IN THIS MOMENT - granitepelt

Starlingheart already cannot imagine a life where she is anything but Granitepelt's mate. It was just one of those things that made sense. The sun rises in the morning, the river is full of water and Starlingheart loves Granitepelt. It was a fundamental truth, something she feels had been written in the stars before they had even been born. During the day, they went about their duties. Granitepelt hunted and patrolled,feeding and protecting the clan. She protects the clan too, in her own way. If he ever got banged up, at the end of the day it would be her that he comes home to to fix him. She would do it for any of her clanmates but especially for him. At night they curl up in their nest together, like they had been doing for so long now, chasing each others nightmares away. She is not sure what his are about, she doesn't ask and he doesn't tell but she would always be there to soothe him if he needed it, to bury her nose into his shoulder and tell him it would all be okay and he would do the same for her.

It's still early, they had just settled down into their places. They had only just begun to close her eyes. "Granitepelt?" she says quietly into the darkness, hoping he was still awake. There was something pressing on her mind, brought about when she had helped Halfshade birth her kits earlier.


There's a stirring beside him in the nest. His own eyelids were still wide open, watching for ghosts -- literal, figurative, glowing-white shapes with wide red eyes, unblinking, judging him from the shadows. His breathing is normal, his heartbeat average, but his mind is a tempest he cannot calm.

Starlingheart's soft pelt moving against his snaps him out of his reverie. Her voice is hushed. "Granitepelt?" As though they are young again, telling secrets in the apprentice's den.

He turns, wondering what's on her mind. "Yes? What is it, Starlingheart?" He presses his muzzle to her flank, waiting for her to continue.


She is thankful when he replies, her heart is hammering in her chest and she does not think that she herself can sleep until these thoughts had been cleared from her mind. This was a big ask, afterall. Bigger than just being mates. "I helped- I helped Halfshade birth her kits t-today and I- I was just thinking-" what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he laughs in her face and tells her she's being silly? That they are too young, that they should wait till they are older. But if they were so sure of their love for each other why should they wait? "I was thinking" she continues "what do you think about uh- about kits?" She's not certain if she had ever seen Granitepelt ever really interact with kits before, wasn't sure if he thought they were nuisances. But surely their kits would be different if he did right? She imagines herself being in Halfshade's position, her mate by her side and assuring her that it would be okay, asking when they could have more even seconds after their birth. She had always imagined herself with a big family, and she had one, but they had all drifted away, seperated by different paths. With kits she could have that big family she wished so desperately for again.

She could be a mother.

The gray warrior listens solemnly. She's nervous, but she presses on despite her reservations. "What do you think about uh -- about kits?" He blinks as though the thought has never crossed his mind before. And a few short moons ago, it hadn't. He'd never considered fatherhood, siring a new generation of ShadowClan warriors, until he'd reached his eleventh moon and professed his love for Starlingheart.

But now... he grapples with the possibility, how near it is. She could be the mother to his kits, and there would be no doubt she would belong to him fully. Starlingheart was not Sandra; she would never abandon him, and she would make a good mother. He has no doubts about this. Any kits springing from their union would carry unsavory blood, he knows this -- but they would be born from an unshakable bond, one he knows will never be broken.

After a moment of silence, Granitepelt smiles. It's a genuine smile, but he isn't picturing what she is. Tumbling tiny bodies, mewling and squirming against her, begging for her attention, her love. He's thinking about how real kits would make their love. It would eliminate all doubts, even those secret ones he tries not to harbor in the dark corners of his mind.

Granitepelt gives her a nod, leaning close so he can gently press his snowy muzzle to hers. "You will make a wonderful mother. You're already responsible for caring for all of ShadowClan." He shrugs graciously. "I think we should have kits." He waits to see her reaction, monitoring every twitch of her ears, flicker of her pale green eyes, listening for each stutter in her sweet songbird voice.

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