pafp INTERWOVEN || gifting flower crown


Sunflowerpaw has grown used to staying in camp by now, even if they don't like it. They especially don't like having the privilege taken away right after they'd gotten it back again, but they'll live. They can find ways to occupy their time. They recall their one of their favorite things they did while stuck in camp, only a few days before being granted leave, when they were barely well enough to walk around: making flower crowns.

They gathered supplies on the patrols they've been sent on, and now they work. One paw on the stem, hold it down. It's not unusual for the apprentice to take things back to camp that they find out on the moors, a few more flowers was an easy addition. Another stem grasped in their mouth, maneuvered with care. Red flowers, a few orange and yellow-gold. Weave this stem over the other and pull it tight. No black flowers -- they looked -- and no deep purple. That's alright, they'd hardly show up in his fur anyway. It takes them a while, finishing the crown. It's bigger than the ones the apprentices had made for each other, all of them caught up in the excitement of learning how.

Their teacher had been left crownless. That wouldn't do.

Delicately, Sunflowerpaw picks up the makeshift crown, much more sturdy than their first, and makes their way to the medicine den. They'd not have expected Vulturemask to know how to make these, but he proved a good teacher. So, a thank you gift. A flower crown given in return for showing them how to create them. Sunflowerpaw peeks their head into the medicine den, calls a small chrrp of hello. They place the flower crown by their paws, wait for their half-brother to come see.



    Flowers have brought color and life to windclan's moors. they're too pretty to be left just outside of camp. Are there any gifts that your character would give to a friend, either to decorate their pelt or their nest?
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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Boredom was a dangerous thing even more so if being restless like Vulturemask was. For once he felt like his own patient for not being allowed to stroll around on the moors like he pleased. It was annoying and he hoped this restrictions would loose up soon. He wasn't sure how much longer he could endure this torture. Aha, if it wasn't his lil sibling though who had blessed him with a visit to his den. At least them could lighten up his mood even though he still was haunted with guilt for not being able to do more for Sunflowerpaw's leg. He had never liked to feel powerless to be unable to help those who he truly cared about.

" Hmh?, what do you have there?." Vulturemask curiosity sparked up when he saw from a distance that Sunflowerpaw had placed something down at their own paws as they stood there at the opening. He had been about to invite them inside but he could tell their sibling wanted them to come on over to them. So he obeyed, doing what his sibling wished him to do. The medicine cat left the shadows of his own den to approach over towards the light until he appeared in front of them and what he saw made his pupils grow small. There were flowers resting at his siblings paws in the colors that would match his own eye color. Vulturemask would blink unable to put the pieces together. " Why have you brought flowers to my den Sunflowerpaw?. Are they for Periwinklepaw?. " that would be an logical explanation especially since Peri often lurked in his den. The boy pretty much lived in his den which he never had minded. It was more logical then for them to have brought the flowers to him anyway. Whitepaw had done so recently and so it would never cross his mind more flowers would come his way.

At this point, it seems that most of WindClan is sick of being kept within the gorse walls of their camp. Even the most outgoing of cats have begun to grow restless, ready to resume their normal lives. But the threat of multiple clans attacking at once has not yet passed, and Scorchstreak understands the need to be on alert. WindClan will not be caught off guard and scattered.

The calico is on her way to the healer’s den, a fresh bundle of moss held between her teeth. If the reclusive black tom doesn’t have a need for it, then surely Spiderbloom will. But as she approaches the den, she spots a couple of figures in the entryway, one small and one larger. Dark paws bring her to a gentle stop a few tail-lengths away from the two, and she drops her moss onto the ground for a moment. Sunflowerpaw sits with a loop of flowers at their paws, seemingly crafted with care.

"What beautiful flowers," the tunneler comments, a warm smile crossing her muzzle. "Looks like that took a while to make." For a moment she wonders just how long the apprentice had spent creating such a thing—surely any sizable amount of time could better be used to hunt or patrol for the clan—but with the clan on lockdown for the time being, it is nice to see Sunflowerpaw finding creative ways to pass the time. Better than picking fights with their peers or warriors. Besides, the lilac-patched apprentice seems to have made it for someone else, if Vulturemask’s question is anything to go by. Golden eyes cast around their surroundings for a moment, wondering if Periwinklepaw will make an appearance soon.


Vulturemask's question catches Sunflowerpaw off-guard. No, these aren't for Periwinklepaw... Would he want one as well? Maybe they should make another... They don't quite get why their half-brother would think they're for them, though -- the colors wouldn't work on him at all. Periwinklepaw would need blue and purple flowers of course, Sunflowerpaw is not such an amateur in flower-gifting that they can't see that. They are lost in thought for a moment as they consider the possibility of a Peri-crown, only snapped out of it by the arrival of Scorchstreak.

"Looks like that took a while to make," says the tunneler, and they hum softly in acknowledgement. It was worth it, though. And yet it's recipient doesn't seem to understand that it's a gift, so maybe he needs a little hint. Sunflowerpaw picks the crown back up, confidently moves further into the den so that Vulturemask is within reach. He's taller than them, so they can't just plop it on his head. Instead, they beckon him closer with their raised paw, wait for him to lean down as though about to whisper a secret. Once he's within reach, Sunflowerpaw will rear up and place the crown squarely upon his head.


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  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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