sensitive topics IN THE MEANTIME — chilledstar

❪ TAGS ❫ — // cw for mentions of death

A lilac-hued pickerelweed and a yellow daisy were gently dropped from the orange tabby tom's maw onto the two dirt mounds, one mostly grown over and the other seeming to be fairly recent, only dug up a few seasons ago. ShadowClan's graveyard was fairly sizeable, as it housed not only the graves of clan cats but Marsh Colony cats as well. He was thankful that he could still access the resting places of his family members here in the comfort of ShadowClan's marshes.

He sits on his haunches, staring down at the sites of his deceased parents. The tom doesn't look quite upset, though he doesn't look happy, either. Bittersweet, he supposes. Roosterstrut can do nothing but be glad that they are both with each other in StarClan, at peace and watching over him (at least... he hopes they are).

The warrior twitched his ears upon hearing pawsteps and he glanced over his shoulder to see Chilledstar nearby. "Hey." Roosterstrut greeted quietly, offering a small smile to the bi-toned cat. "It's, uh, been a while since I've visited my folks. Thought I'd bring them some pretty newleaf flowers."
The pickerelweed had been one of his mother's favorite flora while the yellow daisy reminded him of his father ("They're the same color as your dad's eyes", Swan used to say). Upon seeing the new growths that the season had to offer, Roosterstrut figured that he'd pay a visit to his parents and take some time to reflect. He didn't mind the leader's presence, though. It wasn't good for him to get absorbed in his emotions for too long.

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they had been meaning to do this since they got their lives. why had they hesitated? maybe because the thought of the starred cats just... made them agitated. they didn't like it. and besides... they felt jealous. it wasn't anyone's fault but their own that they felt that way. it wasn't like they could have picked who they saw but they missed their mother so much that their emotions latched on to the only thing it could. with a twitch of their ear, they take a deep breath in and walk towards the warrior they'd meant to talk to a long time ago. the greeting makes them turn their head with a tilt of their head.


it was the only words that came out. they closed their eyes with a twitch of their nose before they breathed out. they needed to just get this over with already.

"your father gave me one of my lives. I've been meaning to tell you for a while... but I just... he said he loves you and he's proud of the warrior you've become."

only if their father could say the same, but they bite their tongue. this wasn't about them. this was about roosterstrut right now, and they were more than happy with allowing him to be the spotlight of the conversation.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut had certainly not expected more than a couple of passing words from Chilledstar. They had never been very close, as the black-and-white leader had always been one of the older cats of the clan. Unlike Ferndance, he had never considered them a close familial-like figure, but he still respected them all the same as they had proved themselves time and time again a loyal member of the clan. Their personalities didn't always mesh together perfectly, but Roosterstrut at least respected the older cat. He sometimes wondered if they felt the same toward him.

He feels his breath catch in his throat when Chilledstar mentions his father. Goose had given Chilledstar one of their lives? Chills cascade down his spine, his hair prickling as goosebumps formed upon his skin. It takes a moment for the words to formulate on his tongue before Roosterstrut manages in utter disbelief, "Really? You- He was there?" The red tabby tom believed in StarClan, sure, but having the reassurance that his loved ones had gone on to live among the stars... Having that closure... It felt unreal. Surely his mother must be in StarClan with Goose too, right?

A wave of emotion overtakes the warrior, to which he blinks his watery eyes and breaks eye contact for a moment. Chilledstar never seemed too great at handling situations like this and Roosterstrut didn't want to break down in front of his leader, so perhaps taking a moment to breathe and gather himself would benefit both of them. "Thank you, Chilledstar." Roosterstrut manages a shaky breath and meets their icy blue gaze once more, salty tears bubbling in the corners of his own. "I don't know what to say. Thank you." He smiles weakly, his heart feeling so full that it might burst out of his chest. His dad was up there watching over him, watching over all of them. What Roosterstrut wouldn't give to hear his voice one more time, to embrace him, but this would suffice for now.