pafp ink flows down, into a dark puddle ⸸ Comfreypaw's Vigil

Comfreypaw’s body looks cold on the snow. It was a ridiculous thought to have while gazing down at the chocolate and rosette dappled tabby upon the ground before him, but it was the first thing that bubbled up into his mind. She looked cold, she deserved to be in her nest - to be warm and curled among her fellow apprentices but she was now as cold as the frost itself; a shiver like the ice that clings to every surface around them. Comfreypaw would never be cold again, even if she looked as if all she needed was a warm body curled about her to guard her from the elements. Magpiepaw feels tired, he almost wishes to do so, to settle himself down alongside the fallen apprentice and close his eyes - to let the cold seep into him as well, let him freeze inside, let him lose the heat that keeps his blood pumping, his veins alive; maybe he thinks about death more than he should, or maybe ShadowClan reeks of it at the best of times. Another apprentice, another clanmate. Things had not gotten better since Granitepelt and Siltcloud were exiled, somehow it had gotten worse and he isn’t sure what to make of it. Logically he knows it was a necessity to remove such parasites, but a tick you know the placement of in your pelt was easier to pluck than the one you tossed into your nest; waiting to crawl back upon you and bite.
We should have killed them. He thinks bitterly, cursing the kindness of their leader but latching onto it as well in desperate confusion. The medicine cat apprentice should not be wishing death, he was trained to keep cats alive - to consider otherwise was unbecoming.
He shakes his head with a sigh so quiet it might as well have not been uttered, “ was one of the first things I learned. Comfrey. A flower I once thought just a pretty purple bloom, but discovered it had much more to it than what I saw at a glance. On the journey I used it to keep cats alive, soothe the ache of wounds and the itch of scarring flesh. It also calms the sear of a burn, kisses a coolness onto angry red and stifles its snarling.” The black and white tom tilts his head back to his thick white mane, withdrawing the single dried and pressed comfrey flower that was left of his own personal collection; too dead to be of medicinal use, but too beautiful to simply discard. He sets it down gently over the cobweb bound tabby, a burst of color on a patched and dark pelt riddled in wounds that had long since stopped bleeding, that he had tried to clean into some degree of presentable.
“...goodbye Comfreypaw, may your path to StarClan be one of peace and ease. Know that you’ll be missed, know that we will ensure your fate does not befall another.”

  • PAFP- @betonyfrost

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

All the while, Betonyfrost feels as though she is waiting for the joke to land. Rain will ripple upwards from the puddle it has settled in and back into the sky, time will fall over itself. Comfreypaw will stand up, she'll be fine once again, and Betonyfrost will laugh. It won't be funny, but Betonyfrost will laugh because she will be so damn happy. Instead, she's cleaned of blood. Instead, she's laid out in the center of camp. Her wounds will never be treated.

Magpiepaw talks about comfrey-the-flower, as if he has any idea what the name had meant to Betonyfrost when she had gifted it. Any other day, she would have been itching to correct him. She would have snapped—he's always been too strange for her tastes.

"I was too hesitant with her," It isn't in reply to Magpiepaw, or to anyone at all. It's a confession as much as it is a plea—as if by some function of the world, an understanding of one's faults is powerful enough to undo them, "What I wouldn't burn for her to wake again. She wanted—I should have never hesitated. How proud I am, that she is my daughter."

As Betonyfrost speaks, her tangled thoughts sort themselves—and she realizes that it is one thought, continuous, folded over itself like a vine growing over its own stem. None of this feels real, yet. Betonyfrost prays that it never does.

"That's what she would have wanted to hear. I should have said it sooner. I could say it now until I've gone hoarse but..." Betonyfrost's wilted ears fold—harsh realization, "It wouldn't change that she is now gone, and that her final moments were spent in pain. Nothing I can do or say will ever change that. I love her—it's such a big thing, shouldn't that be enough to change it?"

Betonyfrost approaches Comfreypaw, lays once more by her side. She wont be moving, not until the vigil is over—it is her last chance to share tongues with her daughter.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags
He never quite liked Betonyfrost, but the way his heart breaks for her as she mourns her child feels like it will leave a deep, permanent scar. She doesn't deserve this pain and Comfreypaw doesn't deserve to be cold and dead. His heart hurts so much it almost worries him. The tears that fall from his eyes are real, and he cannot stop them.

He blames himself. He had hunted Siltcloud and Granitepelt the day of their exile and they got away. They escaped, and Siltcloud chose to play a dangerous game that he will make sure she loses. He wants her head. There is so much grief and rage inside him right now that he feels sick. He can't shake the feeling that he has failed his clan.

If he had just tore into her harder, she'd be dead and Comfreypaw would still be alive. There were others who chased them too, but he was a lead warrior. The expectations on his shoulders weigh heavier than theirs. He's supposed to keep his clan safe, but he can't even do that. He dares not try to offer words of comfort to Betonyfrost. He dares not speak at all, his throat so tight he may as well choke.

It's the crushing guilt that he feels consuming him that keeps his eyes open so he can look upon the cost of his failure to kill Siltcloud and Granitepelt. He had nearly yelled at Ferndance to look at what she had done when he found her and Sprucepaw's mangled body. Now, he yells at himself the same thing, and he does. He looks. He looks at the bright life that had been extinguished too soon, never once considering that this weight isn't his alone to carry.​

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Death calls to her like a siren song, Mistmoon's shape sitting idly nearby as her clanmates sit vigil, her monotone gaze set upon the curled tabby shape within the frost. Just like Magpiepaw, Mistmoon thought Comfreypaw looked cold, but not in the way she herself felt cold. It was different. A different sort of cold, ominous even. Wounds cleaned and dressed still caught Mistmoon's curious gaze, her lips set in a firm line. She didn't trust herself to speak, no. Speaking now would upset her clanmates more than anything, even if she didn't understand such a grief herself. Afterall, Betonyfrost had lost her daughter. Had lost a child. Mistmoon hadn't... lost anyone like that that she could recall, but the idea was the same as it had been when she watched Starlingheart grieve over Granitepelt.

How curious it can be, She mused silently, her features softening as she pictured Comfreypaw's youth, her kindness, her excitement. Was she as energetic as Mistmoon watched other kits be? Was Comfreypaw as curious about the world? Or was that snuffed out by a mother who didn't express her affection, by a clan that held silent contempt for its own? Did Comfreypaw silently agree with those siblings who'd murdered so many only to fall victim to one of them? So many questions, no answers for Mistmoon on this quiet stretch, and so she curled her tail around herself and soaked in the atmosphere. This was perhaps a rare moment where the clan felt... unified.

  • MISTMOON she/her;they/them;it/its, warrior of shadowclan, 13 moons old
    Small black cat with wispy fur and white mask on face and tips of front toes.
    Sister to Badgerbite // N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Angelkisses@/angelkisses on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


grief is... hard. it's agonizing. and no one ever gets rid of that feeling. they learn to live with it, or it consumes them. there's no in between, and there's not really a happy middle ground. how could there be? a loved one was gone. yet again. another death at shadowclan's paws, to join the other shadowclanners lost. maybe, in some sick way, comfreypaw can find some comfort in seeing some familiar faces amongst her other stars. she never even got her warrior name. if they could give it to her, if this was an honor they could have granted her before her final breath... they would have. but siltcloud has stolen from them. again. caused more grief. caused heartache and destruction, all because she took the side of her brother's insane words that held some truth to them. had their brother went insane, would they have done the same? would he do the same for them?

they don't want to know. so much death, and for what? to what end? why had shadowclan been the one to suffer? where was their happy moment? where was their win? they don't know if there would ever be one in their life time. and if they're honest, they're not sure smogmaw would get them there, either. their eyes closed and they give a silent prayer. hopefully she's not suffering up there.
There were so many things that Roosterstrut could have said at that moment.

The red tabby tom sits, unmoving, save for his trembling stare welling with tears. He dared not let them spill onto the ground, lifting his arm to wipe them before they could do so. It is not as if Roosterstrut is hesitant to grieve; more so that he does not like his clanmates looking upon him in such a vulnerable state.

His mouth does not move to share any heartfelt words or fond memories. Comfreypaw already knows how proud he was of her. Besides, if Roosterstrut tried to speak right now, he's sure he would melt into a sobbing mess.

Hate is a strong sentiment. Roosterstrut could really only say he's hated one cat in his life, Smogmaw, and even now he cannot bring himself to carry on his long-standing grudge against the ashen deputy. His parents had come to him in a Yellowcough-spurred dream, telling him he must let go of his hatred to fully heal. He knows that having such negative feelings toward someone, even traitorous exiles, would never do him any good in the long run. Roosterstrut did not want to hate Siltcloud for being dragged into her sibling's crimes, for feeling abandoned and let down by the cats who were supposed to make her feel safe, but now as he looks upon Comfreypaw's cold and lifeless body he knows only one thing for certain — he hates Siltcloud.

  • late but wanted to get smth in!
  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles