In the middle of the storm | stalkingpaw

An ebony paw pokes and prods at an emerald reptile someone from managed to catch and bring back for her clanmates to eat. She missed the taste of fresh fish already and the longer she stared at the boney creature the quicker her appetite dried up. The steady thrum of paws rushing her way was enough to pull the molly from her thoughts, soft blue eyes snapping skyward as the tom hovered over her. Gasping for breath he quickly relayed his message, side heaving from the sprint to reach her. "You have to hurry, it's Stalkingpaw. She...she's not looking so good." Sablepaw's heart begins to hammer within the confines of its porcelain cage. "W-what?" It's rhetorical, she heard the warrior clear as day. But her surprise led her to hope he'd spoken wrong.

He leaves her with nothing but a solemn expression as she swiftly gathers herself, prey long forgotten amongst the shuffling of her paws. The persistent ache of her injured shoulder wordlessly threatens to reopen healing wounds. Yet she cares not for precaution right now, not when Stalkingpaw needed her. Carefully she traverses a sea of mingling bodies, leaping over sprawled limbs and scattered tails as she darts toward the area of the sick. Eventually her eyes rest upon the bicolored molly, resting with dull evergreen eyes. What happened? She had been doing so well, her body holding steady against the yellowcough that managed to plague her.

Quietly she takes a step forward. "Stalkingpaw?" Her voice wavers, the execution thin and brittle as her gaze sweeps over her littermate. "Starclan please...she's all I have left." She couldn't bear to lose yet another family member. Mist gathers at the corners of her eyes due to that thought alone and her throat tightens. Another step brings her closer, allowing her to tenderly touch the molly's ear with her nose. (@Stalkingpaw.)

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖

stalkingpaw & 12 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

In the end, it's all too much.

Stalkingpw had tried, really - holding tight to sablepaw's words in her hare moments of lucidity. But yellowcough leaves her aching, breaths coming short and body hot and fevered. She simply can't handle the strain of moving camps not once but twice - the stress sending her fever skyrocketing. Paw pads feel sticky as she pants, vison swimming as the hours pass by until a day has gone by. Sometimes she's lucid, lost in the land of dreams even when she's awake. Other times, she's blessed with a moment of brief clarity, forcing herself to try and remembers, to eat, to get better.

But it doesn't - it only gets worse. In the sea of fevered bodies and bloodstained figures, a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces and scents all mingled together, there is only one that she looks for. But se cannot find it - emerald eyes wide and glazed as neck craness, paws churning uselessly. "S-sablepaw... sablepaw, where are you?"

She doesn't know how long she goes on like that, begging and pleading, before at last one of the cats passing by gives in to her demands. A familiar voice curls about her ears, and she calms - sotthed by her sister presence. Throat aches and burns as she coughs up another puddle, staring at it for a moment - she's supposed to be doing something, saying something, but what...

She blinks, delirium fading into the background once again as she feels sablepaw touch her ear - green eyes welling with tears before she can stop them. She's scared - she's so scared. She's never felt this scared, not even when facing that fox, not even when she'd spotted their fathers discarded remains. No - she is dying, and she knows it, something painfully instinctual, deep down.

"Sablepaw... I'm - I'm sorry. I w-wasn't a good... sister, wanted be better...." she manages to slur through her tears and snot, bitterness flooding her. She'd been stupid and childish - jealous at the way sablepaw had seemed to so effortlesly fit within riverclans ranks, while she aloe had bared proof of their heritage in her failures.

But what had been the point? It was stupid, and now she'd never have the time to make up for it - to cross that gap that even now lingers. Chest squeezes tight and she wheezes again, one paw reaching out blindly through her blurring vision. "Please... don't leave. Love you... 'M Sorry - sorry," she mumbles hoarsely, voice failing her even as the tears refuse to stop falling. She doesn't want to be alone - doesn't want to go. Not now, not like this. They were supposed to get their warrior names together, live out their days in riverclan, die of old age or maybe in battle.

She isn't supposed to die like this.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Terror grips the bicolored apprentice as she helplessly watched her sister fight through death throes. Limbs flail and lash sluggishly only to calm after her touch graced the molly's ear. Tears fully manifest within her eyes now, cascading down ebony cheeks only to moisten the ground below. Stalkingpaw garbled something, her utterance too low to be heard by normal means. Sablepaw leaned closer to make out the slurred speech, acknowledging the words as an apology she felt didn't need to be spoken. "Shh no. No Stalkingpaw don't talk like that, you were a wonderful sister. It's okay, everything is okay. Please, save your strength. You need to rest." She coaxed softly, fighting to keep the dying flame of optimism in her voice. Although everything within her screamed that her sibling was far beyond the point of rest.

Disregarding the sickness continuing to ooze from the molly Sablepaw curled up close. Her paw blindly reaches forth, searching, and her heart clenches as Stalkingpaw continues on morbidly. "Please don't leave me, love you" Resting a single dark paw gingerly upon her sister's wayward one she gives her a reassuring nod. Though it is marred heavily by grief. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here Stalkingpaw." She croaked, voice trembling as realization finally begins to set in. Though her prayer to starclan had gone up, her answer was barren. Fruitless in the wake of her fading sibling. They sought to claim another, plucking the molly from her grasp like they did with their father. "I love you...too." Sablepaw choked, the sound broken as something shatters within though she cannot place it. Whether it be her peace, joy, or something else entirely as tears fall uncontrollably.

A pained cry bursts forth from her lips, lurching from deep within the very depths of her spirit. Its pitch carrying a season's worth of bottled anguish as she buries her face in Stalkingpaw's neck. She has suffered the loss of Wolverinefang, Boneripple, and now Stalkingpaw. Her family dwindles down to nothing as she remains the last of all, homeless in a foreign land. What did starclan want from her? Was her service to Riverclan not enough to make up for her mother's past sin? Were they seeking to punish her? Broken sobs wracked her body as her dismay continued to pour out, spilling over for all to hear as she mourned the loss of all she had left.

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖

stalkingpaw & 12 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

She is not alone.

The touch of another keeps her grounded, white tipped ears raised as she listens. She - she is not alone, she is a good sister, she is okay. She is not alone.

The starlit apprentice finds comfort in her sisters words, in spite of the heat in her chest and the ache in her eyes. They are a mess, the two of them - pelts stained by ink and moonlight wrapped tightly around each other. For stalkingpaw, Sablepaw is all she's had left these past moons - boneripples disappearance shaking her, shattering her. But sablepaw - she has cindershade, and fernpaw, and so many others. She - she'll be okay. Her sister will be okay

Thoughts are fractured, head spinning dizzily until she can not longer even do so much as think, only feel. Green eyes flutter shut as she tries her best to focus - the warmth of her fever, the coolness of sablepaws touch. The dampness of tears upon her neck and cheeks, the quiet sniffles and choked sobs that leave them both. At some point, she quiets down, her hysterics cooling as her sobs peter out into something more timid.

She is... tired. She's just so tired. She can hardly stay awake as the time pases, minutes slipping into hours or maybe even more. Limbs turn to led and eyeslids grow tired, blinking slowly. She is not alone - a shadowy figure, graced with the light of the stars dappled across his rossetted pelt flickers by her fading vision, familiar and yet not. She knows this cat, and yet she doesn't. She is dying - and she is not alone. She has her sister at her side as she drifts off to sleep for the last time, pain fading away as she goes, and she has Pitchstar to guide her to the stars.

It's peaceful.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account