twolegplace interrogation \\ vixen


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
It was only mid morning but the asphalt of the narrow monster paths through the Twolegplace were already blistering from the direct sunlight. The heat wasn’t necessarily unbearable, but the humidity caused fur to prickle and the air to taste sickly when inhaled. Kite oftentimes languished on the branches of the sparse trees in the territory of Twoleg dwellings, oddly manicured. They were not worried of being harassed by any Twolegs. Kite had made quite the name of themself as an unfriendly street cat, and besides, they could easily scale the tree and leap across to a roof to evade them quickly. Kite is laying on a branch now, her forelegs hanging boredly.

This particular tree is outside of the dingy alley her family is calling ”home” at the moment. The alley is blocked off with a chain link fence, butting up to a home that has been abandoned by Twolegs since the season before. It was the perfect temporary settlement for their siblings, fortified by the odd stray dog or any leering Twoleg kits. Kite likely won’t be active until early evening, when the sun begins to set and the Twolegs become less active, the monster paths slightly safer to cross. They’re about to bring their forelegs up onto the branch so they may begin to scurry further up the tree to find a more supportive limb to take their extensive daily nap. They balance nimbly on the narrow branch and are glancing upwards to begin their ascension when they notice a figure flitting by in their peripheral vision. Kite frowns and whips their head towards the direction of the movement, pleased to see it is only one of their siblings on the other side of the chain link fence.

A subdued grin flashes along their face before they begin sliding down the trunk of the tree before retracting their claws and twisting to push off with their strong hindlegs to land squarely on the ground. Kite bounds the short lengths from the tree to the fence, a shallow and harsh purr bubbling out– a hollow and inauthentic sound–, ”Vixen!” Kite lowers herself and pushes beneath the fence through a shallow hole the family had dug.

Kite crawls beneath and stands upwards, shaking out her dark fur. The tabby canters around the dark tortoiseshell, their head inclined sideways quizzically. ”You’ve been gone a lot,” Kite mews, a lilt in her tone feigning false concern. Kite knew her sister could handle themselves. ”Oh Vix, what’ve you been up to…?” If Vixen were up to something exciting, Kite would want to be involved.

———————---***KEEP IT ALL INSIDE***———————---

  • @vixen
  • black tabby with a slim physique with compact muscles
    38, ages every 21st
    child of
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