sensitive topics INSIDE THE MIND [♱] DISCOVERY

It's sweltering. Muggy, humid air bogs them all down. It makes every breath she takes feel thicker, more taxing. It has her plodding along without enthusiasm, eyes narrowed to fend off the occasional glare of the sun peeking between pine trees. Bugs buzz about as if the entire forest floor was a corpse they were waiting to consume. His ears are constantly, annoyingly flicking, batting away mosquitos the best way that she can. A dead tail means less coverage as far as swatting goes... Really lucky for her.

He has a bad feeling, but that wasn't anything new. Maybe it's superstition that makes him stop and listen. He hears cicadas call. The distant rumble of the Thunderpath. Beneath it's tar - scent, he smells... blood.

It comes to him suddenly, making his shoulders jump and his eyes flash frantic. Wild eyes look around for a moment, for any bodies in the mud or... or hell, dangling from the trees — grabbed by some flying thing and discarded like carrion. Any rustle in the reeds couldn't just be ignored. It could be a... a fox. A fox or a badger or a bear, and he's panicking, breaths coming out quicker as his eyes retread the same spots they just had two times prior. Inky quills along his spine give him the appearance of something ugly. He can't care when there's something... wrong.

" Keep up, " he suddenly hisses to the rest of his hunting party. Briskly, he makes for the thunderpath. He's terrified and it's stupid and his blood pumps in his ears. In unison, the scents grow stronger. Desperately, the Thunderpath seeks to cover it up, but he knows. He knows

Both shockingly, and not at all, he finds her. " Lilacfur? " His mouth dries.

Blood. Blood and gore like that badger had found her again, unsatisfied with the gnarly job it did before. She's not... the same. Not with that paw, not with the well of blood that was where her eye once was. Sharpshadow breathes in and out; tries not to be nauseas; tries not to be afraid in front of her patrol. But she looks so much like her sister. She looks too much like her sister There is no obvious culprit in the stink of fox or badger. WindClan's scent remains where it should, across the Thunderpath, and somehow...

" Granitepelt... is dead, " she reminds herself as she crouches by her clanmates side. Tentatively, a paw reaches out to see if she's alive... and she is. Sharpshadow snaps to the nearest cat, " Help me, " as she begins to try and haul Lilacfur onto her shoulders. " S - someone tell Starlingheart we're coming. " A sigh sinks heavy into her bones

OOC. takes place after this thread. @lilacfur ; apprentice tags: @sneezepaw & @Halfpaw


Was there ever a time where ShadowClans stretch of pine and swamp were considered safe? Halfpaw thinks not, from all the stories she had heard of this place it has been nightmare after nightmare. Huge monsters that towered with the soaring trunks with fur to match and teeth sharper than any fangs. At least she had not been alive for the bears. The dangers now were not to be laughed at either though. Badgers, owls, predators but at least they were not that. Even the exiled do not scare her as much as they reasonably should. They are just cats, after all. With luck and skill on her side she would be able to sink teeth into the soft flesh of all those who dared to lay tooth and claw on her clan. Today would sadly not be that day.

Today, she is restless, though she cannot quite say why. Perhaps it’s the way her mentor twitches and fidgets, or perhaps it is the never ending barrage of tragedy that seems to plague the clan of her birth, but Halfpaw cannot stop her mismatched eyes from darting to every shadow, her lips curling up into a low warning growl whenever there was a rustle in the underbrush that she couldn’t quite place by way of scent.

The tang of iron hits her nose in the same moment as her mentor and her eyes narrow at the same time that Sharpshadow’s widen. Fear does not course through her veins as she obeys the order to keep close, but rather it is anger that makes her movements hurried. Anger that someone or something, would dare. Anger that she was not there to stop it. Again.

The sight of Lilacfur, bloodied and wheezing in pain on the Thunderpath is like a swift smack to the chest. She stumbles backwards for a moment, as if struck. No. She had been one of the strong ones this wasn’t supposed to happen no no no no. And then her mind drifts to Starlingheart. Their medicine cats suffering was perhaps the true staple of what it meant to be ShadowClanner, she thinks. Endless and without reprise. "How did this happen?" she asks as she moves to her mentors side to help. She could feel her limbs getting strong with age. Her mother’s physique, she had been told. She’s tall for her age. It’s not important now. What was important was that they get Lilacfur home. Safe "Sneezepaw you run ahead" she barks the order like one far ahead of her own station. She would do it herself but she was needed here. She was the better fighter between the two of them, after all.

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    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
nothing is ever simple, easy, or even fair when it comes to being a shadowclanner. it seems like a moot point to believe that for one second the stars would let them rest. let them breathe. let them be. but when life is filled with so much hurt and pain, it's easier to grasp on to what little bits of hope shimmer through those clouded days of doubt. maybe they shouldn't have at all. they try to cool off here. they're by themself, patrol nearby, but they choose to be by themself. if anyone can afford to be alone, in spite of their rules, it's them. they just needed some time to think. even in their den, they're constantly interrupted by all it is that they have to be interrupted by. curious kits. apprentices with questions. annoying half siblings. warriors. deputies. leads. all of them. they're not necessarily upset about it, honestly, they're just tired. and for once they wanted time to just de-stress. not think about what could be wrong, what might go right. they need to be able to breathe.

but it's shortlived. someone from their own patrol finds them and says something along the lines of lilacfur being hurt and apprentice going to inform starlingheart. shit. they're on their paws quicker than they can comprehend, rushing to the spot to find halfpaw and sharpshadow. their brows furrowed as their tail lashed and they moved to help them take lilacfur's body. what the hell had happened? for a moment they want to move halfpaw out of the way but decide ultimately to step back, giving the young girl a nod.

"we will figure out how this happened. let's get her to camp. the sooner, the better. if either of you get tired before we get there, tell me immediately."

she's safe now, but that won't mean a damn thing if she dies from her wounds out here.

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and a blue single eye. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, one across their missing eye and the one across their neck.
    48 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. Since the ash-pelted killers exile, Briarthorn had spared little thought towards the name Granitepelt. When it was brought up, the warrior is able to let it slip through one ear and out the other with no issue.
Yet, she knows that is not the case for the majority of her clan, she had watched the agony Granitepelts wraith had inflicted on Flintwish, and their medicine cat still bore the scars of his anger. The missing daughter the two shared wasn’t even a whisper in her brain, Briarthorn had let her fade without a blink.
So, when the warrior stumbles upon the maimed form of Lilacfur on the heel of Sharpshadow and Chilledstar, why is it that the ghostly picture of Granitepelts claws is what flashes in the back of her mind? Help me. Sharpshadow demands, and the lead warriors apprentices are quick to spring to action, Halfpaw’s order to her co-apprentice earning a small twitch of Briarthorns ear. Chilledstar and Sharpshadow lift the lead warriors barely-breathing body from the ground, and if Halfpaw would attempt to find a place, Briarthorn would intercept- the thought of having an apprentice carrying a clanmate home like this before her would not become reality. "Watch ahead for us." Gruffly, Briarthorn would offer the youth a quick alternative, giving Sharpshadow a permissible glance over crimson-soaked fur tufts. When they would begin to move, Briarthorn would keep her pawsteps lighter than ever. Who could have done this?

  • BRIARTHORN she/her, warrior of shadowclan, 12 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.