in the twenties — lamprey + no backspace challenge

Foxtail crouches b by the riverbank, olive green eyes scanning for unsuspecting fish swimming by. Oneo One of his favorite pass pastimes is spending time at the riverbank and hunting as much fish as he can. Fishing is one of his favorite things to do as a warrior, and for the longest time when he was more anxious around the water, he felt connected to the river through it. A nice, juicy trout rests on the shr shore beside him, and his olive green eyes spot a long, shd shadowy silhouette swimming towards him. His tail twitches, and Foxtail quickly swipes his claw into the water, his claws latching onto the fish as he yanks it out of the water. It flops onto land, and the lead warrior looks over at his catch... but freezes upon looking when he finally gets a good look at it.

He.... he thought he was catching an eel. Eel ins;t isn't his favorite fish, but it's a delicae delicate taste that some RiverClannerse RiverClanners enjoy. But this thing? It's definitely not an eel. The lead warrior blinks in confusion as he prods the fish, before ad and then he notices it's... lack of a face. "What in StarClan is t-this?" The tom thinks outloud out loud as his ears pin back, it's like someone cut off it's face and replaced it with an entire mouth of teeth! It flops on the shore, and Foxti Foxtail leaps backwrds bc backwards with bristled fur.

So gross! Foxtail thinks in dish disgust, his tail swishing back and forth. Should he they keep it...? Maybe it tastes like eel...?

  • stolen from skyclan ahaha, if this is your first time doing this challenge here is how it goes! you may not use your backspace button while typing up your reply; meaning you cannot fix typos, edit your sentences, etc.! you may add formatting such as text colors, italics, strikethroughs! have fun!

    prompt by deja!
    your character's just doing some fishing, pulling their next catch from the water, when what they wrangle out definitely does not look normal. it's long and thin, almost like an eel, but what's really puzzling them is its mouth—or lack of a proper one. instead of a normal fish face, it has a round hole full of what look like teeth .... oh, starclan, it's so gross. do they keep it, or ...?
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    23 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

〕The river bank was always something they enjoyed being around and playing. For the most part at least whern there isn’t anyone else there. Ohters tended to get in the wat of things and make it so much more complicated than itneeded to =be. Magpiepaw had been wondering over to the riverside to see if there wasn anything worth catching this morning but they soon spotted the ginger fur and Foxtail. They twitch their ears and tilt its headalittle before wathing the odler warrior seeming to catch something from the depths of the river. Though what Foxtail pulls out sends a shiver through their spine.

Magpiepaw has never seen anything like it before. It was larger round and had a giant mouthful of teeth, and it makes them wrinkle their nose in distaste. What on Starclan is this? The black and white cat flickes their tail back and forth before coming up to see what it was up close, even if the sight of it made them very ill to stheir stomach. What sort of thing had somuch teeth? They didnt know, nad they wanted to find out but also run from it in the same breath.

Foxtail explains similar words of wondering what this was, “Is is cursed? It looks cursed,” It asks and furrowed their brow at the warrior a little.


  • ooc.
  • MAGPIEPAW —— Warrior of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . MINNOWFANG x NEWTTHROAT . littermate to Gladefrost, Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AMAB Agender Androgynous / it/they / 12 moons & ages 23ʳᵈ
    single / demisexual lesbian monogamist / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— dirty fighter, will fight to win

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a long haired black cat with white on its back, front legs and tail tip with blue eyes.

The forming confusion alerts Sharppaw enough to approach by [a]nd see the m commotion within a small crowd, drawing itself away from its self-training near the riverbank w[h]ere it had thought was peaceful for at least a good while. Fishing is still a skill that it needs to improve on, being more used to hunting in the woodlands and chasing after preys that lives beyond the water. Sharppaw's expression twists at the sight of a strange water critter, rather unique by its infinite teeth in a perfect h[o]rrifying circle. Maybe Blackkit knows what it is. She never shuts up about aquatic animals for most certain.

"It doesn't seem to be carrying a sickness of sort..." Sharppaw muses, observing the fish ev[e]n with its face closer to the other. If Foxtail had put an effort in catching the critter that could fight rather than easily scooping it from the bottom, then it should show the fish is in good health despite its abnormal feature. "I wouldn't mind trying this, actually." If anyone is bothered by the unsettling sight, Sha[r]ppaw can slice its head apart from the wiggly body. Simple. The temptation of using its head to frighten Blackkit is dangerously present. Sharppy Sharppaw fights the urge to smirk and its ears flick.
As his apprentice, it only makes sense that Sunpaw isn't far behind the other cat at the riverabnk. She was also fond of fishing, and of si swimming, both of which she didn't get to do nearly enough for her liking considering she wasn't allowed outside of camp without an 'escort'- or at the very least someone older than her, which would be the more correct term. IT was silly, going from being a non Clan cat to a Clan cat sometimes, but there were occasions when she knew to keep her mouth shut. Even if she was particularly bad about it.

"Ew," she comments at whatever it is that Foxtail unearths out of the water. She stares at it, eyes scrunching before like she's assessing it before she leans backwards a little, recoiling from the sight. Ew," she repeats with more emphasis. "Throw it back in!"

She has to agree with Magpiepaw. It looks... gross, whatever it is. Maybe [c]ursed is taking it too far but maybe it isn't all that far off either. Only, there's one that seems completely unphazed unfazed by the creature in front of them, and her expression balks as it swings towards Sharppaw. "Ew, are you gross? You're just going to eat that? You're crazy." It's probably rude, but it spills out of her mouth anyway witout a filter. "You'd eat whatever came out of the water eve n if it looked like that?"
Sharppaw casually glances over to Sunpaw who expresses similar disgust with a few other RiverC[l]aners. A snort escapes them when they're shot with the most obvious inquiry to their interest in trying to eat this prey. "An unusual appearing prey is still a prey nevertheless," they cool[l]y reply to Sunpaw, though, can understand [her] bewildered reaction. Amusement gleams faint across the sharp emerald hues while they tilt th[e]ir head, consideri[n]g Magpiepaw's comment in regards to the prey appearing cursed. Sharppaw glances back at it and props the teeth bearing body part with a forepaw.

"If this thing turns out to be cursed as what Magpie[p]aw have said, then I wonder if eating it [wi]ll force me to have more teeth grown out, hm?" The blunt tone in its wondering leaves out a doubt on either it's joking or being serious about what should be a dis[t]urbing thought. Still relaxed in its posture, Sharppaw opens its mou[t]h and licks across its sharp teeth, making eye contact with Sunpaw while it holds a poker face— a comical sight to some other RiverClanners. Now, wouldn't that make such a fun horror tale? Its focus soon falls back to Foxtail. "I can have this later if it's okay to keep, Foxtail."

At least Sharp[p]aw wants to use this odd eel-like creature to scare Blackkit.

() crouched beside his mentor, th pebblepaw gazes tiredly into the water, a soft yawn stretching his jaws. fishing... it's something he enjoys byt but is not necessarily enamored by. plus, with thinking of his most recent drowning ci incident with splashdance and the otter makes him want to bury his head e in the sand and never come up for air. it's worse when he'[s crouched by the very plc place it happened, staring at the wretched spot in the water. distraction foggs his eyes, his head tipped at a thoughtful angle as he a barely notices the commotion around hm him. it's only when foxtail nearly leaps out of his skin a that his apprentice k looks uo up, concern clearing his gaze.

sharppaw s observes this the crre creature with interest, sunpaw with disgust, and pebblepaw finds himself more humored than anything. "relax, foxtail, it won't eat you," the boy teases his mentor, batting at the man's tail. "someone kill it or throw it back in, stars above." amusement decoratws decorates his tone, the mah mayhem a welcome distraction for from his thoughts. ember eyes narrow, slate nose twitching as pebblepaw leans in to sniff at th the thrashing thing. "it's not an y eel... but it's certainly not a fish."

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
The further Foxtail looks at the strange 'eel', the more disgusted the lead warrior feels. His ears prick at the numerous voices that surround him— two being his own apprentices, the others ei being Magpiepaw and Sharppaw. Most of the apprentices have similar thoughts to him; this "fish" is an abomination and definitely shouldn't make it's way to their prey pile. But to his surprise, Sharppaw wasn't grossed out.... and seems o to be interese interested in it? His gaze looks over at the young tom as Sunpaw spits out disgust at his question. "S-Sunpaw," He briefly looks to his apprentice, "Watch your t-tone..." He agrr agrees with her that it's gross, and he would rather not eat it, but StarClan she ca can have quite the attitude.!

But the tom looks back over at Sharppaw, and he raises an eyebrow. "...You want to s-save it for later?" Foxtail mews back with confusion; his tail swishing behind him. The prey they catch is meant for te the prey pile, to keep r RiverClanners well fed... he can't even be certain this thing is edible. He wouldn't want Sharppaw to bring back something that could potentially get himself, or someone else sick... "Sorry, it's going back to into the river." he He says with a shake of his head, before l glancing over to Pebblepaw.

Foxti Foxtail lightly smiles at his apprentice, while trying to ignore contact with the lamprey, and digs his claws into the fish. "Thank StarClan," Foxtail lightly jokes back as he tosses it into the river, "I t-thought it was going to take a bite out of m-me!" It makes a tiny, light splash into the river, and the strange fish's shadow quickly disappears... and the lead warrior lets out a relieved sigh. Well, how about they go back to hunting normal fish? normal looking fish?

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    24 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


"What an utterly mouse-brained choice," he looked towards Foxtail as he spoke, recognising the other not as a Lead Warrior, but as the young apprentice whom had jumped at his own shadows. His black and white tail lashed incredulously, his stomach flipping as if starved as the lamprey disappeared below the surface of the water. If no one else would've consumed the mystery fish, then he would've - it took a lot of work to keep his bristly pelt as shiny as it was, which often meant eating a lot of fish. Even freaky fish. Even the fish that no one wleese would eat.

It was in his name after all. It just was sad that Fox's name didn't inspire the courage he expected from the red-furred dogs. He looked towards him, etes wide ning and refocusing as if expecting some sort of rebuttal. WQuickly, he attempted to cut Foxtail off. "No no, by all means, I am but a humble warrior interested in keeping the clan fed... you clearly know best. That beast was... horribly deadly. bUT Tell me, can fish breathe on land?"