" Hey, Batwing! " Wolfwind calls out. Her paws are scuffed from the sand of ThunderClan's very own hollow, though todays training is all her own. Doepaw wouldn't be with her today. She still had a lot to think about, when it comes to mentoring N' the state of Doepaw's vision – that of which she has yet to truly judge. Were she not acutely affected by her own similar bought of... issues ( Problems was a real negative word, wasn't it? ) it's quite possible she would've taken her out right away and forgotten all about it. She's smarter about things, now. Cats tell her sorry about that ol' folks. But she thinks it's made her smarter. Thinks its made her better.

She just needs to make sure her claws are still sharp. She's less worried about the lack of an eye and moreso about loosening the muscles she's had couped up for some time. Typical everyday patrols are no substitute for proper sparring or training, so today she calls out to Batwing for help instead. " I could really use a warmup, y'know? Figured you'd be a kind enough opponent to not give me too much of a headache, " teasingly, she mews, stretching out white - mitted paws before her. " Think you could help me out? I'll even let you have the first go! "

[ ooc: please wait for @batwing ! :)]
Wolfwind had made it out of the medicine den before him, but her new learning curve was sharp. Batwing hadn't been injured to the severity that she had, but a moon or two spent with cobwebs over his eyes, and readjusting to light and fighting with injured eyelids? He could sympathize with her plight, at least. The hollow's sand brushed at his paws as he stretched, name being called by the other. I could really use a warmup, y'know?

A spar, then. Batwing's face stretched into a coy grin, standing up taller and turning to face her. At this moment, he wasn't worrying about the herd of deer that was terrorizing their territory, no. Right now, he was going to have a bit of loose fun. "Too much of a headache? Awh, c'mon, you discount my abilities." Batwing teased in response, flicking his tail. He slowly settled into a battle stance, face rearranging into something a bit more serious. "Yeah, I can help you out." His paws dug into the sand as he launched himself forward, attempting to barrel into her.

The lead warrior wouldn't find an easy opponent, likely so- but even with that in mind, he needed to test her limits. Just as much as he wanted to know how good she still was at battle, he wanted her to be able to test battle without a whole eye. Batwing would provide that training and testing happily. ​