in the sky with diamonds | stormy

With Roepaw elsewhere that afternoon, Flycatcher found himself pacing around camp watchful for any signs of trouble. He had missed out on a dawn patrol so he is hoping he might still get to go on the dusk patrol should he be required. With that in mind, he had taken a few moments to himself to get some rest in the day, so that if he was called to go on patrol he would be refreshed and ready to go. As he's wandering through camp, his green eyes spot his niece Stormypaw looking thoroughly bored. "Hey Stormypaw," He greets in a jovial tone. Flycatcher gives his niece a look, tilting his head to one side as though that would give him the answer to why his niece looked so bored. "How are you feeling?" Flycatcher asks. "Have you been up to much?"

Her mentor is busy today, said he had important warrior things to do. She could catch up on her chores, sure....but she has absolutely no desire to do that. So she sits back on her haunches, hazel eyes half-lidded as her chin rests upon crossed paws. She's bored. So bored! An audible groan leaves her as she tosses onto her side, tail lashing against the ground. It's then that a familiar and welcomed face approaches her, and the tabby immediately rights herself back onto her stomach, ears perking and a grin sliding onto her maw. "Hiya, uncle Fly!" She chirps, excitement bubbling in her voice. "Nope! Free as a bird with no nest! What are you doing? Anything interesting?" Surely the life of a lead warrior must be fun! Full of dangerous tasks and dreadful adventures! He's just that important!

"Interesting?" Flycatcher says with a chuckle. "Stars, Stormypaw I wish my life as a lead warrior was half as exciting as you think it is. Alas, it's mostly just leading patrols and hunts, being an overall responsible presence around camp, and supporting Emberstar and Howling Wind where I can." He's proud of his role as a lead warrior but there's not many additional duties that make it too different from that of a normal warrior. Still, it warms his heart to see Stormypaw so excited about it. "Do you think your mentor could spare you for a while?" Flycatcher asks after a moment has passed. "I thought maybe I could take you out to see the Great Sycamore if you'd like." Flycatcher didn't want to get her hopes up by saying he'd show her how to climb today though. Memories of Flamewhisker's recent fall still troubled him and he had no desire to see one of his nieces fall to the same fate.
It's as if he can read her mind! He begins to recount his duties as lead warrior, and boo, it's not nearly as exciting as she thought. Her eyes almost seem to glaze over as he drawls on about responsibilities. Boring! What does catch her attention is when he asks if she wants to go to the Great Sycamore, and her hazel gaze suddenly lights up. "Barkjaw's busy! I can come!" She pipes, leaping her to paws and lashing her tail excitedly. "Can we go now?" She's only seen it in passing. She wants to see the towering tree up close, wants to even try sinking her claws into its bark. Cloudypaw and Hailpaw would be jealous!

Stormypaw responds that her mentor is busy before excitedly asking if they can go now. Flycatcher has to admit he's surprised to hear that Barkjaw didn't suggest any additional duties around camp for her to do. "Sure we can!" Flycatcher beams back. He doesn't have the same level of boundless energy and optimism his niece had, but it's hard not to feel perked up around her, so infectious is her energy. With a flick of his tail, he gestures for Stormypaw to follow and the two depart camp. He considers challenging her to a race but decides against it for now as he's not entirely sure how familiar she is with the area. Instead, they walk close together, though Flycatcher keeps a quick pace so it feels like they get to their destination in no time at all.

The Great Sycamore is still an impressive sight to behold even with the force of leafbare weighing upon it. The last time he came here it had been with Flamewhisker and she had fallen from a low branch. He had been loath to bring anyone here again for a while - apprentice or kin - lest the same thing happened to them. "So Stormypaw what do you think?" He asked, turning to his niece to gauge her opinion on the massive tree.