information highway [open/mass meet and greet]


OOC- Retro to promotion and getting an apprentice! Also retro to the current windy weather!!

To be honest, Johnny had been meaning to do this for a while. With the sudden influx of shelter cats melding into their ranks, Skyclan had become a place where half the cats barely knew anything about each other, and any cat with two braincells could see the tension is was causing between old clanmates and new. There was no easy fix to this, no bandaid they could slap on to fix it overnight. It was the sort of problem that could only be solved with time and effort, and in the bobtail warriors eyes the sooner they all started the better.

After finishing his chores for the morning the tom had padded into camp happy to see it filled with new and old warriors alike. **"Hey Skyclan, why don't we have a bit of a meet and greet? I'm sure we're all curious about each other, aye?"[/b] he called, flashing a charismatic grin in the direction of anyone who paid him any mind.

"We'll keep it simple for those of you who aren't all that keen on chatting; state your name and three facts about yourself. If you find you've got questions for someone, just ask em. Easiest way to get to know someone, after all."

The short, stocky tomcat planted his rear in the clearing, all the invitation anyone needed to come and join him. He wasn't shy nor was he afraid of meeting strangers- not in this context, at least.

"Alright, I'll start us off. My name's Johnny. I've been a part of Skyclan for a couple moons now, I spend my nights in twoleg place with my upwalkers, and I know more about snakes than any cat'll probably ever need to." he said, chuckling at the last part.

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"I still think you're weird for that." Orangeblossom grouches to Johnny as she approaches. It is, however, somewhat affectionate- no cat had any business being as familiar with snakes as Johnny is, but it absolutely has its uses. The conversation prompt however stalls the ginger-and-white deputy for a good few moments, unused to talking about herself. Three facts, huh?

"I'm Orangeblossom. I've been a SkyClanner since before SkyClan, back when we used to be part of the Pine colony. Hmm ... I know a lot about raccoons, actually, there you go, and ..." She exhales a long breath, plopping down unceremoniously nearby. The action makes something in her bad leg twinge, and she hisses through her teeth- "And WindClan's mongrel deputy is the reason I walk with a limp, if you're curious."

"My name is Silversmoke, Lead Warrior of SkyClan." He introduced himself with the taciturn of someone who did not want to be there. The asocial tom, who felt his presence amidst the clan alienated by the sudden influx of shelter cats, did not feel like his feelings of discomfort would be so easily swayed by giving more information about himself. Luckily, judging by the statements of others, he needed only two more facts before he could wither away back into the crowd. Head tilted at an upwards angle and mouth pressed into a thin line, Silversmoke's feathery tail began lashing behind him the deeper in thought he allowed himself to get. A side-eyed glance was offered to Orangeblossom at her hiss, focusing more than necessary on the aforementioned bad leg. Was it wrong to feel jealous she'd at least fought a WindClanner worth fighting? His own opponent had been a meagre thing, and he'd not felt the rush of a battle for so long that he feared it was making him more irritable than usual (he preferred to blame it on that than the uselessness he felt). "My favourite food is pheasant and I joined in the final days of the Pine colony. That is all."

❪ TAGS ❫ — The camp felt crowded, alright. Hell, Slate would be spending more time out of camp if it wasn't against Blazestar's words. Huh. Since when did he care so much about rules?

Johnny, ever the social butterfly, had called for a "meet-and-greet". He isn't sure if he's ever participated in one, but he found the idea foolish. How was he supposed to memorize all of these names and faces in one sitting?

Silversmoke and Orangeblossom had said their pieces after Johnny, which left a couple of NPCs looking at him expectantly, like he was obligated to participate by simply sitting in camp. The Maine Coon twitched a ripped ear uncomfortably, disliking all of the sudden attention, and grunted aloud, "Slate." No, he wasn't going to give anybody fun facts. If anybody had a problem, they could tell that to his face.

Hmh?, a meet and greet?. That was something he never had heard about before. Well this was certainly an interesting way to get to know each other better. Jinn failed to come up with an reason why he shouldn't join in. Who knows maybe he would learn something new today about his so-called clanmates. There were so many things he still didn't know about any of them. He would make sure to remember all the facts his clanmates decided to share about themselves. " Is that all you're gonna share with us?."' he would question as he come up beside Slate, offering them a curious look. It was a shame because he would have loved to get to know more about this mysterious handsome looking tom but Jinn knew better than to pressure someone to share private information about themselves they might not be willing to share. So instead of keeping this conversation going his attention had shifted over to the others.

" Sometime you will have to share this knowledge about snakes to me then.A conversation like that i would find much interesting." He too was fascinated with snakes although he was more interested to learn about how to not get bitten by one. Orangebloom and Silversmoke shared a comman fact which brought this former loners curiosity. " Pine colony?. I'm afraid i don't know much about that history. Did you call yourselves that before the making of skyclan?." Jinn blinked realising he was asking too many questions right now when this was suppose to be a meet up to share information about each other and yet here he was not having shared anything about himself yet. Now he felt a bit embarrassed.

Clearing his throat, Jinn for now had to put a leash on his own curiosity of this place. Not everything could be learned in one single day. " I guess it's my time now. My name's Jinn and...hmm give me a moment to think...." he smiled while he had to take a moment to think about what he should share about himself. Personally he didn't really think there was anything interesting to know about them. Jinn was not a very interesting person to get to know about. Still here he was expecting to share at least something.

" I guess one fact about me is that i happen to have a bit of knowledge about flowers and their symbolize meanings. My favorite flowers are the moonflower and the lotus flower. Before joining this clan i used to travel a lot and have done so for the majority of my life. I'm quite fascinated by the moon and loves to collect any stones that reminds me of it. I also...oh right. Three facts it was right?. I think i shared four...haha. I guess i'm done then." Jinn gave a heart filled chuckle before starting to look around wondering who else would join them. He had to admit that this was quite fun.


Shuffling closer, the tall kittypet gave a reassuring smile to those present, his tail lashing madly in the air as he prepared his nerves for when it was his turn to speak. Offering a nervous side-eye to Slate and Silversmoke, the Oriental's large ears sprung forward when Jinn had finished speaking. "Ah, hello! I'm Momowhisker, I'm a Daylight Warrior, I'm... hmm..." Suddenly, his ears felt as hot as the sun and his stomach was more twisted than a WindClanner's morality. He wasn't cool, was he? What in StarClan's name could he say that wouldn't reveal quite how uncool he actually was? He tried to pay attention to what had been said already: favourite flowers, favourite foods, a single name (StarClan it was a miracle the cat he rescued had any friends), random facts... quietly, Momowhisker began to assess what he could include. "Being a Daylight Warrior, I spend the nights at my owner's place with my brother. I... kinda like water? To look at it, not to swim though," he chuckled nervously, clicking his tongue as he tried to think of a final fact. "Oh! My Twolegs have this horror thing that's shaped like a beetle that gets rid of my fur! It's... weird, but kinda cool. You can sit on it and it'll take you around the den."


A meet and greet. Howlpaw had never been to one before and wasn't sure what to make of Johnny's idea at first. The more she thought about it and listened to her clanmates speak about themselves, the more she thought it was a good idea. There were many new faces in SkyClan as of late, new kits, new daylight warriors, and new warriors who had joined them from the Shelter.

Whilst her mentor is quite short in his greeting, Howlpaw at least wants to say a little bit more. "Hello, I am Howlpaw," She said, speaking to the cats gathered. "Most of you know me but some of you do not. As you can tell by my name I am one of many apprentices, formerly apprenticed to Redstorm and currently apprenticed to the talkative Slate over there." Howlpaw gestures to her mentor nearby, and gives him a playful wink if he met her eye. "Blazestar is my father and Fireflypaw is my brother and I love them so very dearly. Most of my kin, including the rest of my littermates and mother, live in ThunderClan. Our family was divided by the warrior code and I chose to stay here with my father instead."[/font]

— Classic wrong place at the wrong time. His ears would slowly ease against his head as he inchmeal into a hunch from his laying position. Maybe his slender frame would be good at sneaking.. He'd keep his eye locked on the main felines of the chatter while carefully backing up, one deliberate paw after the other. Scorchedpaw felt pretty confident with his slinking, up until he was about to turn around quickly. As the young tom swung his head around he'd revolve clockwise with his blind side, as always, failing him. The motion was fast, his head swung unwittingly into the shoulder of a nearby cat and none too gently.

An embarrassing squeak of surprise would escape from the maw of the tom as he reeled back from the shock of the blow. He was going through thousands of curses to himself, shaking his head to try and dismiss his current daze. Praying that no one had heard the noise that had come from him. When his thoughts and sight came back to focus he'd look to the cat he had run into with an apologetic expression then realized it wasn't just the one clanmate looking at the flame point. "Foxdung." He'd whisper under his breath. His blue eye would rotate around all the onlookers with a defeated mien.

"I'm um.." The apprentice would start then pause to swallow an anxious gulp of air. "I'm Scorchedpaw.. Uh, my mom was a part of um, the beginning of Skyclan.. I think. But, er I was born here." He hated this, he wanted to flee but he knew if he didn't get it over with there'd be some cheerful warrior to drag him back. Shouldn't he want to know the cats he lived with? "I.. I had four brothers." What else? He didn't do much at all, that all escaped him after everything that happened after his accident. "And uhm.. My favorite food is woodpecker." All done right? He'd quickly glance around before making himself smaller. — tags