private INTERSTELLAR BURST \ roaringpaw

Mar 15, 2024

Oh, how dearly she had worried when young Roaringpaw had struck the earth. There had been a haziness in his eyes... like starvation, thirst, ut a sourceless thing. It had never been her destiny to be a medicine cat... thus, a pink nose had not ended up stuck where it did not belong. There were matters of warriorhood to attend to, including hunting- but as she returned, she remembered an ailed one kept within the pungeant confines of Gentlestorm's den. A familiar lightness found her, the joy of helping others, of fulfilling her destiny. It would be Roaringpaw today, then!

"Hello ♪" she sang, a soft little tune as she entered. It would be a twinkling little sound, hopefully not a startling one- and when she met eyes with the young apprentice, they gleamed with namesake kindness. At his paws, she placed some prey- hopefully by now the young tom had the stomach for it. "I worried greatly for you, young one." Porcelain features furrowed with light concern, curiosity and worry twining with each other and knotting her stomach. "Are you... recovering from whatever ailed you?"

\ @roaringpaw
penned by pin ☾
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
Thundergleam had been present in the fateful patrol that had sealed Roaringpaw's fate to medicine-den-confinement a moon ago. He had not yet been released, whatever it was still kept him lethargic and weak. It shouldn't be as much of a surprise when the she-cat comes to visit him in Gentlestorm's den - yet, he still gets startled by the albino's presence. His eyes widen just a bit, but still noticeable; had she come to interrogate him?

"Hi Thundergleam." He greets loudly (as loudly as he can muster, anyway) in an attempt to convince her, and himself that he was recovering just fine and would soon be back to his regular state. He stared at the prey by his paws, grimacing to himself for a brief moment, before smiling at the warrior. "Thank you. Would you like to share? You may have the first bite!" He offers, sliding it towards her.

"I am recovering..." The apprentice begins, rather awkwardly and embarrassed. "But Gentlestorm has yet to figure out what I have." He concludes with a sigh. It had been a moon, and yet he was still stuck here, his training halted. Despite his illness, Roaringpaw continued to be a blabbermouth; not wanting to let a weird silence settle in, he instead opted to ask Thundergleam questions. "What was your life like, before you joined ThunderClan?"

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

Recovering, he said- and Thundergleam was glad to hear it, though it disturbed her a little that Gentlestorm was still unfamiliar with what had rendered poor Roaringpaw helpless. Concern glinted in pink eyes, white lashes fluttering. She shuffled forward to share the meal, but kept a worried gaze upon the apprentice as she bowed her head to take a small bite from the squirrel. "I hope it does not ail you for long. ThunderClan misses your brave spirit," she told him, honesty permeating her tone as ever. His blazing heart, clear in his conviction and effort, would craft a wonderful warrior one day. It was a great shame he was imprisoned to some mystery illness.

Still, he did not seem to dwell on himself for very long- deftly, he turned the conversation to her. As always, Thundergleam was flattered whenever cats seemed to want to learn about her origins, about any aspect of her past. The odd looks she had received upon entering the Clan as an outsider were usurped by the warmth of their gentle curiosity, now. It was only a matter of earning trust, she supposed... even though Father had made it seem as if it should be given to her. "It was quite lonesome- only me and my Father, and we lived a day's travel away from here. He knew a lot about the Clans, and taught me very much."

A pang of missing Father arose, again. His kind, rhuemy eyes... his snaggle-toothed smile. To think of him now, elderly... alone... it hurt her heart greatly. "What about yours?" An innocent question, certainly! For she was absolutely fascinated about it... a young tom, ending up here? Did he, too, have family to speak of?
penned by pin ☾
ThunderClan misses your brave spirit. The words have him shuffle his paws in embarassment, clearly flustered by the compliment. It was nice that others believed in his potential as much as Copperfang and Howlingstar did ( she must've, or else she wouldn't have let him join, right? ) Still, having someone voice those thoughts aloud to him was nothing short of perplexing; though he did enjoy it after the initial shock.

"Was your father a Clan cat once?" The flame-point questions with a curious tilt of his head. Had he been a member of ThunderClan or its borders? Or was he just a very knowledgeable loner? No one from two-leg place seemed to know much about the wild cats living in the forest, besides how territorial they were. Now he understood why, but back then that inquisitiveness is part of the reason he had left his previous home.

Having the questions spun around at him is a bit scary, the current state of ThunderClan considered. His eyes dart to the side, nervous, but eventually he decides to speak about it. "I'm sure you've heard the others say I used to be a kittypet." He mumbles, low enough only she can hear - what would his clanmates think if they heard him speak of his life before becoming a clan cat? They'd say I miss it. Roaringpaw thinks grimly. They'd say I can't wait to go back to eating kibble and being warm every night. His gaze is downcast, now, the usual spark gone briefly. "I was barely a kit when I ventured into the woods looking for adventure, for something other than the life I was born into. My twolegs didn't let me go outside much," He explains, voice still barely above a whisper. "And look where adventure landed me." Roaringpaw jokes, gesturing at his temporary nest and the medics' den. "But I don't regret it, and I would do it all the same if I had the chance."


  • ooc.
  • ROARINGPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by copperfang . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 10 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.