private inconsolable // falconheart

He hadn't been there. When Falconheart was brought back to camp, Skyclaw was elsewhere. He did not know how bloodied Flamewhisker had been, nor if his old friend was carried or hobbled his way home all on his own. All he knew was that he was hurt - something to do with a rogue, which surely set his mother off given the way Flycatcher left them. Skyclaw hadn't been there, either. And as he lingers in camp, eyes trailing the medicine den, he thinks of how he accused Falconheart of being a coward for disappearing. Something that, while unintentionally on his end, Skyclaw was actively doing back to Falconheart. Huh.

He rolls his shoulders back and makes his way towards the medicine den. Gentlestorm can cuff his ear - he doesn't care for the medicine cat in any way that matters. He uses the sparing light to find the tan colored tom and upon reaching him, murmurs an uncertain, "... Hey," to him.

𓍊𓋼 Since his return to camp, Falconheart hasn’t left Gentlestorm’s den except for the most necessary things. Part of it is shame—the shame of bearing fresh scars across his back, and the shame of being rescued by the ferocity of his mother. And part of it is simple pain, because despite the medicine cat’s best efforts, each and every movement sends a new line of searing fire through his body. He mostly sleeps, but occasionally he’s awoken as he is now, by a familiar face that approaches his nest. Hey, says Skyclaw, and the cream tabby lifts his head to gaze up at the dark-furred warrior.

"Um," he says, his eyes avoiding the other warrior’s. Why is Skyclaw here? After Duskbird… the other tom had made it pretty clear that they aren’t friends. Maybe he needs something now, or plans to berate Falconheart for wasting the clan’s herbs, just because he couldn’t fight off a single rogue. "Hey. I wasn’t really—uh, expecting anyone to stop by." It’s kind of a downer to think about, but it’s true. He doesn’t really have anyone to visit him aside from his mother and Fallowpaw, the latter of whom is already settled into a separate nest in the medicine cat’s den. His younger siblings are plenty busy, he thinks; they don’t need to worry about him when they’ve got their new apprentice duties to tend to.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
It's almost sad, what Falconheart says. Skyclaw feels it pull at his heart strings as he thinks of their lost friendship, shredded by his very own claws and grief. "That doesn't sound right," the mottled tom says eventually, leaning back to sit on his haunches and look over the tan furred tabby. His wounds don't seem... too unsightly, however he isn't sure given that Gentlestorm slathered him in enough herbs to drown a couple kits. His tail twitches, "You've got your little siblings out and about - surely one has come to see you?" And if they hadn't? Skyclaw rolls his shoulders back, wondering if he could strongarm Bugpaw or Sunpaw into coming this way.

Nevertheless, he casts his gaze aside, an ear folding back for a moment. "I just... wanted to check on you," he admits with grating difficulty. There's something in the subtext, an unsaid admission of guilt and remorse. An apology he will never speak into the greenleaf air. "It was pretty scary to hear of what happened. Those rogues are... getting bold," he continues, awkwardly.​
𓍊𓋼 Skyclaw sits down beside him, and the cream tabby squints up at him. The other warrior comments that it doesn’t sound right for him to expect no visitors. But… who would want to visit him in the medicine den, anyway? His siblings? "Uh, not yet," he responds, another surge of disappointment flattening his ears against his head. He can’t even think of why his siblings would want to visit him, since he’s a failure of a warrior. At least each of them were assigned to good mentors, even if none of them were paired with him. "I’m sure they’re just busy with their… apprentice training. Stuff like that." He attempts to straighten and brush off the self-deprecating thoughts that slide through his head, but the movement only succeeds in making him wince.

I just wanted to check on you. The admission strikes something long-buried in his chest, and Falconheart forces a smile onto his muzzle. "Well… thank you. For checking on me. I mean it." There’s so much more he should say, now that the dappled warrior has deigned to talk to him. But he can’t quite… get there. He appreciates the other checking on him more than he can put into words; only moments ago he had been living under the assumption that his kithood friend truly hated him and there was nothing he could do to change that. Now, Skyclaw almost seems to care. He remarks on how rogues have been getting bold, and all Falconheart can think of is the moment that rogues had taken over ThunderClan’s camp. It had been almost a year ago, hadn’t it? And he’d done nothing but run and hide. Even now, the scars across his pelt aren’t from fighting. They’re from running.

He clears his throat, trying to shake off the feeling that settles down onto prickled hackles. "They are. I’m lucky that my mother was there, or I’d be…" he swallows harshly, his voice fading into silence. The truth of it is, if Flamewhisker hadn’t found him in time, he’d probably have already met Skyclaw’s sibling in the stars. He blinks, brows furrowing. "Sorry. Have you—have you had any trouble with rogues or anything?"

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore