Funny how something so small could put you out of commission for so long. Redstorm had been out on a patrol like any other. He had been talking to his clanmates, raising his nose to the air to drink in the smells of the forest. He had spotted his prey, a mouse under a large pine tree scavenging on the nuts that littered the forest floor and he had executed what was in his opinion, the perfect hunter's crouch. When he gave chase, however, he had not been paying attention and his foot had found its way into a hole. His body went forward while his leg stayed in one place and he had screamed loud enough to scare away all the prey in the forest.

When his clanmates had come to help him they would discover he had no use of that leg.

He had made his way to Dawnglare then, much to his extreme reluctance, and had been diagnosed with a dislocated shoulder and a sprain in his paw then promptly was put on bed rest. It nearly drove him crazy, watching patrols go out and come back, watching the days go past and just feeling himself wither away. But finally, the day came, the one where he was finally free.

His leg does not feel like it used to, he doesn't feel like he used to. He feels weaker and he doesn't like it. "Who wants to go on a hunting patrol with me?" he asks casually, though his eyes shine with the excitement of finally being able to leave camp again.
Nights without Red in the warriors den was something close to psychological torture. Where she had once gotten used to the red tom at her side, where she had gotten to crave it, he had been taken away with one little accident. She knows she was probably annoying, with the visits, with the fretting, with the anxiety that churned in her stomach and threatened to make her cry.

But he had been okay, and today is the day. As soon as she hears him, head snaps towards the voice. "Cariño! Mi amor, my love, you're back!" theres a curly fawn that bolts from where she had been sitting alongside clanmates, abandoning her last bite of the meal in favor for the cat that had made her whole life truly worth living. She skids to a stop and she has to physically take a deep breath to collect herself, to not push her face in to his neck, to not start crying. Her gaze is set in loving comfort, a smile on her lips. "I just finished eating, I would love to go with you if you'll have me," a murmur as a purr bursts forth, the feeling of content finally in her chest. After so, so many wrongs in the clan, after so many accidents and happenings that left all of them disheartened, she feels at her peak besides him. And he's still just as pretty as he was before, perhaps even prettier, she had not known she could fall even deeper for this man.

Sheep is so relieved that he'll be besides her once more, that he's doing okay, that he's living.
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Redstorm was a cat who had always brought an... odd level of comfort to Twitchbolt. Early memories of the warrior watching over him making nests, giving him stern words of instruction that in adulthood he now recognised had been kind in their intention, or giving him comfort when his mother had failed to do so. He'd told him to look for pictures in the stars back then... it was advice he'd carried with him, even subconsciously. Whenever he gave himself respite by scaling to the top of a tree, he always imagined symbols in the clouds and stars. Twitchbolt was everything he had been taught, he supposed...

It was nice to see Sheepcurl so happy, too- from across camp he hear her joyful celebration, and there was something even in his feverish soul that softened at the sight of it. The initial call for a hunting patrol seemed like one a little too awkward to take, now... he didn't want to interrupt any of their quality time. But- it wouldn't do to sit around being useless, would it? And- well, if he was to leave camp he might quell the quickened pace of his heart, a beat that hadn't settled since Howlpaw and Ashenclaw had disappeared. They might even end up with a few clues... "Uh- I'll try not to get in your way," he murmured, quavering smile making its way onto his lips. It was a rare attempted joke from the bicolour tom, but given in earnest.
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