pafp INNOCENT LIFE - questions


Nov 19, 2023
Against better judgment, Hollywhisper has not gone to visit Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. In his eyes, they already have enough injured cats to deal with, and he doesn't want to burden them. Because he's certain it will all turn out okay.

Except now that he has certain suspicions, he's not sure it actually will. Would he rather actually be sick than this suspicion prove true? Hollywhisper doesn't know, and not knowing is terrifying.

But it is just a suspicion, and he already doesn't want to take up the medicine cats’ time. There are a few ways he can go about it. If he tells Duststorm - it still feels weird not to call him Cal - he'd end up in the medicine den anyways. Duskpool maybe could offer insight, but it might bring back bad memories and who knows if he'd remembered what it was like for his mate back then? So maybe a queen…

He knows he doesn't want to bother Bobbie, she already has a lot to deal with. Perhaps Butterflytuft? She seems nice enough, and he hoped she wouldn't judge him for showing a little bit of vulnerability around her.

Taking a moment to psyche himself up, Hollywhisper grabs a vole off of the fresh-kill pile. His paws move to the nursery, and he sets down the prey as he spots the tortoiseshell queen.

“Butterflytuft, have you and the kits eaten yet? I brought something if you haven't,” he begins - a peace offering, a way to seem inconspicuous. He visited not long ago, but he's still wary of anyone getting suspicious.

He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I… have a question, maybe a few… I hope they aren't too personal,” he admits, averting his copper gaze in embarrassment. “What… what was it like when you were first expecting? Like… how did you feel? Tired, dizzy, stuff like that? I think I might be… expecting, and I want to be sure that what I'm dealing with lines up with someone else's experiences.”

Even now that the words have been said, the anxiety in the pit of his belly does not go away. It still lingers, and it makes him want to blurt out that it was a prank and all a joke and to not worry about him. But that would be more worrying, wouldn't it? Hollywhisper made his decision, and he will live with it - and hopefully find the answer he seeks.

// please wait for @butterflytuft


She's addressing @weedkit @FLUFFYKIT ad @Daisykit

Butterflytuft had been snoozing near the entrance of the nursery while her kits were inside, her body curled into a ball with her tail draping over her nose. Her eyes flutter open at the sound of approaching pawsteps and she lifts her head to see Hollywhisper approaching. She offers a polite smile and adjusts so she's laying flat on her stomach, propped up by her forelegs. "I'm sure the kits would love another meal," She purrs gratefully. She hates rejecting meals, so even if she may not be hungry, she'll gladly accept on behalf of her little ones. "Weedkit, Fluffykit, Daisykit, look what Hollywhisper's brought you!" She calls inside in a gentle voice before returning her attention to the tom.

She cocks her head at his next words and murmurs, "Oh, it's fine!" before hearing him out. How she knew she was pregnant? She thinks back to that time, how unsure she'd been about all of it. "Well, honestly, I thought I was just sick at first," She admits bashfully. "I was very tired, and my stomach wasn't too well. I didn't know until I went to see Dawnglare and Fireflypaw, and Dawnglare told me I was expecting kits." Her smile broadens as she gazes at him, eyes unconsciously flicking to her clanmate's stomach. "Hollywhisper, that's amazing! You should definitely see Dawnglare to be sure, but we could be sharing the nursery soon!"

Momowhisker, assigned tom at birth and fairly confident that they could not mother kits, felt like a chick out of its nest as he listened to the conversation between Butterflytuft and Hollywhisper. He'd been near the nursery fixing the walls, not meaning to pry on their conversation, but big ears could pick up on plenty. Mid-explanation from Holly, the Daylight Warrior had stopped what he was doing, propped up against the barrier with one paw and the other dangling below as he turned his attention towards the pair. Pregnancy could make you feel all of that? And the birth itself was painful? He frowned in sympathy, selfishly grateful it was never something he'd have to experience. Then, Holly mentioned he was expecting, and Momowhisker's head shrunk between their shoulders - ok, he was definitely eavesdropping at this point. After congratulations were offered, he cleared his throat to announce his presence, eyes wide. "Sorry, I was just... fixing the den over here and couldn't help but here that you might be... y'know..." Pregnant. The word wasn't shameful, just... scary, now that he knew how sickly it made others feel. "Can I congratulate you?" He smiled politely, waiting to be certain it was what the other wanted.

Fluffykit’s first experiences with fresh-kill had been dubious at best. The little cream-and-tortie she-kit had turned her nose up at the mouse Greeneyes had graciously gifted her and her brothers, her tastebuds will yearning for the creamy satisfaction of mother’s milk. She’d been coaxed into taking a bite eventually, after Howlfire had urged her away from Butterflytuft’s flank, and she’d found it isn’t so bad. The meat is different, musky and flavored with pine and forest-secrets, and the blood coats her tongue and teeth in a way she can compare to milk. She perks up when Hollywhisper approaches, a vole clenched between his jaws.

Thank you, Hollywhisper,” she says politely, dipping her head. She creeps forward, her tail swishing nervously behind her. She wants to get a bite in before the other kits do. She offers Momowhisker a polite but nervous smile as he enters with fresh moss, then sneaks a bite from the vole’s plump midsection. As she chews, her tufted ears perk up, listening to the grown-ups’ conversation. So she’d been right—Hollywhisper would be moving into the nursery soon. She doesn’t know how she feels about that. More kits means more noise and less sleep, after all, but… she likes Hollywhisper, at least.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.