private insert inappropriate barney parody here / doom



SkyClan was STUPID and DUMB. This was a constant refrain in Zappaw's mind, churning over and over like an ocean inside her head. SkyClan was stupid, she would remind herself everytime her brother cuddled up to one of the dumb SkyClan warriors. SkyClan was dumb, she hissed to herself everytime her stupid mentor made her do something that did not directly correlate to leaving this awful place and going back to the sewers like she wanted.

Today, her refrain - so rehearsed, so reverently whispered and hissed it might as well be a prayer - was slightly altered to single out her current partner-in-punishment: Doompaw was STUPID and DUMB. Him and his big dumb face had gotten her in trouble with the youngest of SkyClan's lead warriors, a stunt that would never be forgiven - never ever ever!

They were here now, scraping out bedding from the elders' nests, all because of him and his big dumb mouth and paws. Oh, how she hated him with every bone in her body. Doompaw is stupid and dumb, stupid, dumb Doompaw.

She mumbled to herself as she worked, dragging her claws across every bit of moss and dragging her feet. At least if this took all day, she wouldn't have to train with stupid, dumb Chrysaliswing later.

This is your fault,” Doompaw grumbles. One of the nests he tries to scrape away falls into dusty, well-used pieces in his paws. He makes a face—the stench is unbearable. “Yuck! Don’t elders ever wash themselves! These smell worse’n you!” Angry green eyes flick to where Zappaw works on her own section. As if he can read her thoughts—and by the scowl on her face, he feels he almost can—the pale tom says, “You just had to mess with Pearlkit!

Twitchbolt hasn’t been forgiven, either, though Doompaw’s ire for his mentor is fading. He’s like Orangeblossom, bossy and with too much power. If Doompaw were in charge, only Zappaw would’ve been punished, because she’d been the one picking on someone younger than her. It’s hardly fair that Pearlkit’s savior has to clean dirty bedding with the bully. Nevermind that he'd launched himself right into her and began to swing... she'd deserved it!

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver