As leaf-bare turns into new-leaf, snow turns into rain. While it doesn't collect itself on the ground like its frozen counterpart, it's presence is still seen in puddles and wet dens. In leaks, dripping down from the roofs of some of their sleeping grounds.

And Kindleheart has nothing much to do today. So, he aims to fix the little things - the things that have been left for later in the midst of everything else going on. Busy, ThunderClan always seemed to be, these days.

He's spent the morning gathering materials to patch the dens up, brambles he'd torn from bushes, brambles he drags in now. It's hard work, collecting the prickly foliage, but Kindleheart thinks it will be even harder work, trying to repair roofs - especially the nursery, with kits wandering around. It would be better, easier, if he has help - at least someone to ward off curious kittens looking to cause trouble.

"Does anyone want to help me?" he calls out after setting his materials down, "I'm going to try to fix the leaks. I could certainly use an extra set of paws!"
Cloudypaw perked up at the sound of Kindleheart calling out to the camp. Fixing leaks sounded easy enough. Honestly, it was just the kind of tedious work that tended to relax her. There was something about an easy monotonous task that set her mind at ease, and made her feel like she was being productive besides.

It would be a nice change of pace from her training.

"Oh, I'll help!" Cloudypaw offered Kindleheart an awkward smile as she padded over to him. "Just let me know what you want me to do."

The fiery molly had been watching from nearby as Cloudypaw quickly offered to help when Kindleheart asked for assistance patching leaks. The Lead Warrior smiled and rose to her paws, stretching her legs out tiredly as she stood up. There were more productive things to do than napping she supposed, even if it were much more relaxing.

She would come to join the pair, dipping her head in greeting. "If you need another set of paws, mine are free too." Making sure the nursery was not leaking was very important. After having to spend moons in there, she had been grateful to had stayed dry. If she hadn't...she probably would have been a lot more crankier.

kindleheart called out to camp, a search for volunteers to help patch up the nursery. cloudypaw and flamewhisker both jumped eagerly at the opportunity, yet her tongue was held. it wasn't that she did not understand the importance of a leak free den, just that she would rather not spend her day in the nursery. the last time she helped out in there not much work could be done with kittens scrambling at her paws with questions. there was a reason it was the last time, the warrior wasn't about to make the same mistake twice.

nightbird wouldn't help directly, but she was too close to pretend that she did not hear the tabby's call. begrudgingly her ears flicked as she stood, a yawn parting her jaws. "if you need more materials let me know," as much as she did not like the sound of running around in search of brambles and what not, it sure beat sitting in that stuffy nursery.
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