private in the ringer & Ghoststrike


he looks like just a dream
Nov 27, 2022
❖ Sickness seemed to spread trhough Windclan like a wild fire. It started with just a few cats here and there with breathing issues or cold-like symptoms, but then it got worse the colder is got. Cats started to be unable to do much besides sleep and he had heard rumor of Wisteriapaw falling victim to this illness that many whispered as 'green cough'. Nut had heard of something similar back in the Coalition, but it was referred to as more of a plague than anything else and he could see why. It spread easily, made things much harder for the warriors, and the lilac cat didn't know what to do about it. He wanted to help, but it was hard being one of few cats in the clan to be able to hunt.

Though what brought him over to the gathered nests of sick cats was something he never expected to see; Ghost. Nut had heard that the dark grey tabby had fallen ill with this greencough and the young tabby was determined to take care of him. Dandelionwish had a lot on his paws, so it was the least he could do to make sure that their strongest didn't die outright. ​

"Hey, sarge," Nut spoke quietly to Ghost as the tomcat was in the nest, he smelled awful. More awful than normal in a way, if that was possible, "Heard you got wound up with this sickness goin' on, and I thought I'd bring you something," He moved aside to reveal that of honey comb that he had stolen from Dandelionwishs' den. It wouldn't do much in healing aside from the throat maybe, but he knew it was more so a treat than anything else.

Nut puffed up his chest and gave a smirk, "Honey helps anything! Thats what my mom always said," He boasted happily and a curled ear twitched a bit at his own internal cringe, "Anyway, here, eat some," The lilac tabby cat nosed the honey closer to the nest and sat down beside the moss with an expectant look at Ghost.


Ghost was a stubborn cat. As such, he should have probably found his way into the medicine cats den days prior, when the wheezing in his breaths and the sniffles first began. It would have been the smart thing to do, and since Ghost was far from stupid it had likely confused more than one cat when instead, Duskfire had been forced to pull rank and order him to go see Dandelionwish. Since then, the massive grey tabby had been sulking, which for Ghost was the equivilant of glaring at any cat who came near him like he would rip their throat out for even looking at him. Most were wise enough to give the agitated tomcat a wide berth, the exception being Dandelionwish himself, who took none of his shit and demanded compliance with such surefire authority that Ghost felt more compelled to obey him than he did the damn Deputy, which only put him in a worse mood.

He didn't like being touched and watched by another cat. It made him uneasy, and that uneasiness translated in hostility.

The group of sick cats had been moved out of camp after Wisteripaws death, Sootstar ordering the medic to keep them at the abandoned badger set instead.

Ghost hated it.

It was cramped and stunk of sickness, and if sleep had been difficult before it was damn near impossible now that Nineteen and Nut were so far away. He felt like he was trapped behind enemy lines somewhere, unable to leave or move. His negligence had made his own condition worse, his refusal to see Dandelionwish earlier meaning that sniffles and a a tickle in his throat had become coughing and a light fever that left him feeling sore and exhausted.

"Hey Sarge,"

"Heard you got wound up with this sickness goin' on, and I thought I'd bring you something,"

A familiar voice, one that left him fighting himself. The familiarity was nice, but on the other hand...

"You shouldn't be coming around here, Nut." he growled softly, voice rougher than usual as he lifted his head to greet the other.

Dark, tired eyes met soothing green, still bright and lively from lack of sickness, and Ghost couldn't help but feel guilty that a part of him was glad they were here when he knew they might fall ill with this too. Where the hell was that medicine cat when you needed him? Ghost knew for a fact he wouldn't have let Nut walk in like this if they were here.

He was pulled from his thoughts by the lilac tom suddenly moving aside to reveal something.

"Honey helps anything! Thats what my mom always said,"

His ears twitched back in uncertainty, dark eyes staring at the offering with confliction. Ghost didn't take food from other cats, didn't even pull it from the kill pile for meals. He only ate and drank what he'd gotten with his own paws, which had made another aspect of his healing particularly difficult since he insisted on walking to get his own food and water. And he was apprehensie as he sat there looking at Nuts offering, because he didn't think the lilac tabby would try to poison him. In fact, he was fairly certain of it. And yet a lifetime of conditioning himself was screaming that it was wrong.

"Dandelionwish is gonna skin you alive if he finds out you've been helping yourself to his honeycomb. Then he'll probbaly send me to replace it, devious bastard."

It seemed like something the other tom would do, hoping Ghost would get himself stung as punishment for eating it.

Still, the tabby leaned forward to pull the honeycomb toward him, muttering a "Thanks." as he did so.

"Seriously though, Nut. You can't stay here long or your gonna end up stuck in here with us." the gruff tone with which he spoke could easily be mistaken for ungratefulness, but in reality Ghost was concerned. The last thing he needed was for Nut to get sick on his watch, especially when one cat had already died from whatever was going around.

Leaning down, he took a few tenative licks at the honeycomb. He'd never had it before, and the sweetness was unexpected as it exploded across his tastebuds. Okay. Maybe it would be worth getting stung a few times.

And if it was poison, it tasted better than anything he'd ever had before.

What an ironic foreshadowing.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

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❖ A light laugh came from the lilac tabby cat and he twitched his bobbed tail a bit with amusement, "I know he is, but I'm sure you're good at keeping secrets between us, Ghosty," He mused back with a smile. Dandelionwish was going to kill him for taking honeycomb, but he'd find more if he had too. He wanted to give a gift to Ghoststrike cause the tom seemed barely able to breathe on his own let alone do anything else on his own.

To make a point in the other stating he should get out of there or else he would get sick, the lilac tabby plopped down onto his hunches and lifted his chin defiantly, "And what? Leave you here to rot on your own? I think not," He responded back with a small scoff like it was the stupidest idea he'd ever had. Nutsprout had missed Ghoststrike, things felt empty in the nest they shared with Puffcloud and Nineteen. ​

Thos two had each other to cuddle with for the night and seeing them together made Nutsprout feel almost- jealous? Ghoststrike was usualy whom he settled next to at night and with the other outside of camp, sleep had been hard to come by alone in the cold. It was rather weird, to crave the company of another cat that had wanted to kill him not even a few weeks ago.

The Coalition had then sleep together as well to keep warm in the winter months, but this was different than that. He had gotten to know Ghoststrike beyond that of his higher commanding officer and willing followed him around now instead of being ordered too. "How're you feeling? Do you know how long this sickness lasts?" He asked after a moment of silence and gave twitch of a curled ear.


Ghost was fairly certain one of the contributing factors to his sickness was the fact that he'd held out so long to join in one the nightly dogpiles that started forming once the cold set in. He would stubbornly remain in his own nest night after night, covered in snow, until Nut and Nineteen had cornered him and threatened to just take up residence in the tabbys personal nest, to which he'd quickly offered to seperate their tails from their bodies should they find themselves so bold as to touch his personal sleeping area. The compromise then, had been that Ghost would move into their nest instead.

To be short, he hated it.

At first, at least. The proximity had left his skin crawling and the scents of so many cats had made him want to bristle and stalk out into the cold where he could freeze his nose off and not have to deal with it. Those first few nights he hadn't gotten any sleep at all, laid on the very edge of the group where he was closest to the edge of the nest, body barely in contact with whomever the closest cat had been at the time. He'd been in such a rush to get out of there that he hadn't even stopped to wake Nut up to join him for training, something that cat was probably greatful for despite the fact that it only farther sullied his day to have yet another change to deal with.

Eventually though, it did get easier.

He wasn't sure if Nut did it on purpose or not, but somewhere along the way the bobtail had began shifting farther from Puff and Nineteen to sleep closer to Ghost. At first it had left the masked tomcat on edge to have them so close, but after a while he realized it was the lesser of two evils having the other wedged between him and the others. Nut acted as a natural buffer between him and the other pair, and since he was arguably more used to the bobtails scent of closeness over his own brothers at this point, getting used to this new arrangement was easier than Ghost would likely admit.

Except now he was back in his own nest, away from the cats he was used to having nearby. Nobody to watch over, nobody to have his back in turn. It made for sleepless nights that he was eager to be done with.

"I know he is, but I'm sure you're good at keeping secrets between us, Ghosty,"

The tom snorted softly, but he didn't object to the statement. It was true after all, he wasn't going to rat the other out. Their next words prompted and eye roll though, because yes, leaving him to rot was exactly what Nut should have been doing. "You and your bleeding heart." he muttered, knowing full well his own softness was getting the better of him as well. He should have already ordered the other to leave, chased them straight from the den himself if it came down to it, but instead he let them plop their ass down and get comfortable, selfish in his sickness. Yes, he'd blame it on the sickness, all these poor decisions of his.

"How're you feeling? Do you know how long this sickness lasts?"

"Weeks, if your lucky. Never, if your not." Some cats would die from it. Those that that didn't could be downed for anywhere from a week to a moon. And that was just from what he'd seen it do in the Coalition. He wasn't sure what the recovery rates were in Windclan where they had a medic, but the fact that there'd only been one death so far was promising. Ghost didn't typically get sick. He was a strong cat with a solid immune system, but somewhere between all the running, stress, and change, something must have called it quits on him this winter.

"And I suppose I can't complain. I'm better than most of them." he said, gesturing to the other cats who lay sleeping and coughing weekly in their own nests. It was true that Ghost was among the more healthy of them, his symptoms persisitent but pretty mild compared to the ragged wheezing and hoarse coughing that came from some of the other Windclanners. If anything, Ghost just felt tired, both physically and mentally. He'd gone without sleep for days at a time in the past while running missions that didn't allow one to properly rest, but the slight fever he was running left him feeling more in a daze than anything.

"What about you and the others? Nobodys been showing signs of sickness, have they?" he asked, dark eyes looking to lilac tom over briefly. It was clear that by 'the others' he meant Nineteen and Puff rather than the Windclanners as a whole, their health and immediate safety beyond his jurisdiction. Sootstar could handle her own, and he'd take care of his.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ The smaller tomcat gave a wave of his paw at the others' response about his bleeding heart. Nutsprout just cared is all. Nothing more nothing less, and Ghoststrike was now part of the circle of caring for others. Then moved to lay down beside Ghoststrike, nudging him a bit in his nest to move over and promptly took ups space in his nest without fear. If he got sick it would be fine, he'd make it through any sickness that the world could throw at him.

"Well there has only been one death so far, so its better than the 'medic' back home," Nutsprout responded optimistically and gave a small shrug, "Worse comes to worse its just a few more weeks and then newleaf will be here before you know it," He gave a smile in response and then lapped at a paw for a moment to warm them up from the cold walk out here. ​

Though there was a slight relief in his shoulders as Ghost said he wasn't as bad as the others, so he would make it through right? Wisteriapaw had only been a young apprentice, but Ghoststrike was a larger and older cat- surely he had a better immune system to fight it off. Nutsprout then pushed the creeping feeling in his chest down with force and looked up at Ghoststrike when he questioned about Nineteen and Puffcloud.

Their noses almost touched with how close they got with Ghost facing him and him lifting his muzzle, "As far as I can tell they're doing alright, Puff has been more paranoid about the sickness than Nineteen but they know better than to come out here," Nutsprout responded back with a slight shrug and lowered his muzzle a bit, "They can still hunt and seem to breathe fine as of right now," Though that could change in a heartbeat like it had for Wisteriapaw. Everyone started out with a cough or shortness of breath, now look were they were.


Physical touch had always been a difficult thing for Ghost, even before everything that had happened to him back in the Coalition. He'd simply been born as a child with an aversion to physical contact, and it had only grown worse as he aged and realized just how untrustworthy the world around him was. He didn't accept food from others. Didn't let other cats walk at his back. And outside of a fight he never let others touch him with the same casualness as these Windclanners did- sharing tongues? Fuck no. Sharing a nest at night was the only time he ever made an exception to that rule, but that was because he was forced into it.

And had it been any other cat that tried slipping into his nest like that in the middle of the damned day he would have torn them a new one, sick or not. He still had half a mind to do so to Nut, probably would have, had a quick look around the room confirmed that nobody was paying them any attention. Dandelionwish was still gone, and all the cats around them were out cold or so preoccupied with their fevers that they weren't even looking in Ghosts direction.

"Your getting awfully fucking bold, Nut." he cursed softly, voice low in warning though he seemed to accept it, stiff shoulders slowly relaxing as his body grew accustomed to the new weight pressing against his side.

Ghost was in full avoidance-acceptence mode at that point. Physically he was slowly relaxing at the proximity, but he was looking anywhere but at the cat beside him, head partly turned away so that he could trace the cracks in the wall with his eyes as the bobtail spoke about spring being just a few weeks away.

"As far as I can tell they're doing alright, Puff has been more paranoid about the sickness than Nineteen but they know better than to come out here,"

Instinctively he turned back toward them to reply, but for the breifest of moments he was thrown off by their sudden closeness, the words faltering on his tongue. Nut was so close as he peered up at him that his nose almost bumped against Ghosts, and the dark tabbys vision was momentarily filled with the green of the others eyes before he was forced to look away, ignoring how the panic he felt seemed to be a new breed all together.

"They can still hunt and seem to breathe fine as of right now,"

"Good." he replied, tone schooled and keeping itself even and unbothered. "The last thing I need is Nineteen in here pissing and moaning about being sick. You'd think he was nothing but a kit with all the whining he does."

There was a clear disdain in his words as he spoke, because no matter how close he was to the black tomcat he would never want to subject himself to the clingy, whimpering, mess that Nineteen became when he wasn't feeling well. Ghost had never understood it, preferring isolation to physical contact when ill, but then again, he supposed there was something comforting about having Nutsprouts scent in his nest. He attributed it to the fact that he felt better having someone he trusted on guard while he wasn't at his best, but that wasn't really explaining the urge he had to press his face into their fur and sleep.

Gods, this fever was melting his brain. It had to be, if thoughts like that were slipping free.

"You keeping up on your training, soldier? Or have you taken my sickness as an oppurtunity to slack off?" he asked, in part because he needed to distract himself and in part because he was genuinely honest. He fully expected that Nut was taking advantage of the downtime they'd earned in the darker tabbys absence, though that didn't mean Ghost wouldn't poke at him for it.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ Was it a very bold move to plop himself into Ghoststrikes nest without warning? Yes yes it was. Was it worth the wrath that might come from the gray tabby cat? Probably not but Nutsprout was one to push the boundaries or rules of things, and being in Windclan made him fear less the consequences. There was a grin that played across a pale muzzle at the others' words of being bold and he gave a small shrug like he had no idea what the other was talking about.

Nutsprout was indeed glad that the other two weren't sick. Puffcloud could hardly hunt without crying about a little critter, so there was no doubt he'd be terrible when sick. Nineteen was also very protective of the pudgy tomcat so who knows what sort of outcomes that would have. It was cute, seeing that big old black brute be with that fluffy silver tabby. It was good to see Nineteen be happy for once in his life. ​

A twitch of a curled ear and gave a little chuckle, "I bet Puff is no better than that too. He already acts like a kit normally," The lilac tabby mused back to the tomcat beside him and shook his head at the thought, "Being sick would make him an even more suffocating mess of fur," He snickered a bit at the thought of Puff just laying on them again. It might be suffocating but at least it was warm.

There was a small shiver that ran up his spine as a cold draft came from some were in the den. Nutsprout shook out his pelt for a moment then looked at Ghost when he referred to him as a soldier and asked if he had been keeping up his training. While as much as he'd love to say that he spent the time launging around or sleeping, that just wasn't the truth. "Yees, its one habit I can't break," Truth be told he still needed a routine as after 20-something months of strict daily routines was hard to get rid of.

"Though it helps me a lot, keeps my mind clear during all this chaos," He admitted softly and looked down at the moss beneath them, a curled ear flicked a bit. ​


"Would explain why they get along so well." the tom snorted, knowing that in reality he wasn't too far off. Nineteen was a capable and willing cat when it came to the kind of violence the Coalition had demanded of them, but unlike Ghost, his brother wasn't consumed by what he was. Nineteen could be a monster, yes, but he could also turn it off. Act normal. Be a functioning member of society with a personality that could mesh with others. And under all those muscles and scars, Nineteen had a softness too, just like Puff.

"Being sick would make him an even more suffocating mess of fur,"

God, now there was a nightmare. Ghost already had to put up with the cat sleeping practically on top of Nut and Nineteen everynight, several of said occasions almost resulting in the silver tom including Ghost as well. The dark tabby had been quick to put a halt to that, though, drawing lines and thankfully not having to speak aloud the threats Puff already knew would come his way should he try crossing them.

"Fuckin' hell. I'm moving back into my own nest if that happens. It's already hard enough keeping him away from me. "

It wasn't that the warmth wasn't appreciated, or even that he though Puff was doing it on purpose- cats moved in their sleep, after all- but that still didn't change the fact that he didn't like it. To much had happened for him to be able to accept such casual touch from any cat, even the ones he knew well. If he wasn't sick and feeling partly indebted to Nut for the honeycomb, he probably would have smacked them upside the head for getting this touchy with him. Especially in such a public setting.

But he was sick, and he did feel as if he should show them some grattitude for stealing the honey and coming out here, so he kept his paws to himself and let them share his nest. Just for today.

To his surprise, and maybe a little relief, Nut revealed that they'd actually been keeping up on their training. It was good to know that if Ghost did end up dying in the god forsaken cave that at least the lilac tom would keep themselves strong. Keep themselves alive. He was tired of losing cats.

"Idle paws are the devils playground." he replied, agreeing with Nuts need to stay busy. It was when you stopped being busy that the dark thoughts and problems caught up, and once those sunk their claws in nothing good ever came from it. "Anything specific been bothering you?" he asked, a side glance revealing the smaller cats conflicted expression. It wasn't the first time that Nut had brought up having problems in the clan. Maybe it was time Ghost started paying more attention.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ A light laugh came from a pale furred muzzle and he shook his head in amusement, "Oh they're not so bad. Puffs a sweetheart," Nutsprout pointed out to the other. Though he did still understand what the other meant. Puffcloud had no sense of boundaries and was so friendly it was almost painful watching him 'make friends' with the other cats in the clan. Maybe that was how he got Nineteen to be smitten with him; naive cuteness.

Though it wasn't like Nutsprout hated the silver tabby cat, quite the opposite, but he could be a bit much sometimes. So he could get why Ghost and him didn't really get along and it more so Ghost terrrifying the poor guy with a singular look. It was also impressive that the tomcat has been putting up with Nutsprout touching him for this long and has yet to snap or say anything about it. ​

The lilac cat then looked down at the ground for a moment at the others' words; anything specific bothering him. That was a loaded one as a lot of stuff here bothered him in one way that was good then another in the opposite direction. There was a slight shrug of the smaller cats shoulders as he turned his head away from Ghoststrike, "I am worried about the sick. Our medic is young and learning still himself," He muttered a bit.

Nutsprout didn't want Ghost to die, to pass like Wisteriapaw had with blood in her nose and unable to breath. Suffocating. ​
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Ghost wasn't afraid of death- not his own, at least. To be put out of his misery permenantly would have been a mercy, one he doubted he was deserving of. Which is why, if there were such things as Gods are karma, he was certain he would survive the illness plaguing him now. Life wasn't done chewing him up yet, after all.

"I'd sooner take my chances with him than a Coalition medic." Ghost replied.

Dandelionwish was young but he was also determined and cared for his clanmates, a smart cat who wouldn't let his clanmates go without a fight. Inexperienced or not, he was already doing better than any of the past healers Ghost had dealt with. Knowing how to use herbs was a skill he'd not seen outside of Windclan, and while losing some cats would be unavoidable, the dark tabby liked his odds.

"Windclans cats are strong. They'll recover. Most of em, at least." And so would he.

"Anything else been bothering you?"

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ A snort left a pink nose in agreement; those Coalition medics knew nothing of healing. If they did it was minimal and only very specific cats, but Dandelionwish had an upper hand on them as he knew about herbs. Nutsprout never seen a cat know so much about plants and what each of them did, even if he was still young and learning. There was faith in the brown pointed cat, but that didn't mean he didn't worry about the others.

This sickness could turn deadly at a moments notice like it had with Wisteriapaw. One day they were fine and the next they were bleeding out of their nose and suffocating horribly. The lilac cat didn't want to see that happen to Ghoststrike or anyone else for that matter. ​

There was a soft sigh from the pale tabby cat and he looked to Ghoststrike for a moment before giving a small shrug, "The usual, struggling to settle in," He answered back to the question if anything else was bothering him. Windclan still felt foreign to him and too relaxed for his liking, but there had been a good few things that came out of it.

"I met Mothmeadow today, shes- shes an ex-military cat like we are," He commented to the dark grey tabby with a slight smile tugging at his lips at the memory of the ruddy she-cat, "She was an assassin or something, it is pretty cool," Though she was probably treated better than they were in the Coalition, but that was besides the point. The scarred molly had befriended him easily and he enjoyed her company, enjoyed having someone outside of Ghost to know what a routine life was. ​


Dark eyes couldn't help but shift toward Nut, watching the other from the corner of his eye as they started talking about Mothmeadow. Ghost didn't dislike the shecat by any means, but that didn't stop the flicker of annoyance that came to life in his chest as he watched the bobtail lose themselves in the memory, quietly smiling to themselves in a way the dark tabby had never seen before. It irked him for reasons he didn't care to explain.

He let out a hum of acknowledgement, but he was lost in his own thoughts. He'd already lost Nineteen to
Puffs softness. Was this the beginning of him losing Nut, also? His traitorous mind was quick to supply him with unhelpful images; nut skipping out on patrols and trianing routines to mess about with the molly instead. Sharing meals with her. Using her nest instead of the perfectly good one Nut already had. It would make him vulnerable, get him killed, and once more Ghost would find himself with another death on his conscience.

And then all that would be left was Ghost, stuck in his own personal hell that he'd disguised to look like a perosnal preference.

But in solitide, in the quiet moments, that when his demons found him.

Its why he kept Nineteen around after all this time. Why he was quick to replace the tom with Nut after they chose Puff instead of him. Because underneath the bone and blood and ivory mask, Eighteen still clung to life, not quite as dead as Ghost claimed him to be. Tormented, isolated, and haunted by everything he'd lived through, it was in the quiet that Eighteen managed to find purchase in him, and whenever that happened, Ghost suffered.

It was far easier to be a shell, a [i[machine[/i] that didn't give in to their backstabbing emotions.

It was far easier to be Ghost than it was to be Eighteen.

"She was an assassin or something, it is pretty cool,"

"Very." he replied, tone suggesting he might only be humoring them. "Sounds like you've been keeping busy, then. I suppose there's worse cats to kill time with than Mothmeadow."

As close to a compliment as the shecat would get from him, but honest. He hadn't spent an immense amount of time with her, but he could see the appeal based off the few short encounters they'd had with one another. The fact that Nut seemed interestd in spending alone time with her though, perhaps the tom saw a different kind of appeal in her?

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ Pale eyes looked to the dark tabby cat for a moment, expression unreadable in the lapse between them before nodding a bit, "Yeah shes rather cool. It is nice to have another cat understand what it was like," Nut commented back though his voice was lower and he seemed to brush past the others rather- distance behavior. The lilac tabby twitched a curled ear at him for a moment before giving him a small nudge with his muzzle, "Why don't you get some rest?" ​

Nut offered a smile at the other, "You're gonna need it if you're going to be doing any better in the next few days," Nut tried to be playful but something ate at him; did Ghost not like Mothmeadow? She was someone who would understand them! They didn't have to rely on just each other now! ​


Ghost nodded, but he didn't share in Nuts sentiments of understanding. No cat could understand what life was like for a Coalition cat, just as no Coalition cat could ever say they'd shared an identicle experience to their fellow soldier. Even Nut and Ghost, two of the eldest cats in their rank, had lived vastly different lives despite the many similarities.

Their pain was unique, a fingerprint that would never quite be shared with any other cat.

The nudge drew him from his hazy thoughts, his mind feeling fuzzy from the fever and reading too much into things. Rest didn't sound terrible. His body ached, his head was thick with haze, and he was exhausted from not being able to sleep among so many strangers.

"Maybe just for a minute." he mumbled as he lowered his head to his paws, traces of honey and Nutsprout in his nose making his eyes heavy. At least his throat wasn't so sore anymore, and the comfortable weight at his side was familiar, relaxing.

"Been sleeping like shit in here. Don't like being underground." he admitted, only a half truth, but still something of merit.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

Then lilac tabby cat gave a little bit of a chuckle as Ghoststrike laid his head down and then nestled against the dark grey tabby comfortably. He'd miss this, sleeping besides Ghost cause the guy was basically a heater and it was so nice to have around. Also he was the only cat who didn't want to sleep on top of him like a certain silver tabby cat. Nutsprout looked down at the tomcats' head and then lapped at his ear comfortingly before resting his cheek against a dark shoulder.

"I hear ya, its just not the same as being under the stars," he commented back softly with a small yawn following his words. Nutsprout was comfortable and he could do with a nap, so he could escape Dandelionwishs' wrath for stealing honeycomb. Though he knew Ghost wouldn't probably like that as the tom liked his personal space, even if the lilac tabby invaded it often.

Nutsprout moved away slightly, "Here I'll let you get some rest. I'll be back to check on you later okay?," he said to the dark grey tabby cat and nuzzled his head slightly, "You get better now, ya hear? Or ill haunt you when you get to Starclan," He smirked at Ghoststrike before dipping his head to head out of the badger den.
