Instupendo | Rampaw

Firepaw doesn't really have friends, it was just something she seemed to fail to do while her brother and his starclan-awful personality managed to fit in just fine she can't understand it, Icepaw really thought someone so utterly lame was more interesting then her. They could kick rocks for all she cared! The rest of the apprentices were difficult as well, Slatepaw was too timid and wasn't even really fun to tease, his sibling Gravelpaw not much less of a loner then he was, Snailpaw was too much of a mousebrain for her insults to work on, Rainpaw was always to busy hissing at her to leave her sister alone and was no fun for then that simple reason, Sootstar's brats weren't worth the risk of bothering to much, Elkpaw made her uncomfortable at times, She guessed Strawpaw was alright though even if they were a freak who was more interested in worms then they were other cats but somehow they weren't the biggest weirdo of the bunch and then there was Rampaw. Sure he was the type to get stuck in burrows butt hanging high in the air but he could at least hold his own, she also agreed with him a lot of the times even if the adults in the clan shook their heads at him she guessed out of all the apprentices she wanted to know him better the most. They were similar; strong and loyal not weak little cowards or tunnelers who ate dirt for hours on end, they were simply just two outcasts.

It must be easier for him to hunt then it is for her with how he blends in, it's easy to miss him in the blanket of white that encompasses their entire territory though it's not as easy to lose him in it as it is to lose Elkpaw, his black fur breaks up the pallor of his fur and makes it easy for her not just to find him but approach him where he sits. She kicks the snow and it'd be a bashful gesture if it weren't for the forced smirk on her face and pulled back ears. ❝I'm bored, wanna fight?❞ it's almost comically direct, to her it was the easiest way to let of her nerves where she didn't have to focus so much on talking on saying the right thing only to do the opposite. She could just show him her prowess and he in turn could show his own and if he didn't then well she'd know that bravado he put on was all an act and she could tease him for it and hide her disappointment. She doubts one thing though that he'd refuse or find an excuse to get away, he seemed one for challenges after all. And Firepaw was plenty challenging enough to deal with.