robinpaw will be accepted and there would be nowhere else for her to go (at least that is what she believes to be true). The tortoiseshell finds the border and paces along it for a few moments before finally taking a seat. Yellow eyes scan the horizon for a passing patrol, uncertainty and the faintest glimmer of hope swimming in the citrine depths. Robinpaw was not meant to be a kittypet; she wouldn't take the name Seraphina and laze around a house all day. She was meant to thrive and survive in the clans - to redeem herself and earn a warrior name. She hopes SkyClan will give her that chance.

It is her new wish after all.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Things had been haggard for the older warrior, carrying heavy-leaded paws through the familiar territory. He wasn’t getting enough sleeping, and certainly not eating enough either, but it wasn’t the first time he’d succumbed to such emotions. He’d get out of his emotional stump soon enough, maybe sooner, coming to a halt to stare at an unfamiliar feline sitting at the border.

Molten copper flickered, catching sight of the red collar wrapped around her throat, screaming kittypet. Something’s off. He grumbled, sore muscles coiling beneath scarred flesh, taking him closer to the other with a flick of his fluffy tail. “What’s a kid like you doin’ out here, huh?” He rumbled, deadpan. At least it’s not a kit. He wanted to scoff at the damn near idiocy of some of these parents, undeserving as they were to abandon something too young in an unforgiving forest.

“Ya got a name, kid?” He added, staring tiredly at the young she-cat with a raised brow.

/ apprentice tag @DROWSYPAW
thought speech
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Bouncing happily alongside another warrior, who knew the way better than they did, Edenpaw could not have had a care in the world despite the pressure of duty assigned to such things. They were patrolling... it was a fancy word for taking a walk. Smiling to themself as time serenely passed them by, it was at the soft growl of one of their seniors that made their ears perk up and snap them to attention. Duskpool was on edge practically instantly! What a stunning thing, to watch the warriors shift from idle brain to action! To involvement! To.... defensiveness?

Looking at the little multi-colored scrap, Edenpaw guessed that girl was probably around their age! Another apprentice, one that didn't make mean comments at them like Doompaw, how delightful! Entirely impractical in its effect, the black and white cat stood with their face invading the molly's personal space with wide, all-consuming eyes.

"Heyyyyy kitty!" Waving a cropped tail as a display of friendliness, they vaguely considered that maybe Duskpool had a reason to be nervous... Oh stars.... They'd messed up already?

Clearing their throat as they backed up to puff out their chest in a show of pride and aloof disinterest, they did their best to mimic the stubborn scowl that their clan-mate wore now. "What are you doing on our borders," they ask instead, voice dropping a pitch in some wild attempt to sound older and scarier than they actually might be.​

The Twolegplace border tensed his muscles, set his twitches off uncontrollably. The place was a cruel reminder to the bicolour tom where it was a safe haven for many others, and though he'd never begrudge any daylight warrior of their homes he equally could never relax near this place again. He distrusted every sound, every smell- for who knew how their traps had advanced?

Wide eyes glanced at his apprentice, watchfully- Doompaw was prone to barrelling off out of his sight, a habit that often left Twitchbolt sputtering in his dust, soon to give chase. Not today, though- there was a prickling sensation along his spine as he caught scent of a pure kittypet, hearing the voices woven muffled into the breeze.

What are you doing on our borders? asked Edenpaw, and Twitchbolt scrutinised the stranger briefly before looking toward Doompaw, holding a calico tail in front of his apprentice. "Stay put," he said, hoping to every star that glittered in the night that Doompaw wouldn't splinter away from him and latch onto the kittypet's face.

penned by pin ✧
It didn’t take long for the multicolored apprentice to be surrounded by a SkyClan patrol. Her yellow eyes scan the others as they approach, toned muscles taut and pupils locked onto her awkward frame. Robinpaw tries to sit a little straighter, look a little braver, but she flinches when Edenpaw briefly invades her space.

Flustered by the action and drawing a blank on the multiple questions thrown her way, Robinpaw stammers and glances at her large paws for a sense of grounding before relinquishing answers. “My name is Robinpaw. I escaped from twolegs who had captured me and tried to keep me as a kittypet. I would like to join SkyClan… please.”

The ‘please’ feels important to add as she raises her gaze back to the unfamiliar felines, looking primarily to Duskpool and Twitchbolt. She does spare a glance to the apprentices as well, the ones who she could very well train alongside, should her request be accepted.


Permanently-stunned eyes fastened themselves upon the patchy feline as she spoke, though shock became a great deal more evident in his expression when she began to speak. Robinpaw, captured by Twolegs- wants to join SkyClan. She wasn't threatening anyone, but there was quite a big sticking point that made Twitchbolt's fur prickle. "Wait, wait, wait- Robinpaw?" His brows furrowed. A Clan name- oh, this wasn't another WindClan refugee, was it? He couldn't imagine the fury that Sootstar would fly into if she found out they'd stolen another one of her apprentices. Oh, she'd... surely spit insults of kittypet indoctrination or something... if, if, this was indeed a WindClan apprentice.

He supposed it was just as likely to be another Clan... though, he found himself stuck to the worst case scenario. "You're a Clan cat," And... though it wasn't certain, Twitchbolt was rather sure. He'd never heard of anyone being called something-paw before the Clans, and... well, kittypets were never called anything like that. Why would she bear an apprentice name otherwise? Briefly, he looked toward the rest of the patrol. "Can ssss-someone get Blazestar, please?"

\ instructed someone (npc or otherwise) to fetch @BLAZESTAR !
penned by pin ✧
A Clan cat at the border, the cat had explained, worry shimmering in their eyes. Blazestar had been just outside of camp, practicing defensive moves with Bobbie, and his brow creases with concern. “Take me there.” He flips his tail lengthwise toward Bobbie—an invitation. It is part of her training, too—just as he would take his true apprentices to meetings with other Clans, so to will she go.

The Ragdoll’s hulking golden figure appears through the pines before long. He tastes the air, expecting more WindClan stink… but the young tortoiseshell standing nervously in front of Duskpool, Twitchbolt and Edenpaw wears a collar, and her scent is muddled heavily. He frowns. “They told me you called yourself Robinpaw. No kittypet bears that name.” He wonders why she looks so timid, so hunted. From what he can tell, she isn’t injured… “What Clan do you belong to, Robinpaw? And why are you asking to join SkyClan?

  • pseudo-apprentice tag @bobbie
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
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Reactions: DOEBLAZE
Robinpaw’s brow furrows ever so slightly to mirror Twitchbolt’s own furrowed expression. Triangular ears flick back momentarily and for a split second she wonders if she should have given her kittypet name instead - a name that tasted bitter upon her own tongue. No. That wouldn’t be right. The truth is the only way to go. “I was a clan cat, yes.”

She doesn’t place much emphasis on the word ‘was’ in her statement, instead letting the phrase settle in the pine scented air as Twitchbolt sends someone to fetch Blazestar. She doesn’t consider herself a clan cat now, not after being captured and claimed as a kittypet. Perhaps it is her shame that makes her feel that way… or perhaps it is her pride? Either way, the apprentice feels that she bears only a name and no longer an allegiance.

The minutes that tick by feel like hours. Each moment spent in limbo for whether she may stay or if she will be sent away. Robinpaw shuffles her paws and resists the urge to scratch at her collar (despite being on her for a week it still feels incredibly foreign and uncomfortable). Soon enough a large golden ragdoll approaches and Robinpaw ceases her subtle movements to place her full attention on the leader.

“I was born in RiverClan,” Robinpaw explains as she tries to straighten her posture just a little bit more, tries to put on a braver face, and press on with her story, “I got sick as a kit and it delayed my apprenticeship. I-I didn’t want to fall behind my siblings and peers in training so I… I snuck out one night to try and improve my skills. But I didn’t notice the twoleg trap and,” she bows her head in shame, letting the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. “I broke the rules and paid the price. How can I return to RiverClan with this collar around my neck? How can I return and not feel ashamed for what I’ve done or be mocked by the others for my mistake? I-I want to join SkyClan for a fresh start,” Robinpaw further explains, her citrine gaze lifted back to Blazestar in the hopes he understands. “I want to belong to somewhere that doesn’t remind me of my own foolish mistake.”

✿—— she stills her paws when a cat wanders up, falling back into a more relaxed stance rather than her attempt at a defensive one. it's not the first time their training has been interrupted by some situation or another blazestar must handle, and it won't be the last, she's certain—but it's worth it. she's reminded of exactly what a privilege she has when blazestar beckons her to accompany him and bobbie nods dutifully, small lilac form trailing behind his tall golden one between the pines. also not for the first time, there's some ongoing situation at the border she's arrived late to, but luckily this one is just a young cat, no older than an apprentice, lingering on it as opposed to another catastrophic issue on the thunderclan front.

a clan cat, their unexpected visitor had said. she blinks in confusion, ears twitching as blazestar addresses the nervous-looking tortoiseshell, wondering if she'd looked that way when she arrived on their borders. probably similar or worse—she represses a shudder at how she must have appeared, haunted and wounded, and focuses on the situation at paw. the stranger confirms it, asserts the circumstances that had brought her here and it's all bobbie can do not to scoff; what was it with apprentices and being determined to put themselves in danger? she can only hope her own kits have more sense than that. the lilac tabby echoes, "riverclan?"

she glances sidelong towards blazestar, wondering how he'll handle it. if she's remembering right, riverclan is one of the clans they're on better (or at least neutral?) terms with, but ... they can hardly just accept this apprentice without a thought, can they? she knows little about riverclan and its leader, but she suspects cicadastar wouldn't handle them taking a warm body from riverclan without much good reason terribly well. bobbie flicks her tail and waits for blazestar to speak, watching with cautious eyes. will their relatively open borders be something that only brings harm to their clan? bobbie just sighs quietly and awaits the leader's reply.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


Orangeblossom slips into step with Blazestar at some point in his journey to the border, inviting @eveningpaw to fall in with their mini-patrol as well. A Clan cat at their border? It's a rare event. Much like their leader Orangeblossom braces herself for the reek of WindClan, but instead she's surprised to be met by the sickly sweetness of kittypet scent. Something is very wrong about this situation, and worse still is the odd familiarity she feels when looking at this Robinpaw. Should she know this red-chested apprentice from somewhere? Probably not, she decides. Maybe she'd met one of her parents on a patrol or something, provided she's Clanborn.

From the side of the patrol, the deputy winces slightly at the mention of the twoleg traps. Was RiverClan having trouble with them too? SkyClan had never figured out how to open them in the territory. They could probably wrench that collar away from her neck, but if it's the reception she's afraid of when she returns with kittypet scent ... Hmm.

"Are RiverClanners really that cruel?" She wonders aloud, feline brows lifting slightly. The last time she'd attended a Gathering, she hadn't noticed the Clan across the river joining in on the whispers that follow SkyClanners. But, she's been gone for moons. Things changed. Her attention turns to Blazestar, prompting his thoughts with a blink should he turn to face her. "What do you think, Blazestar?"
The ginger-crested apprentice speaks clearly, straightening her posture as any Clan kit would when addressing a Clan leader. Though her amber gaze is troubled, she tells him a tale that rings of truth: curiosity and ambition had led to her straying too close to Twolegs, and she’d been captured and whisked away. Blazestar sees the shame in the roll of her shoulders, dripping from her voice like too-warm sap. “I broke the rules and paid the price. How can I return to RiverClan with this collar around my neck?” His ear flicks. He knows well the ridicule she speaks of—and Orangeblossom’s approach, the murmur of her own concern beside him, brings a hrm low from his throat.

I do not know,” he admits to his deputy. “Every Clan in this forest has their prejudices, whether they are open about them or not. All of them fought Rain’s colony in the Great Battle, and the kittypet taunt was on each of their lips.

His gaze softens as he regards Robinpaw once more. “Perhaps you are right, that your birth Clan will reject you now. If so, you will be welcome to join SkyClan.” He exhales. “I must present you to Cicadastar first, though. I know he has no love for kittypets… but you are RiverClan-born, RiverClan-trained, and I remember the way he searched for those two apprentices who disappeared moons back.” He rises to his paws. “Come to our camp. Bobbie, ensure she has a place to sleep and can find the fresh-kill pile. On the morrow, we make for RiverClan, and Cicadastar can tell us himself what he wants done with you.” He likes the she-cat well enough, and he could see how she’d be a credit to her Clan—whichever that ended up being.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Robinpaw's gaze shifts to Bobbie as the she-cat echoes the name of her birth clan. The way the other looks to Blazestar, causion swimming in unfamiliar depths, brings little solace to the apprentice. The tortoiseshell knows only the basics of diplomacy and the politics of the clans - not nearly enough to have a full grasp on the situation she has put herself into though. In her youthful and naïve mindset she is going to be viewed as a kittypet, and given how many clans speak poorly of kittypets, SkyClan did seem like her best choice when returning to the clans. She does not consider that her joining SkyClan may come across as Blazestar stealing an apprentice from Cicadastar and RiverClan. Nevertheless Bobbie's quiet sigh signals Robinpaw to switch her attention to another who has approached alongside Blazestar and in a moment her thoughts are forgotten.

Her heart nearly skips a beat at the sight of Orangeblossom. For as unfamiliar as the deputy is, there is a surprising amount of familiarity in her appearance. Robin can only think of her mother and the way the queen had doted on her for moons. Apricotflower and Orangeblossom looked so similar it was almost as if they were mirror images of one another. Could she be part of the family here in SkyClan that mother told us about? The tortoiseshell wants to ask, but she refrains given the deputy's words and attention are geared towards the golden leader rather than herself. Plus, the situation is not exactly appropriate for trying to pinpoint long lost family.

Blazestar's attention returns to Robinpaw and she slowly peels her questioning gaze from Orangeblossom to regard the leader in full. Citrine eyes blink in understanding at what he has proposed - if RiverClan is to reject her she will have a place here in SkyClan. However it is the 'if' that brings forth a swell of nervousness. It is knowing she will have to face Cicadastar the next day and stand before him as he passes judgement on her. Yes she is RiverClan born; and RiverClan trained (as much as she could be given her delayed start); but she also bears the collar and scent of a kittypet. The black and white leader's decision could go either way - and that uncertainty is what makes Robinpaw afraid to face him. But where she found strength in being honest with the SkyClanners, she could also find bravery in being escorted back to RiverClan to speak with Cicadastar and see what he would have done with her. "Thank you, Blazestar," Robinpaw speaks with an appreciative bow of her head before looking to Bobbie and rising to her paws. She waits for the other to motion for her to follow before gingerly stepping over the border and entering SkyClan's territory. At least her nervousness can be tamped down for tonight and she will have a warm place to sleep before facing whatever tomorrow will bring.

✿—— orangeblossom and eveningpaw had fallen in with them at some point on her and blazestar's trek to the border, something she finds herself distinctly grateful for. the deputy is sharp-tongued and sure of herself, everything bobbie cannot be, a perfect fit for the situation. not for the first time, she finds herself with a new appreciation for the work the other she-cat does, matching up who should patrol with who and advising blazestar when the winds blew trouble skyclan's way (as they seemed to, all too often). of course, she hadn't been present when the ginger-and-white feline was chosen as their clan's second-in-command, but she admires the decision nonetheless—orangeblossom complements blazestar, filling in the fiercer parts of skyclan's council where he may not. and without being too cruel, as some of the council members might (slate comes to mind).

blazestar delivers his verdict after some consideration, conversing with orangeblossom in a way that makes her feel slightly alien (though not unwelcome). it's a brusque reminder that their pine-flecked borders shield her, for the most part, from the open hatred many of those born to the colonies or the clans hold. despite this, bobbie nods at his order, meeting the strange apprentice's eyes with only a trace of hesitation before she motions her across the border with a friendly mew, "come along, then." she'll find somewhere for robinpaw to sleep, certainly, and show her the fresh-kill pile as blazestar's commanded—it would certainly taste good after dry kittypet food.


  • ooc: sorry to latepost but i wanted to put her in here a last time </3
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu