twolegplace inferno — casual walk


i wasn't strong enough
Feb 19, 2023
.a knife ? are you ———


——— flirting with me ?.
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HE WANDERED ALONG THE FAMILIAR PATH, HAVING GONE BY IT SEVERAL times till he memorized it. The brown tabby hummed, willowy tail twirling in the air, observing the surrounding area with sharp yellow optics. Only a short time before I have the whole place memorized. He grinned cheekily.

Despite being a casual walk through twolegs, Kavan couldn’t help but explore, growing further from their makeshift camp on the cusp of the forest. It had been relaxing as much as it had made the brute tense. He huffed, shaking his helm.

The scarred brute hefted a grunt, calloused paw pads slapping the surface, continuing his leisure walk. Tail flickered with the gentle breeze, ruffling his mocha-dusted tabby fur. “Wonder what the others are up to.” He mused, muzzle wrinkling at the thought.

The street cat felt his marred flesh prickle, blinking several times, head cocked, glancing at the towering twoleg houses. He hadn’t missed being a kittypet. He winced at the thought, yellow optics narrowing. Nothin’ but a nightmare. He thought, staring through the windows of a few as he passed.

thoughts speech

The Twolegplace was a double-sided claw for one so sensitive to the world around them. Darkness was a bountiful blessing that prevented his nose from frying like trees in a fire, but at its peak, it was difficult to find such shelter when he was away from his favourite dumpster. Viserion, clinging to the shade of the fences like his life depended on it, allowed his wiry form to arch and almost drag against the rickety wood panels. He'd be loathed to call this a patrol, yet it was the most apt way to describe the chimera's motivations. Scouting for new friends, searching for potential enemies, and gathering new information for the benefit of all within his growing circle of misfits. Though his attention was marred by the beat of the sun, pink eyes still squinted out towards the horizon, taking in information like moss took in water. It didn't take long to see a different brown shape, vaguely catlike. His mite-bitten ear twitched as he watched the large stranger wander past the twoleg houses, a tooth sticking out of his mouth as he smiled towards him. A shadow of whites and greys was soon to follow the loner on his journey.

He moved on faster and faster paws, stepping harshly against the ground and whatever was beneath it until he was able to snake around to try and block the direction Kavan was heading. Viserion's tail flicked in a preconceived amusement, his smile broadening into a strained grin as he offered a nod of greetings towards the loner. Squinted eyes were kept locked on the muzzle of the maine coon as the chimera sat down. "Lost?" He mrrowed in amusement at his own erroneous judgment. Not lost, a creature walking with what much confidence was never truly lost, only exploring. That was what he told himself when he'd first entered the Twolegplace streets at least, though the heavens above only knew how terrified he'd been at the time. "I know where the best food is." Viserion proclaimed and waited for any sort of reaction from the other before continuing. "Can tell ya, if yer interested." Interested in his own hubris, Viserion's eyes widened again as he leaned his head forward towards Kavan as if about to whisper the greatest secret known to cats. All it required was simple confirmation from the stranger, and the albino tom would answer with as much gusto as he could muster.

.a knife ? are you ———


——— flirting with me ?.
———————— ————————
THE BROWN-FURRED TABBY PAUSED, YELLOW OPTICS SNAPPING to meet the rogue’s odd-colored optics. His brow raised at the question, head cocked, offering a cheeky grin in response. “Just takin’ a stroll, sweetcheeks.” His tone humorous.

Tail flickering, Kavan hummed. Food, huh? The maine coon shuffled, hip jutting out, leaning heavily into his side as he pondered the question. Despite his relaxed posture, the male remained tensed, watching the stranger with calculative hues. The marred flesh prickled with unease, only to overrule the dangerous curiosity that pooled into his stomach. “If I was interested—” he drawled out, tone velvety smooth, lips curled into a charismatic grin. “Where would the best food be, mhm?” Voice rumbled deep within his chest, deciding to humor the other who only drew nearer.

“And would I have the pleasure of you keepin’ me company?” Helm turned to meet the stranger’s optics with his own, grin still settled upon scarred darkened lips. He remained cautious, yellow optics narrowed only a fraction, head cocked. “Wouldn’t mind havin’ a lil’ company on my walk.” He drawled out with a rumble, willowy tail flickering.

thoughts speech

Taking a stroll... taking a stroll... hey, he was taking a stroll too! He did his best to hide his confusion at a nickname he did not recognise, blinking incredulously before settling back into a narrow-eyed state. Viserion nodded in understanding and began to knead his hind paws in anticipation of an answer from the stranger, no sooner than he asked for it did he receive it. His head bowed lower and lower as if it were the only way for his voice to lose its high pitch too, still speaking at a normal volume despite his attempts at whispering. "It's..." He wiggled his haunches like preparing to land on prey, before sending himself vertically instead. As squared paws touched the ground, he trust his ashen tail in the direction of the twoleg houses. "In there!" His grin grew wider and wider until it threatened to crack his scarred skin before a peal of vigorous laughter erupted from the chimera tom. Kavan had walked right into that one! They took some time to savour the moment for themselves before allowing their gaze to settle back upon the tabby to view his reaction. No malice was on Viserion's face, only the pure mischief of someone who knew he'd gotten someone good.

As he settled down and his fur flattened once more, the smiling tomcat added on, "My crew dooo have the second best food though~ For a price." Was it a price the other would pay? Maybe, maybe not. As savvy as a trader as he wanted to be, he didn't feel like forcing anyone into accepting the Blackguard's terms and conditions today, not when the stranger had so kindly offered him a place by his side. For a while. "Course, course. Just... tap me with ya tail if you have something to say when I'm zoned out, alright?" He tapped his ear with an ivory paw, the appendage involuntarily twitching as a result. Constant translation could be a greater fatigue than any hunt or fight he'd been in prior for it required concentration of the mind. Many didn't hold it against Viserion, but he had little clue how the stranger would react to being ignored every once in a while. "Soooo~" Viserion whistled as he stepped to Kavan's side, brushing close to the tabby as if they were old buddies. "D'ya got something I can call you? Name's Vissy."