
  • STARLIGHTPAW CRICKETPAW ; uneasy change turned bittersweet memory.
    child of the stars, born of two leaders. a cat which bears her crown with the pride of one assured there is no other path for her but greatness. holds intellect and callousness in equal measure, distinctly lacking in self-awareness. deeply devoted to the stars, believing he carries their blessing in his blood.
    starlight from cicadastar, for faith; cricket from smokestar, hoping to ease the burden of divine judgement.
    — AMAB genderfluid; any pronouns, no preference; fine with all gendered terms.
    — apprentice of riverclan; born in riverclan. devoutly loyal, views all others with distrust and disdain.
    — created 08.12.2023 at 2 moons. ages realistically on the 12th.
    — penned by saturnid.
    Starlightpaw was born small and delicate, with a soft, round face and oversized paws. His ears sit too-large upon his head, batlike and disproportionate. As he grows, his limbs and face will lengthen — spindly, spiderlike, skeletal — but his body will never fill out, ill-fitting spun-glass frame twisted slender and fragile. Never quite so tall as Cicadastar, but enough to always be looking down. Just tall enough to be unusual, unnatural. Pretty, in a strange way, in an ethereal way, a celestial beauty as though a vision of another world. A strangely proportioned creature, stretched a little too long and a little too thin, a lanky imitation of a cat with curled fur and whiskers ever-twisting as though they know not where they should sit.

    His fur is pitch, a black deeper than night, with patchwork shades of steadily softening grays making up his underside. Not quite alike either of his fathers, but not dissimilar either in the pitch or the patchwork; a creature clearly born of the two and yet all her own. Different still in her lack of white, not born nor earned like Smokethroat's dappled starlight; she only carries one starspeck of her own, and will grow no more (though not for lack of wanting). The marker of her name, a small star-like crest sits atop Starlightpaw's forehead, the only patch of light amidst their marbled night-sky pelt.

    It seems the rest of the stars were kept for their eyes. A deep and vivid blue, as the river at night, tinting violet when the light hits just so. Striking on their own, but carrying something far more unusual, far more otherworldly. A night sky within their pupils, black clouded blue with a scattering of whitish spots. They almost seem to glow. A captured collection of little stars, a galaxy in miniature. It can be almost overwhelming, to have Starlightpaw look you in the eyes. They seem to stretch on forever, an endless depth of stolen starlight.

    No less striking than his appearance is Starlightpaw's movement, sharp and distinct, strange and unnatural. She walks as though she does not understand the concept of having limbs, stiff and awkward as a baby deer, though not quite so uncoordinated. Her posture is perfect, in an imitative way, statuesque and tense — but not still, no. In their rare moments of stillness they may look graceful, regal, but Starlightpaw was not made to be idle. He twitches, frequently, at any sound or touch, or at nothing at all. There's a wildness to it, though not a fear; it is reaction and nothing less.

    ⤷ SH curly black smoke w/ low white (carries longhair, straight fur, non-silver, albino)

    grooms often, especially when nervous. idly mutters & makes wordless vocalizations. twitchy. good posture, stiff & awkward movements. eyes are frequently dilated. tends to squint and look at the ground in the sunlight.
    ( + ) intelligent, strong-willed, passionate, altruistic, devoted
    ( / ) intense, inquisitive, perfectionistic, precocious, proud
    ( - ) egotistical, obsessive, insensitive, temperamental, pushy
    Starlightpaw is driven, first and foremost, by a wonder at the world around them. One might expect this to wane with age, as the seasons turn and the world is no longer new, but in Starlightpaw it lingers — warps, grows into something more: an obsessive desire to know, to understand. Always asking why, always stuck on solving some mystery or another. Nothing can draw him away once he's set his mind to something, worrying away for days, moons on end. His body seems too small for his restless thoughts; a keen and overactive mind spills out of him unabated, thinking outloud with a neverending fervor. Muttering to herself and rambling to any audience who will have him, cat or not.

    Starlightpaw is a strange child, almost alien in their ways, a fascination with the world as though she herself is not born of it. A startling intellect wonders at the strangeness of the world, with an often nonsensical creativity. He can often be found making structures of rocks, digging holes to bury or to find treasures, or simply messing with whatever object catches his eye on a given day. Kit-like habits, but persisting far too long. He watches those around him, too, following her dads like a baby duckling, mirroring them, parroting all that they say. It is like they not know how to exist as a creature on his own, so instead they watch, imitate. Learn.

    Always adrift in his own mind, pulled by endless fascinations, Starlightpaw can often be unaware of how she comes off to other cats. At times unnerving: obsessive and eerily perceptive, always knowing a bit too much. And not one to keep a secret either, though perhaps this will change as her collection of them grows. Her words come torrential, thoughts transposed into reality before he can second guess them — not that he would, given the chance. A touch of Smokethroat's abrasiveness, a touch of Cicadastar's spite. Starlightpaw's social graces are slim, a child with little regard for hurting others' feelings — he's the child of the deputy and leader, after all, he can say what he pleases. No need to coddle his clanmates. Still, he means little harm; Starlightpaw is an honest child, not a cruel one.

    Smokethroat and Cicadastar's children were not born with failure as an option, Starlightpaw knows this well. And Starlightpaw themself, with their holy name, feels not the pressure of living up to this, but rather the ease of knowing it is predetermined. (And the bone-deep frustration when it does not come so easy, when their mortality is exposed for what it is.) For the leaders, the starchosen, are blessed and so must be their family. A strange devoutness the child carries, loyal not so much to the stars as to her family — but to him they are one and the same. To be chosen is to equal StarClan, not merely to serve them. And Starlightpaw has been chosen, that much is clear.

    An ego such as Starlightpaw's can carry cruelty with ease, but such is not the case for the young cat. Yes, he sees himself above his clanmates, yes, he sees himself among those to be worshipped, and yet. It is the duty of a leader, of a god, to aid those among their domain. It is the responsibility of one born blessed to help those less fortunate. Starlightpaw does care, deeply, for her clanmates. Not in an impersonal way, not with the detachment that could come so easily to a god; he takes every injury, every failing, as if it were her own. Always willing to aid, to protect. Perhaps even a bit too willing to lend their paw, with all the grace of a condescending teacher — no matter their actual expertise. All who call the river home are family to Starlightpaw, but in the sense of an affectionately teasing older sibling; only she can be mean to them. Should another Clan so much as look at a RiverClanner wrong, Starlightpaw's teeth come bared. A tendency more amusing than not in their youth, but far more dangerous as they grow.

    heavy use of italics & run-on sentences, tends to jump between thoughts rapidly. tends to over-enunciate. repeats words and sounds, lots of echolalia. occasionally mixes up words for similar sounding ones. does not call cats by name unless they've earned his respect.
    LITTERMATE to beepaw & cicadapaw
    COUSIN to riverpaw, pebblepaw, & shellkit

    MENTORED BY petalnose
    NOTABLE FRIENDS bubblepaw, otterpaw

    trust is given implicitly to all of riverclan; outsiders may try to earn it, but will have little luck.
    SOUNDS LIKE warbling alto-tenor, lilting and strangely hypnotizing. faint german accent.
    SMELLS smoky, of incense and char.
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
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deep blue-violets, soft periwinkles, and sparks of vivid magenta. stars and galaxies, space that stretches on forever. angels, marble statues, churches. candles and incense. water, ripples, reflections. hazy and indistinct, real made unreal. the distortion of a crt screen. PINTEREST
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