private In The Middle of The Night | Late Night Hunting Patrol

Clouds break beneath within the night, peeling back to reveal a deep Indigo sky allotted with twinkling stars that adorned a bright half moon. Rain moistened the air and greenery around, now shown silver and glistening from the illuminating pale light. A cool breeze billowed the weeping willows, their hanging tendrils swaying easily on the wind. All was quiet and tranquil, a peaceful aura settling upon the wetlands while the world slept.

But not everything was slumbering as it seemed.

A shadow prowls quietly through the foliage before her, light steps practically gliding over the undergrowth as she moved. A ghost of the night she was, her figure so dark it blended in easily within the shadows. If one wasn't paying close attention to their surroundings, they'd be succumbed to the void by swift glinting claws. She strides forth with certain confidence and vigor, angling her broad helm in equal length of her shoulders and tail stream-lining behind her sleek frame. Cicadastar had made his point, had declared for his clan to hunt upon the land of Sunningrocks as if it were their own territory. He had instructed to leave scent out of spite, for ThunderClan to know that RiverClan had been upon territory that never should have belonged to the forest cats in the first place. He instructed for them to be careful, and careful they shall be. Sunningrocks had always been RiverClan's, and that wasn't going to change. She brings her patrol out of the reeds, standing along the shoreline where she stood just the day before. The words of ThunderClan stilling ringing in her angular ears. Swimming and fishing. Acting as if they could reap the resources of the river now. How preposterous. Then flaunting about their 'newly claimed territory'. Not if she had anything to do about it. Everyone knew that the river strictly belonged to RiverClan, anyone else who dared try and swim within it's murky depths would be easily swept away by the current. Just as greedy as WindClan or ShadowClan they were. The neutrality that had laid between them had now diminished, and it was time for RiverClan to become greedy for a change.
Glowing chartreuse eyes turned towards her patrol, a batch of warriors she was sure would make this a successful one. Stealth was heavily needed to ensure this patrol was a success, or else they'd be caught. Her expression is sharp and etched like smooth stone, pupils wide like twin black moons. "Alright, you heard Cicadastar." She begins, laying her haze on each patrol member for a moment before continuing, "We hunt Sunningrocks as our own. We will show ThunderClan that we will not give up land so easily. We will not show our bellies." Her rasped voice is quiet but holds a certain blade within it's depths. "I chose you all for a reason. Do not squander it. Leave your scent on these rocks, even hunt if you so desire. I want them to know we were here. I want to leave a clear measage." Knuckled toes splayed against the pebbles beneath her feet, a certain excitement brewing within her belly—though she visibly knows none of it. Only she shows her clear determination, and with a flick of her shaded tail, she slips into the shallow depths of the shoreline. "Let's go." She murmurs and slips into the dark depths.
The water is chilled from the previous rain and it sends invigorating goosebumps under her rosetted flanks, legs pushing her powerfully through the current, making sure to keep close to her apprentice's side. She had asked her to come along with her, to prove herself further and aid her mentor. She needed to know the treachery of ThunderClan, and she needed to know that RiverClan would not take it lightly. The lead warrior felts sand and silt beneath her paws as she braces the shoreline along the other side, hauling herself carefully onto the banks. Her fur clung tightly onto her form, revealing more profound muscles in its wake. Her tail raises for then to pause as her jaw goes slack, inviting the molded scent of oak and leaf litter to bathe her tongue. The scent was fairly fresh, but it was at the least a few hours old. "Fan out, but stick close to where we can see one another." She murmurs with a wave of her tail, inviting them onto the land. This would be RiverClan land again. One day.


THIS IS A SMALL LITTLE THREAD FOR SUNNINGROCKS. This thread is private because they are plotted to NOT get caught this time around. Blitz has given us permission! So do what you like, but please be reasonable!
ThunderClan will find that RiverClan has been on their territory the next morning!

@CLAYFUR @Petalnose @Riverwhisker
if you have an apprentice, you're mkre than welcome to tag them if they'd ICingly agree to them going! <3

Happy hunting!


Sleeping wasn't something Petalnose was too fond of lately and so she found the calling to the patrol a gift from Starclan. She wasn't too fond of the she-cat lately but it would keep her occupied, her mind could worry of something else rather than the problems that troubled her curious mind. Crossing borders and claiming prey and territory that had belonged to them was just her taste. Stealth was her strong-suit. Excitement pulsed through the Molly's veins and her stomach tightened. Soon she could dig her claws into their filthy pelts to show them that Riverclan still stood strong. She wanted to see their faces filled with terror, pelts fluffed and shrinked to the ground of the bloodshed to come through tearing claws and sinking teeth. They would come back with power, like furious currents sinking and carrying anyone who dared to step within it. They would not be defeated. Time ticked on as their warriors were healing one by one. They'll get there. Soon.

Petalnose slinked after Cindershade and made her way into the chilling water. Her paws tingled with instinctual displeasure, her body voicing to her that the stimuli that seeped onto her body was too cold to linger in. However, the excitement that burned within her caused her to not even flinch. The tall she-cat powerfully and quickly made her way to shore with ease through long strokes. Her mix matched eyes landed on Cindershade at her orders and she silently nodded in note, wondering if perhaps one of them would get caught. Although, pride and confidence had surged through the warrior as she had known she had done similar things as this in the past. The others were a question of their personal strengths and weaknesses, having to trust them enough to not give out their little suprise hunting trip. She hoped they were light on their paws. They couldn't afford a fight at this moment, no matter how much she desired it.

The tabby patched warrior banded out without a word spoken, crouching down as low as she could without dragging her belly and making sure the soft breeze blew towards her to hide her scent from nearby prey and enemies. She drank in the scent of the forest, keeping away from the river as she had guessed the others would have taken that position by now. The scent of water shrew seeped onto her senses, ears listening out for the slightest of movements it gave way. The shrew was spotted near the safe shelter of a boulder cavity, grooming itself. She would have to be as silent as can be. Her stalking was fast but quiet, pausing every now and then when it froze. When she was close enough, she reached one of her long legs out and swiped it up to her jaws to deliver a swift kill bite. She refrained from giving out a proud and excited purr through her full jaws, keeping silent but her heart thumping with adrenaline. She couldn't wait to see their faces creased with fury. Ill with anger. What could the outcome be? She wondered.

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Reactions: Cindershade

Riverwhisker did so enjoy his sleep, and when Cindershade approached him requesting him to join her on this patrol, he almost said no. Obviously he agreed, it was the trust being put in him that made him.

He had never been very territorial. He kept to himself and that was that. It wasn't until Riverclan was formed that he began to care about borders. Any time he heard tell of trespassers, he felt annoyed. Annoyance grew to anger over time, no thanks to Windclan. Now, that anger was growing. Thunderclan had the nerve to steal their land, and he was livid.

He couldn't explain to himself why. He was still adjusting to a new mindset, he supposed. He wouldn't stress over it.

He slipped into the water with serpentine grace, gliding through the water with ease. It was where he belonged, he always had an affinity for the water. Paws touched the ground of the other side of the river, and he shook his pelt free of excess water.

His scent would be all over this place by the time he was done here. He glanced to his clanmates and stayed near them, quietly heading to the rocks to rub his face on them. He would get to work doing whatever he could, even climbing to the top to roll on the surface to leave as much of his scent as he could. That, and he could keep his clanmates in view from here. He crouched low and eyed the forest, hoping no Thunderclan cats were awake at this hour
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Reactions: Cindershade
As soon as his paws touch down upon rocky ground, it’s as though a weight has been lifted. Suddenly breathing is easier—existing is easier. He’s grateful that Cinder was kind enough to invite him to come along, even after his less than mature standoff with one of ThunderClan’s patrols. (Not that he thinks he was wrong; Lakemoon should have been more angry with the family who had betrayed her so easily, who had hurt her mate. He stands by his words, by his decisions, by his threats. He knows where his loyalty lies, and it isn’t with any family outside of RiverClan.)

But now isn’t the time to dwell on whatever bitterness he feels toward clanmates. They’re all RiverClan, at the end of the day. They’re all a clan, unified and stronger because of it. Keeping RiverClan safe comes before any grudges that he holds. It’s what Clear would have wanted, he thinks, as the shadowy lead warrior gives her orders and tells them to fan out.

His primary focus is not to hunt, or to plant his scent along the places where the rancid smell of ThunderClan’s dogs is spread. He first finds a familiar cramped space, the rocky shelter that he and Clearsight had taken cover beneath on the happiest day of his life. It seems so long ago now. When he’d been happy. If he lets himself believe, he can practically see that stony blue fur, hear the words that they’d spoken to one another beneath the sound of pouring rain.

He doesn’t linger for long, just long enough to rub his frame along the rocks, dragging his shoulder against stone where he knows his love had once lain. He doesn’t care about the meager hunting or sunbathing potential of the rocks—this is what he cares about. This is what he’d taken a life for. This is what he’ll continue to taunt ThunderClanners across the river for, continue to fight for. With one last rub of his cheek, the brown and white tom exhales slowly. It feels as though he can truly breathe for the first time in a month.

When he finally steps away from the spot that he’s covered with his scent, Clay smiles. It isn’t a permanent fix, doesn’t even begin to make right the pain that ThunderClan caused, the parts of himself that they ripped away—but it makes it easier. Better, in a way. He tilts his head back, scanning for stars in the dark sky, hoping to find not a star that shines brighter than the rest, but one that fits in perfectly. One that’s settled between the other stars, easy to look over, but one that the sky would look incomplete without. An irreplaceable star.

Hazel eyes find the star he’s searching for—and he doesn’t believe that dead cats are actually in the sky amongst the stars, looking down upon them, but it’s a relaxing thought. His gaze catches, sticks for a moment, and then he gives a flick of his ear and moves along. There’s surely more places to scent, more ways to piss off whichever ThunderClan mutts will find evidence of their excursion come morning time.

His paws carry him over toward Riverwhisker, and he nods up to the other tom, who seems to be acting as a lookout of sorts. ThunderClan has proven themselves less than stellar at ambushes, but it’s still a good idea to have someone keeping watch of the forest. "See anything?" He murmurs, his own gaze cutting toward the trees for a moment.

Sleep has been a struggle for Gillsight for a while now - one only further amplified by his recent promotion in rank bringing forth a new place to rest. So, when Cindershade's request for him to join the night's patrol arrives, he agrees. Though unexpected - with Gillsight still being so new to his own name - being among the chosen is a better use of his time, he supposes, than combating his mind in hopes that he can get some sleep.

His dark pelt blends in with the night's surroundings as he follows the lead warrior and his fellow clanmates - his fellow warriors - to the lost land. And, though nerves for what may come are on the rise, it's only right that he stands among this patrol. White paws find their footing on familiar stones - a former battleground he'd sought aid for and before that, familiar training grounds in the brunt of his apprenticeship.

As he walks across the stones, Gillsight wishes once more that his efforts had been successful. Had Blazestar abided by the allyship between Sky and River, the Sunningrocks would still be under RiverClan's hold. His home would still be his home, without these late-night patrols to ward off ThunderClan.

He deserves to be here, with all that he's done to try to protect this piece of their territory. RiverClan deserves to be here, too - deserves to be able to keep their home, their hunting grounds, their memories. Far more than the oak-dwellers could ever, upon this land. ThunderClan's feigned entitlement will be no match for RiverClan, the next time they cross paths. And, they won't even need to seek the help of the pine forest, he's certain of it.

Under Cindershade's call to fan out, the warrior finds himself wandering - letting himself feel the cooling stones against his paws, the sand along the shoreline. It's an effort to take in what he can, to preserve what details he can within his mind, because, for all Gillsight knows, this could be the last time he graces the Sunningrocks in a moment of peace. For all he knows, the next time he's here, the flat-sided rocks could be turned into a battlefield once more - its peaceful nature ripped from it again.

In his silence, the warrior makes sure to look up every few pawsteps. He glances around to make sure it's only RiverClan's cats he sees - that his borrowed time upon the stolen landmark isn't waning quicker than he thinks.

And, as he sees Clayfur looking up at the sky, the black and white tom pauses in his wandering. His gaze lifts to the sky for a moment. The warrior can only hope Clearsight is up there somewhere, keeping watch over their patrol, should something happen. A small sigh marks the end of his stargazing, and Gillsight paces onwards, sides rubbing against the rocks he comes across.
In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw trails in behind her mentor with bated breath, slinking through the shadows with blossoming grace carefully fine tuned by the rosette molly. She was surprised at first, to learn that the lead willed her to come on such an important undertaking. Yet humbled by the potential she saw behind it. Ebony paws lead her to the water's edge, wading into is biting liquid to come out the other side slick and streamlined. She pauses, periwinkle eyes skimming the tree line as Cindershade gives the signal to halt. With a wordless flick of her ears the skunk lined apprentice nods, heeding her mentor's words to stay relatively close. Not willing to risk a blunder on her end and causing a ruckus, she sticks to scenting the area. Her lithe frame rubs against the cool stone of sunning rocks before righting herself to move on elsewhere. She shakes to rid herself of the pesky droplets streaming from her fur before pressing against another surface to leave riverclan's scent behind.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
She feels the tension in the air, the anticipation that ThunderClan may just waltz up at any moment. A patrol could ambush them within the shadows, or if someone was watching from the thickly woven undergrowth from just ahead. Riverwhisker took to the top of the pile of stones, a look out. Perfect. Clayfur moves on to a specific area and settles there, a faraway look within his gaze. A gaze she could only pinpoint as memories must have flooded through him, a damn had broken and pulled him under within it's emotional current. Gillsight, too, as they both looked to the stars. Would Clearsight be proud of their resilience? If he were alive, would he have come along with them? Obsidian ears flicker against the crisp night breeze, billowing through her sleeked pelt and she shivers at it's cooling kiss. RiverClan did belong here. This was a place of memories and of laughter. Of good times. The amount of times she's splayed across those warming stones, not a care in the world—just enjoying the here and now.
But, here and now was different than it was then. Now these rocks had been plagued with the spill of blood and clashing bodies. Her jaw sets as she moves from her position, gliding over the shore like a mere ghost within the night. She rubs her broadened frame against the stones as well, making sure to mark where she had so many times before. Her mind traces back to their battle and she wishes so much that she had been there, wondered if she would have made a difference. But perhaps she wasn't that powerful. ThunderClan had swarmed them like flies to a rotten carcass, picking flesh and bone of their home. Cicadastar didn't take it lying down, nor would she. She would not show her belly to anyone. Not ThunderClan nor WindClan. She was doing what she believed was right, and she'd die figuratively and literally upon these stones before showing such weakness.
Somewhere within the density of the void that was ThunderClan territory, an owl hooted and the batter of fluttering wings was heard. She freezes in mid mark, glowing eyes trained upon the source of the noise. She couldn't see the predator, but it wasn't far off. With a huff, she moves on to the center of the clearing and beckons them all with her tail. "Come, that's good enough. Petalnose, bring that shrew with you. We shall return home to report to Cicadastar." She hisses low as to not wake the sleeping forest around them.