
Mar 14, 2024

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    MEADOWPAW; when a flower grows wild it can always survive
    Loud, opinionated, confrontational. Meadowkit has a big heart but some may say an even bigger attitude. She is not afraid to speak her mind, not afraid to tell others when she thinks they are wrong or leap to the defense of another (whether it is wanted or not). Sometimes, others may say that she has a bad habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong but really, she just has everyone's best interests at heart. She is right all the time, or so she thinks, and sorry is not a word often found in her vocabulary.
    ⤷ named for her grandmother
    AFAB; she / her
    kitten of thunderclan
    Created 03.14.24 . Ages every 15th . 6 moons
    — penned by Jay; PINTEREST; PLAYLIST
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    A longhaired red tabby and white she cat with green eyes / TOYHOUSE
    Meadowkit is a large she cat, most of her bulk being comprised of silky red tabby fur, with paws daintier than her size would suggest. As she grows, her limbs will make her appear awkward and lanky and her broad shoulders will eventually catch up making her rather tall and stocky as she ages. The tabby stripes on her forehead are a deep red, which stick out from the warm ginger that adorns the rest oh her body. Splitting her face in half and pooling around her muzzle is a creamy white, the same white that adorns her chest. It also makes an appearance in a long stripe running down the length of her back, engulfing her tail. additionally, she wears the same white as stockings on the end of her long legs and underneath her eyes in splashes and dots. Her eyes are a bright green color, reminiscent of her father or even, some say, her late grandmother.

    As she wishes to imitate her mother, Meadowkit can sometimes be found with flowers and leaves woven into her fur
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    Meadowkit is probably one of the most on again off again friends one will ever have in their life. She is incredibly loyal, down to her very core. If she loves you, she will do anything for you and that really does mean anything. So long as it is within the realm of rules set by her clan. If there's a problem, she'll fix it and she will not stop until she does. All that being said, as loyal as she is to the ones she loves she is loyal to her clan first. Don't let her catch you doing something you're not supposed to or clue her in on any secrets because Meadowkit will be the first one to run to a grown up or authority figure and tell. Some say she is a massive stick in the mud, but she will insist she is doing it with your best interests at heart. The grown ups know what is best, after all. Honesty is perhaps her strongest trait. To lie feels like a perversion of herself and this specific aspect of her personality is what makes it so difficult to keep a secret. Sometimes, she will not go out of her way to blab if there is no immediate threat of harm, but if asked she will not conceal the truth.

    In her early kithood, Meadowkit will be trying her best to imitate her mother. She will spend an agonizing time over her fur, a trait that will stick later on until her adult years as she grows a slight vanity about her looks. She prides herself in keeping clean, in staying on top of the knots that try their best to form in her silky pelt. She will do her best to also imitate her mothers aloof personality, but in this endeavor she will not prevail. In the end, her extraverted nature will win out. She has a certain confidence in the way she does everything, some may say she is over confident in her abilities, boastful to the point of arrogance, but just look at who her family is, can you blame her? She is extremely competitive and wants to come out on top in everything she does. Anything you can do she believes she can do better and if you dare say otherwise, she is not opposed to proving you wrong with claws and teeth. She is extremely confrontational, a deep seeded belief that she is always right no matter the situation stemming from that confidence mentioned earlier. If anyone were to ever dare say otherwise she gets defensive, a quality that is not difficult to bring out in her. But what doesn't set her off one day could the next, one can never be quite certain around Meadowkit.

    prone to bouts of anger, doesn't like saying sorry as that admits fault. As a kit, she will get into many brawls and squabbles, often wanting to prove that she is right no matter the situation. However, she has a high respect for authority. As always, this is just a template and is subject to change as the character ages.
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    Easy to befriend, but equally easy to anger
    SOUNDS LIKE: voiceclaim (when older)
    SMELLS LIKE: lavender
    speech is #B7B7A4

    generation four | sibling to Scarletpaw and Mottledpaw
    mentoring none , mentored by Palefire
    mate to none | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Bugpaw, Sunpaw
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    ► LIKE A VILLAIN - Bad Omens
    FRESH START FEVER - You Me at Six
    BITE MY TONGUE - You Me at Six
    AFTERGLOW - Silverstein

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    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
  • Code:
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    [tabs][tab=( ❀༉ )][img][/img]
    [tab=there's love in the lightning ₊˚༉‧₊˚][fright][img width=140px][/img][/fright][color=#6B705C][b][size=16px]MEADOWPAW[/size][/b][/color] THUNDERCLAN KITTEN ; SHE / HER 
    [quote]A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven [/quote]
    [color=#DDBEA9]✦[/color] easy in battle + no formal training 
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