private In this world, it's just us ♫ Flamewhisker

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Bugpaw loved bees. They were chubby, fluffy, and looked like little flying tortoiseshell cats - just like her! When she was younger, she liked to watch them hop from dandelion to dandelion, admiring the way they nuzzled into the florets and came out dusted in yellow. After they buzzed away, Bugpaw stuck her nose into the flowers, taking a big sniff to check out what had enticed to bees so much. Sometimes, at night, she liked to clap her paws together and please please please please! Starclan to let her be a bee for a day, just to see what it was like to sleep in a rosebud!
All that is to say, Bugpaw loved flowers, especially dandelions, just as much as she loved bees. They were a source of comfort, wish-making, and good sleep - and the medicine cats used them sometimes for treatments, so they were a source of good luck, too! That's why, Bugpaw did her best to gather as many dandelions as she could, ensuring she left enough for the bees but hoping they wouldn't mind sharing their floral beds with some cats who could use a bit of that 'good night' magic. They were the best gift to give when you went to visit loved ones, you see.

Today, she would be picking for two.

"Mamma, can you come with me to visit pappa and Morningcloud?" Bugpaw would ask, once her mom had returned form her patrols and had enough time to rest. "It's okay if you wanna rest though, I can ask Falconheart instead" She giggles and adds, "I don't wanna whisk-er you away from your nest if you're ready to sleep!" But she did hope her mamma would be available to join her. It's weird not having Flamewhisker to herself 24/7 now that Bugpaw is an apprentice and her mamma resuming her duties.

  • @Flamewhisker

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently
〕Rest was a rare pleasantry these days. Flamewhisker had never been one to sleep well, but now with murderers on the lose, she had to keep her eyes open at all times during the day and night. When Beepaw approached her, she was still tired from her patrol, but she would never say so. The deputy tilted her head as she gazed down at the flowers in her daughter's maw. She blinked in surprise as she was asked to accompany her to visit papa and Morningcloud. She had not visited her mate's grave for a couple days, so of course she nodded her head. "Absolutely." her voice was soft as she leaned forward to touch her nose to Beepaw's forehead. "The flowers you picked are very beautiful. They will love them."

Much like her mate, Morningcloud had been taken away too soon...both at the claws of murderers. However, her mate was killed by rogues...not clanmates. She had Flycatcher to thank for her daughter's absence...she knew deep down that somehow someway he pulled some strings to ensure his daughter was safe and sound in the camp.

Flamewhisker began padding towards the camp exit, her flank brushing her daughter's as they left together.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
*+:。.。 Bugpaw immediately sings a song of joy when receiving her mother's affectionate kiss, her purrs only dying down when she mentions the recipients of her gathered gifts. "I hope so, I picked all the most vibrant ones, just for them" she purrs, injecting as much positivity into her comment lest she betray the ink spilling in her chest - a thorn of questions that remind her that she knows so utterly little about Morningcloud and Flycatcher, including but not limited to what their favorite flowers are, if they even like flowers. Still, looking at her mom, she's filled with a determination as fiery as Flamewhisker's pelt. It's the thought that counts, surely! And besides, who doesn't like flowers?

Curling her tail around Flamewhisker's - because she's tall enough to do that now, hooray! - she leads the way. Her paws follow the familiar to them, despite having only visited the gravesite once before. Some memories don't need to reoccur to sink deep into your soul. As they pad along, Bugpaw babbles endlessly about her training lately with Falconheart, all compliments and silly stories of her own mistakes, birdsong meant to drown out the roar within her ears.

Unlike Flamewhisker, you see, Bugpaw hasn't found it in herself to be grateful for whatever intervention prevented her from being with Morningcloud that day. Despite all her attempts to focus on the good, she just can't. Not with this one. After all, what if they wouldn't have attacked if there had been two? What if she could've held down the wound, stopped the bleeding, or run so fast she could've gotten Gentlestorm in time? Even just being there long enough to catch the faces of the killers or...or hold her paw so she doesn't have go alone...

That's why she had invited Flamewhisker to join her. As selfish as it was, she hoped her mother's presence would give Bugpaw the confidence to make the trip with dry eyes. She didn't want her second visit to her dad to be filled with blubbering - after all, she'd been so composed during their first meeting, it felt...cruel that she'd only be shedding tears for her old mentor and not her dad. She hoped Flycatcher wouldn't hate her for that. She was already overwhelmed by the idea that Mornigncloud might hate her for not being there with her - to have two ghosts with a grudge against you, wow! That's a lot of ghosts to have wraith-ful against you... hee hee!

At last, the two arrive, two living souls among a clearing of lost ones. Her feet feel heavy, but she plods on confidently, announcing loudly, "Hiya pappa! Hiya Morningcloud! I brought you a boo-quette! I hope you like it!" she purrs happily, placing the flowers on her father's grave. She pauses as she debates which ones to pick out and give to Morningcloud, changing her mind enough times to feel a prickle of frustration between her eyes. "Mamma, which ones do you think pappa would like to keep, 'cus you can't have it all mister" she giggles again, shaking a paw at a "naughty" gravesite, "You have to share with Morningcloud-"

And then, without further prompting, Bugpaw broke down into a wreck of sobs.

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently