Jun 12, 2024
The day is warm. Humid, as things were seemingly destined to stay in the marsh. Moltface has lived it far too long to find themselves bothered. Instead, they sieze the season where mud shuffles its way closer to dirt. The kite could still shift and shape soft ground as they please. The queens would not have to save so much time cleaning muck from between their toes. It is a win for all parties involved. Anyone with free time on their paws would be a fool, not to join him.

On their paws just as well are multiple occassions to be marked. The swell of Orchidbloom's eye socket. Terror of the swamp put down at last. A leaders passive - aggressive streak ends, not toeing, but tumbling fully off the cliff, where their claws scored the face of their fellow leader. Moltface has been abuzz with all that they had to take in. Livid about all that they missed, as well. At least... the gatherings attendees are chosen rather arbitrarily. At least, she was not the only one not in the loop from moonrise. A position where she can only listen and never tell is not one she would ever leave herself in.

" I've heard, " long limbs pull taut in a stretch. The webs of their paws may end up inelegantly presented to a nearby clanmate. " - That SkyClan was grumbling quite a bit at the gathering... I wonder why? WindClan hadn't been interested in SkyClan's kibble, after all... " There is an obvious answer. Multiple, even, but pointing that out benefitted no one. She ought to dig deeper.

" I've heard that Orangestar suggested she and Sunstar meet... With a smile, too. " his gasp is slight, not overly - dramatic, but oh, imagine... " SkyClan and WindClan have never been friends, but maybe in his effort to be better than Sootstar was... Sunstar... " A close - lipped smile. " Went a little too far...? " There is a languid curl of their tail, excitement expressed in the idea of some unthinkable secret... Of course, there are about a dozen more important, and more true things he could talk about, but where did the fun in that lie?

OOC. mobile post! Me when i spread misinformation for fun :D
➼➼ The weather is no problem for Blackstrike, at least. The humidity makes his fur feel like it’s far too thick in spite of its shortness, and the ground itself feels too hot to touch unless it’s in the shade. But no matter his bad it is, at least it isn’t the carrionplace. The summertime stench of death and rot in the carrionplace is worse than any weather he could think of. Still, the weather is humid enough to keep him from going on more patrols than he needs to, and he truly has nothing better to do than lie here and listen to Moltface talk.

Quite the gossip, the other warrior is. There are plenty more productive things to be doing, but none of those are as entertaining as listening to the tales that Moltface spins. And the little tidbit of information that the other warrior drops is well worth the momentary slacking. "Ohh, scandalous," he says, a crooked grin sliding across his maw. The two leaders’ clans had been at each other’s throats in the past, but the story of Sunstar going a bit too far in mending fences with the SkyClan leader is interesting. "Can’t say I’d blame Orangestar…" He trails off, realizing that maybe he’s said too much. Say what you want about WindClan, but if that tom gave me a shot… "But that’s wild if it’s true. Could you imagine that—two leaders, breaking the code for each other?" It would be shameful, truly. Chilledstar should bring it up at the next gathering, he thinks. Maybe it would bait Sunstar into striking out at them, and then WindClan would anger StarClan, too.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    BLACKSTRIKE ❯❯ he/him, shadowclan warrior
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Outer clan politics were something that Shrike claimed to have no interest in. ShadowClan was the one to house themself and their littermates so why should they care about other clans unless it was a direct threat? That's what they claim anywise, Shrike’s curiosity often gets the better of them even in moments like this. The humidity sucked and they were seeking a distraction that could make them temporarily forget about the heat.

Moltface always seemed to draw in attention, at least from Shrike he held a captive audience. Their ear twitches at the sound of the magic words of I heard. Wandering towards her and Blackstrike they nod their head as greeting before sprawling out on the ground. Anything they've hard about the other clans had been from Nectarsong, they were informative but Shrike still didn't really get it. They knew enough just based on word of mouth who Sunstar and Orangestar were, they had no idea what looked our sounded like though.

If anything this made their imagination run a lot wilder then what someone who may have seen them before at gatherings. “They'd want to be careful before WindClan gets an earful for another issue.” they chime in with a gleeful cackle of laughter. Tail thrashing like they had spotted a juicy piece of prey rather than gossiping amongst clanmates. Their cackling dies down into snickering as they nod along to Blackstrikes remarks about the thought of two leaders breaking the code for one another. “How romantic” Shrike's sarcasm is punctuated with a well timed ‘blegh’. “Next time one of us is at a gathering we should keep a close eye on those two, maybe we'll catch them in the act” they were not entirely sure what the act would be but they grinned mischievously amongst their co-conspirators all the same.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Haha
Reactions: MOLTFACE

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- "The act of what, hm? Surely you all aren't interested in the likes of Sunstar, right? And who gives a rat's behind about the Queen of Kittypets?" She scoffs as she walks over, a bit late to the conversation but nonetheless eager to join in to the gossiping. The one thing she knew was that she enjoyed to hear all about the strife of other clans. She couldn't care less for their well-being, but their downfalls always intrigued her. If Orangestar was getting close to Sunstar, perhaps that meant more than one of the leaders are imbeciles.

"I heard that Wolfsong was gripping his fur when Lilacfur slapped him." She pushes her own gossip in, even though she wasn't at the gathering to experience it herself. It wasn't hard to hear the whispers of gossip all around camp after everyone from ShadowClan returned. The slight against Chilledstar, though, didn't go unnoticed by Hollowmask herself. If she had been there, she would have ripped out Sunstar's heart and put it on display for the cats below to see. She blinks then, lost in her thoughts for a moment, before her dull golden eyes flick towards Shrike with interest.

Their own justification for being here was fragile, but she wouldn't let her interests show in this moment. Her attention turns back to Moltface and Blackstrike before smiling eerily towards them. "Such a shame Sunstar wasn't brought down by lightning in that moment."

  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: MOLTFACE
Moltface is certainly . . . a character. They're definitely a cat. That she happens to share the nursery with. The split - coated creature's well - spun webs and expertly woven tales are something the dilute tortie's well - versed in after more than a couple of moons as denmates. The dramatic gossip that spills from a half - feathered maw is treacly; sickly sweet and oozing with delight at the unthinkable secrets they release into the humid air. Some cats might not be able to tolerate that, but Mockingbirdcry trusts their information ( sometimes ), shaky as it may be at times; avid follower of Clan politics that she is, being one who cannot attend the Gatherings, they are the easiest pipeline of the information she wants.

" Quite the tale, Moltface, " the pale tortie murmurs as she wanders up, settling onto her feathery paws with a soft oof and curling her massive, debris - strewn tail about them, seemingly chilled despite the heat of the air. Sun - bleached fur is speckled with small blooms from some kit's arduous attentions, lending some credence to the theory among certain nursery residents that Mockingbirdcry might be some inconsequentially trapped ghost, waiting to vanish into wisps of white - mottled smoke. Her own tail drapes languidly over her paws as Moltface curls his, lashes drooping over well - worn brown eyes aimed at her fellow queen quickly turning towards their eager audience.

" Snrk— " She can't help the involuntary half - snort, half - huff of amusement that bursts forth at the wistful assertion blooming forth from Blackstrike's crooked - grinning jaws. Rarely does Mockingbirdcry assess even her own Clanmates as romantic prospects, considering herself long a retiree of relationships, much less the leaders of other Clans—but she supposes if you look at it objectively, he could be considered handsome, if a little . . . clean - cut? bright? for the tastes of one cultivated by survival in the rugged marshes of moons past. Shrike's crowing suggestion creates a conspiring air Mockingbirdcry can't help but indulge; sweetly demeanoured as she may be, she is not above a little gossip. It's practically a nursery rite of passage.

" I wonder what effect this might have on the state of . . . affairs between the two Clans, " Mockingbirdcry muses in a wispy tone, digging tufted paws into the crumbling mud in hopes of gleaning some kind of coolness from the earth. Her considerations are more politically aimed, wondering what the ripple effect of this ( wholly hypothetical ) dalliance would be in the current climate, though she's half given to her musings simply to indulge her Clanmates. " Things have always been tense between the two Clans, although that was under Sootstar's iron claws. Who couldn't call her their enemy, then? " she murmurs, casting a raised eyebrow towards Hollowmask. " Perhaps Sunstar simply strives to mend the wounds between the two. They'd make quite the alliance, no? "

" speech "

It's gossip so enticing that no sane cat could truly tear themselves away from. Even if they weren't looking his way, he could spot twitching whiskers and flicking ears... It's all a matter of who would be brave enough to say something. She's found herself with a special privilege, it seems. At the prospect of learning more about one of ShadowClan's newest, Moltface cants her head. Pleasant surprise sets harlequin features alight. " Blackstrike! " on the cusp of laughter, they exclaim. A white paw is held over their maw " Oh, I can see it now... Sunstar meets a mysterious, handsome loner at the edge of highstones... "The name's Styker," he tells him, name abandoned the second he lays eyes on him. " A chirp of laughter abruptly ends his tale. " I won't tell Chilledstar, don't you worry. "

" It'd be a spectical, wouldn't it? The very codes they created... " Moltface gives a snort at Shrike's outburst. They don't pose a very bad idea at all. " I certainly know I'll be asking to attend next moon's gathering. I'd like to see it for myself. You ought to join me, Mockingbirdcry. " He'd turn to the other queen upon her approach, trilling a mild greeting as he does.

And alongside her is a warrior that did not understand the enjoyment in simpler things... In wondering what terrible secrets were being held by those more important than you. Their gaze turns bored as their listen to Hollowmask, a smile returning with a sigh as they say, " I really can't blame Blackstrike. Or... did you mean something else? " She thinks, if she did give a " rat's behind " about Orangestar, she wouldn't speak of her so lightly, but to each their own, he supposes. Purely because he was quite bored of Hollowmask already, he intercepts her, rather than agrees. A pink tongue curls with their yawn. " Really? I heard he didn't budge, " he mews.

I wonder what effect this might have on the state of affairs between the two Clans, Mockingbirdcry muses. Moltface agrees with a hum, though he cares less about any political advantages and more about if they'd see Orangestar as WindClan's newest deputy, anytime soon. " Perhaps... But I'm sure it wouldn't last. They never do. "

When it came to speaking recreationally, the cinnamon tabby's interest was piqued. On the outskirts of the circle, Ferndance listened to the gossip with such an intrigue that it was almost kitlike, the sincerity of which she nodded along to Moltface's comments doing little to help the idea that she truly believed what the other was saying. Needledrift spoke fondly of Orangestar, so fondly that there may have been a time when the former Lead urged the Queen to pursue whatever feelings lingered from the journey. Fern herself had never met SkyClan's leader, it had been so long since she'd attended a gathering that the only faces she recalled now belonged to those who shared a border. Talk of codes reminded her it was still possible but ill-advised - her whiskers twitched uncomfortably at the notion. Ferndance's mouth opened before she entirely knew what she was about to say, her voice growing sing-songy. "Sun and Orange, sitting in a tree, discussing things they shouldn't be. First comes alliance, then comes love, then comes kittens and StarClan weeps above~" Her head bobbed left and right with each new rhyme, Ferndance's following breaths accentuated with a purr as she shuffled closer towards Shrike.

"I can imagine the breakup now..." She whispered excitedly to the group, before clearing her throat and putting on a more masculine voice. "Orangestar, this has gone on too long. My clan needs me to be strong, I cannot do that while loving a kittypet." Then, she scarcely changed her voice to match Orangestar, believing the she-cat to have a deep, alluring voice. All the same, a white paw pressed against her chest in faux shock. "I am no kittypet, and you are no true leader. This alliance is through and...and... I'm keeping the kits." Ferndance blinked slowly, staring into the open air. A smile crept upon her muzzle when she returned to the land of the living. "I don't know how breakups work..." She admitted. With the love she held in her heart for her mates, she hoped she never would figure it out either.
  • Haha
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