inferono ✘ riverclan patrol

The trek to SkyClan's border was alarmingly peaceful, or maybe he was just so on edge that even the most basic of patrols kept him alert and waiting for something terrible to occur. For as much as he was not fond of ThunderClan and was indifferent to the kittypet clan this section of territory was not rife with danger like the one along the otherside of the river, near the gorge, where the moorland rats scurried under their queen. At least here borders were respected enough. StarClan forbid ThunderClan decided it wanted some of the river along with Sunningrocks - he'd lose his mind. For now, at least, things were calm this side of their territory and he had intention on keeping it that way. Leafbare was on the cusp of arrival, the river may freeze again, their fishing may come to an icy end, he needed assurance. He needed to make sure things would not become so dire. He needed to check on what he did not know.

So Smokestar was here at SkyClan's border, tail and head raised high and proudly, Mudpelt and Apsenhaze accompanying him. Both were capable fighters if needed but more importantly they would not cause a fuss or make commentary to the kittypet clan out loud and have them lose face; he didn't care if they thought it, he thought it himself. A passing patrol comes into view, lone orange eye narrows before he calls out, "SkyClan! I seek an audience with Blazestar."

  • Patrol Tags - @MUDPELT & @Aspenhaze
    Apprentice Tag - @BEEPAW.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Aspenhaze isn’t exactly sure what Smokestar intends to ask of Blazestar when they’re called to accompany him, but they were ready to oblige despite. Even with how on edge both them and their mate have been (Petalnose’s mood affects them more than they’d like to admit), they’re ready for anything. And luckily, the journey here was pretty much eventless.

SkyClan is the last of the five to cause a ruckus, but you can never be too sure what will occur. Blazestar isn’t the only cat in the clan he leads after all, and they’re fairly certain he’s the biggest pushover of them. At least, that’s what they’ve gathered from the lead warriors the creme tom’s put into power. It’s amazing how SkyClan manages to stand…well, niceness can go a long way, they suppose.

As a SkyClan patrol approaches the side of the border that their own patrol is currently waiting next to, Aspenhaze sits dutifully next to their leader. The last thing that the tortoiseshell point would want to do is to cause any problems. If anyone is going to make mistakes, it will be on the dwellers of the pine trees, not on them.​
His mouth is full of herbs as he hears the familiar sound of Smokestar's voice, blind blues turning in the direction of the black and white tom. He is with a patrol of river-smelling cats, the scent of fish hanging in the air. He dismisses a complaining apprentice at his side, telling them to go search for Blazestar and bring him to the border. Meanwhile, he makes his way over and dips his head in greeting to the smaller tom- respect in his milky hues.

"Well met, Smokestar. Aspenhaze. Mudpelt." He greets the cats present, making a point to smile towards the apprentice whos name he didn't quite know. He had gotten to know the cats of RiverClan after spending time with most of them in the medicine den. "Blazestar will arrive soon. I hope everything is alright."


FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — The curly furred molly walks alongside her mentor with her large ears pricked forward attentively, the fur along her neck slightly ruffled, and she feels slightly uneasy at the thought of running into any of those moor rats but she'd rather fight tooth and claw than flee from any potential scuffles. It seems their travel to Skyclan is safe, she remembers that their kittypet neighbors had provided them sanctuary when the rogues had raided their camp and she isn't the most excited to be heading back to their border even if she makes sure to keep that off of her expression instead having a more serious demeanor despite her slight curiosity. Beepaw mirrors Smokethroat with her own feathery tail lifted in the air proudly and follows his fiery gaze when a Skyclan patrol comes into view, she remains at his side only briefly glancing to both the warriors that had accompanied them. She'll remain quiet unless spoken to, take note of her surroundings, and try not to wrinkle her snout at the smell of Skyclanners. Her outer appearance polite yet prideful.

Her mismatched gaze focusing onto Fireflypaw who smiles in her direction and realizes that the medicine cat apprentice doesn't know her name so she offers with a polite nod "Beepaw." She offers her own faint smile though it leaves her maw within a heartbeat or two, she's here to be on her best behavior and find out what her father wanted to discuss with Blazestar.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
He knew it odd to be following around the Medicine Apprentice but this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. In fact, Dogbite often strayed nearby to any wandering clanmates if he caught wind of them. Ensuring they were safe or seeking an opportune time to offer assistance when applicable. The problem was he struggled with awkwardness and the urge to protect.

Dogbite's desires didn't always align with his mind and social cues. His avoidant nature making the second half of his personal missions much more difficult to execute. Leaving them to internally battle through each step of the process. From an outside observer's view he probably looked like a deranged cat. With all the ducking behind tree's and running about in aimless directions. When in reality he was struggling to make himself be visible out of fear of dismissal.

Just as the scarred warrior had built up the gusto to help the Apprentice their attention diverted to the approaching Riverclanners. Cursing internally, the tabby finally made his presence known and slipped out from the undergrowth. Quickly, making way to the pale Tom's side. Upon arrival they offered a silent nod to the patrol.

Gathering his paws together the Skyclanner sat at the border beside Fireflypaw. Eye glinting curiously as Smokestar requested their leader's council. Must be about something important. The cinnamon and white feline had a hunch it might be in regards to the previous meeting. Windclan had made a disastrous choice and Dogbite bet next moon's prey something would soon be done about it.

Unfortunately, he hadn't the opportunity to make nice with many Riverclanners or any other clan for that matter. Leaving the older feline uncomfortable with the direct familiarities so he continued to stay silent. In his suspended state of mental awareness and previous illness the Warrior missed out on a lot that happened. In his eye all cats present aside from himself and Fireflypaw were perfect strangers. Save for a few interactions with the newest Riverclan leader.

  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Figfeather questions for a moment if she should be the one to turn around and fetch Blazestar. Fireflypaw promises he will be here soon, but would he be if he was busy attending to duties in camp? She struggles to recall if Orangeblossom had announced he’d be on any patrols. She decides againsts volunteering herself to go, not that she couldn’t make quick work but her leg had been letting out throbs all morning. Surely someone else would be in need of excersize?

Orange eyes glance respectfully at the one-eyed leader before her gaze falls on Mudpelt. A tom she’s never spoken to personally but knows of well and has seen before. ”Mudpelt,” She greets, ”I traveled with your kits to the mountain. I consider Ferngill a good friend.” She informs, seeking to spark idle conversation.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing


Johnny had not been at the gathering where Sootstar announced her claim over the Highstones, but the stocky tomcat wouldn't have been surprised in the least if that's what this was over. In fact, the lead was hoping it *was*. He'd been quite clear about where he stood on things, and if Smokestar was here to seek an alliance in putting those hillrats in their place than he was more than happy to oblige. Granted, it would ultimately be up to Blazestar weather or not such a think happened, but Johnnyflame would most certainly be advocating for it. Every other clan in the forests and beyond seems to understand the balance and their place in it- all accept Sootstar and her warriors, who refused to stop pushing boundaries and stirring up shit.

Since the cats had already been greeted and had already spoken their purpose, Johnnyflame simple offered a brief nod of greeting before he quickly clawed his way up the nearest pine to stand guard on one of the lower branches. He wasn't sure how long Blazestar would take, and a gathering this large on the border could call unwanted predator attention.


The gathering had not been attended by the Lead Warrior that term, something of a relief for himself. So often he found his emotions matched those around him, they were the kindlings that lit up the spotted tabby's quick temper, he was certain that, had he been there to hear WindClan's claim over Highstones, then somebody wouldn't have left the gathering alive. Hindsight had given him calm, a peaceful lake whose serenity was threatened by the presence of RiverClan upon their borders once more. His jaws tightened and the large male walked closer, tail pointing towards the very heavens their enemies sought to damn. Odd eyes quietly assessed the new scar upon Smokestar's flank and Silversmoke came to a standstill close to Dogbite, his head stoically nodding in greeting towards the others. He had nothing more to say to them until Blazestar had made an appearance.
Blazestar had been hunting when an apprentice had breathlessly informed him of RiverClan’s presence at the border. Trepidation guides his paws as he nears the water’s edge; Smokestar stands on his respective side, flanked by a tortoiseshell-pointed warrior, a sleek brown-pelted cat, and an apprentice with fur that curls in wayward directions. He recognizes the young she-cat—it’s Smokestar’s daughter, Cicadastar’s. He can see the resemblances clear in her white-flecked face, in the blazing orange of one eye, the ice blue of the other.

He comes to stand beside his own son and his lead warriors, just in front of the small patrol of SkyClanners that has gathered at the river. Blazestar's tail flicks out behind him like a flame. “Smokestar, RiverClan. What is it you’ve come to discuss with me?” His tone is polite, but curious. He can imagine it has something to do with WindClan—and part of him wonders if StarClan has answered his prayers in some way.

, ”

Blazestar's son is the first to approach them, still holding the name of 'paw' and he wonders if this is what it was like to have a medicine cat apprentice who is able to be trained fully and named under the stars by their mentor. Not a single clan had such a consistent pair since their formation.
He briefly glances to the orange molly speaking to Mudpelt, explaining how she knew his kits and was one of the journey cats who had undertaken such a risk and burden to save the clans - for a moment his gaze lingers on her leg, it must have been a struggle going through all that with such an injury. Some cats had more grit and will than others. "...and thank you for that." He says, tone polite but still coldly neutral. If Mudpelt wanted to chat he could, they weren't here for anything dire or anything.

Spotting the ragdoll he is reminded once again on how terribly big the other is, sometimes its easy to forget when they stand upon the same stone on every moonlit gathering. "Blazestar." Smokestar greets with a light nod, "Well, first I wanted to discuss our clans. I am not exactly sure of the arrangement you had with Cicadastar, nor what you two discussed. Unfortunately it was never information he could pass to me." Nor was privvy too, his mate kept his claws iron tight on his methods and he had never bothered asking because he didn't think it important to know. "So I wish to make clear I will honor the alliance he formed with you and you only." If anything happened to the golden tom it was done and they returned back to their neutral regards with one another, Orangeblossom would need to reforge her own arrangement if she cared to. "SkyClan and RiverClan are the two clans most harmed by WindClan's continual treachery and we will continue to stand together. Leafbare has made things more complicated, our river may yet flood again but I assure you we will fight if needed....have you considered plans yourself or are you as hesitant as I to spill our warriors blood at our most disadvantaged time?"
And what of the other clans? If they did not all stand together then it will be far more complicated, but he feared each of them had similar concerns.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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Reactions: BLAZESTAR
Mudpelt stands at his new leader’s side, unsure exactly what Smokestar plans on saying to Blazestar, but knowing well enough they are here on good terms. He eases himself into a sitting position next to the black tom as a rather huge SkyClan patrol arrives, which admittedly does have the tom a little nervous. Maybe the large patrols are in case WindClan attacks them again, He reasons, before his attention is grabbed by a younger ginger she-cat who calls him by name.

He pricks his ears at her words and pads a bit away from Smokestar while he addresses the serious issue with the SkyClan leader, eager to talk more to his son’s friend. “Really?” He calls back, grinning. “Thank you for helping to keep them safe. I heard about the cliff you SkyClanners had them climb, and none of my kits are climbers, ha!”