camp INTO A STORM ༄ king of the hill


[ 08.02.24 ]
Mar 26, 2024

࿔*:・゚༄ It's a long and lazy day, and Ploverhop is bored.

It's such a dreadful thing, boredom. They've been plagued with it since youth, this impossible drive to always find new excitement, something to keep them entertained. It has lead to many of their worse decisions, and it certainly will continue to do so.

Today, though. Today they have a good idea. They have no patrols until the evening, and so they must find some entertainment within camp. Large paws scramble atop an old and cracked tree stump, a grin splitting the dusty feline's maw. "I'm king of the stump!" they declare, puffing their chest out like a preening bird. Their fiery gaze sweeps across camp, searching for others to join. "Who dares to challenge me?" A booming voice bellows out across the clearing. They remember this game from apprenticehood - who says they're too old to have some fun?

  • KING OF THE HILL!! here's how this works:

    DC to beat is 13

    - roll 1d20 in your channel
    - if you roll higher than the DC, your character knocks plover off and becomes king!
    - after becoming king, you can either keep your number or re-roll (i'd recommend re-rolling if you get a 20 or smth so other have a chance!)
    - put the number you rolled/re-rolled in your post. this is the new DC to beat!

    (they'll go easy on younger cats so everyone has a shot <3)
  • 63382575_CEBibumHa5i9HoX.png

  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, twenty moons.
    a large, black-striped lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    bright and bouncy with a penchant for mischief. rarely seen without a smile.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Stormywing is lounging nearby, white belly turned upward to bask in the warm rays that beam down from above. An unsheathed claw scratches contentedly at her chest as she shifts, eyes shut. Days like today are great - she has hunted with Fallowpaw and Thundergleam, and they’re free of patrols the rest of the day. Nothing left to do but relax.

That is, until a booming challenge is voiced from the center of camp. A golden eye peels open to see Ploverhop standing on the tree stump that she often uses to nap on. Their invitation is a tempting one - so tempting, in fact, that she can’t resist. A challenge never goes ignored by the Stormywing. Rising to her paws, the much smaller warrior saunters closer with a toothy smirk on her maw. “Hey, you!” She playfully roars, pointing her muzzle right at the other warrior. “That’s my stump you’re standing on!” With a wiggle of her haunches, she launches herself at her friend with enough force that her more lithe size doesn’t quite matter. She makes contact with their side and propels them off, a haughty laugh following as she then stands where they once did. I’m king now! And no one will stop me!”

// rolled a 15 (powerplay perms given)

Rerolled 11, so that’s what needs to be beat before beating her!

this did seem like a fun game! but there was just one question that he had, and as it does most times, his curiosity gets the best of him. he can't focus on how fun the game will be because he's pretty confused as of right now. still, he only smiles with the thought on his mind, tilting his head and letting his fur fall to the side from.the top of his head.

"what's a king?"

how is he supposed to be one if he didn't know what it was? maybe that's why he asked gentlestorm so many questions. he likes to understand things and while some cats may think he's a mousebrain, he can be pretty smart. he just gets distracted. like now. his question isn't answered just yet and he finds himself staring at a leaf that manages to fall down. oh how pretty... he picks it up between his teeth and settles it on his head with a giggle. he sits back down and waits for an answer before he's ready to play. oh, and,

"how do you play?"

that was important to know too, huh?


Thundergleam did not believe boredom was an emotion she had ever known. So much of her life had been focused fervently upon training, upon learning the correct and perfect way to be. Downtime was spent internally admiring the world she had been prophecised to protect- and now, her free time in ThunderClan was spent tirelessly trying to learn the woes and whims of every warrior in the Clan.

Therefore, she was surprised when a game starburst into existence! Ploverhop, a cat who Thundergleam had known to neverstop with joyous clamour, declared themself king, and spat a dare into existence. Thundergleam's eyes widened with awe and excitement when, like a thunderbolt, Stormywing burst forth and wrestled her clanmate off of their stump. Oh, how delightful! It looked like wonderful fun... and as a child, Thundergleam had never really played games. It had all been prophecies, warrior training, custom learning.

And she was certain this was not a Clan custom, but... she would be honoured to participate. Orangepaw's little voice asked a question, and Thundergleam believed she had surmised the rules. So, confidently she declared, "Like this!"

The pale molly then burst forward, eyes twin pink flames. She was fast, a flashing bolt- she leapt forward and swept Stormywing's legs out, attempting to throw her off balance and lightly push her from the stump. She and Stormywing had done enough sparring by now for her to know her mentor's limits.

"I declare myself Stumpstar! Dare to take my destined place!" She spoke in a haughty, overdramatic way, deepening her voice to sound rougher.

\ rolled a 15 to dethrone stormy!

DC to beat is 13!
penned by pin ☾
  • Wow

Typically he was not one for playing games like this. Bigfang has, and probably always will be, a brooder. He enjoyed watching and listening from afar where he didn’t have to do much of the engagement. It wasn’t that most ThunderClan cats were not welcoming to him, but Bigfang had taken it upon himself as a ‘lowly’ former kittypet to try not and get in the way.

Well… something about this game he couldn’t resist, and no offense, Thundergleam didn’t seem like that hard of a cat to budge.

In a sprint, he throws himself over to the stump. Hefty forepaws raise to push firmly against the white she-cats shoulder in hopes it’d be enough to knock her off. Upon successfully dethroning her, he grins playfully at the warrior upon his new perch. ”Short-lived reign. Unfortunate.”
  • Rolled a 16 to dethrone!

    DC to beat is um… 1. I guess he’s too busy rubbing it in to Thundergleam LOL
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    » Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

He loves this game! Once he had been Tornadostar king of the stump! Now he's just Tornadopaw slowly creeping closer to reclaim his lost throne, he has to bite back the excited purr in his throat as he crawls closer. He watches as many of it's leaders fall losing their places to tyrants only for those tyrants to be overthrown in turn, the competition was stiff but Tornadopaw is not a mouseheart he's brave and strong and he'll be the next reigning stump-king! His eyes focus on Bigfang who gloats down at Thundergleam, he's much bigger then him and very sturdy so he has little more then the element of surprise to his advantage long as no one points out that he had a stalker slinking slowly towards him like he was nothing more then a fat ole' squirrel.

He tries to remember everything Mothfur has taught him so far about how to properly crouch and stalk closer and his form while not perfected is good enough - though his tail occasionally drags against the ground and flicks in excitement especially as he gets closer. Then it's time, he can already taste victory as he pools all his strength into his hind legs and shoots upwards his paws outstretched. Suddenly he comes flying at Bigfang, shoving him off using the strength of his pounce part of him expected to get batted back or even bounce off the large fluffy tom but no! He did it! "Bow before my might! Before Tornadostar's might!" he yowls theatrically, his chest puffs out and his tail is held high. He looks mighty proud of himself!