INTO OBLIVION — thunderclan dawn patrol

The morning air is crisp, though what pleasure Raccoonstripe has drawing it into his lungs is harshened by the fishy stench of the river. The scarred tabby moves cautiously through his own territory, dark eyes narrow and watchful for any hint of trampled undergrowth or scattered prey remains. For once, RiverClan’s taunts are the last thing the lead warrior is concerned with. To make matters worse, this is only his new apprentice’s second outing—and these are dangerous times to have a naive kit trailing after you.

Keep an eye out for signs of rogues,” he says to his patrol. “And RiverClan, for that matter. I wouldn’t put it past them to use this as an opportunity…” He flicks his tail. It’s no secret to ThunderClan that their water-dwelling rivals would do anything to get Sunningrocks back, after all.

Raccoonstripe turns to Rainbowpaw, expression stern. “You remember the RiverClan border.” He’d shown the young tom all the neighboring Clans on his first outing. “Sunningrocks belonged to them before ThunderClan won them in a battle. Trust that they’ll make comments about it… but don’t start anything you can’t finish.” Amusement sparkles in his coal-dark eyes as he rubs against the corner of a stone.

  • @RAINBOWKIT @Moonwhisper @honeydapple @BERRYHEART
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
// apprentice tag @meadowpaw

Along the opposite shore, Lightningstone leads his own patrol. No border patrol, though - it is one of many hunting patrols that must work twice as hard to feed the ever-growing diseased population in RiverClan's camp. In the silvery tom's jaws he holds a trout, but it isn't enough. They must bring back more. With this new code that Cicadastar has spoken into law, his deal with him is effectively off. His family is no longer the first to be fed and so every piece of prey brought back is a potential meal for his kits and brother now.

Hazel eyes lift to see the ThunderClan patrol on the other shore. His muzzle wrinkles with the beginnings of a snarl, but he says nothing as they begin to mark their side of the river. He casts his gaze down to Meadowpaw, then to his patrol-mates, curious if they'll say anything.

Close on the heel of Lightningstone and his apprentice follows Lilybloom. They only have a trout thus far to show for themselves, and though it would make a fine meal for someone, it was not enough to sustain their camp. "Hopefully we'll have better luck further down the river," Lilybloom mused in a hopeful tone. Hopefully, even she would be fortunate to catch something substantial too. She still wasn't as sharp as she had been once but she had gotten better in the wake of losing her eye.

She also turns her attention to the other shore, spotting a ThunderClan patrol. She tenses slightly spotting Raccoonstripe there, having to fight the urge not to react much beyond staring intently across the water.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Padding along with the hunting patrol does Beepaw keep attentive of her surroundings and ready to heed the word of her mentor or Lightningstone before noticing the tom looking at something or rather someone from across the river. She immediately recognizes the black tabby from the patrol Smokethroat had led where both Thunderclan and Windclan patrols had shown up, her ears perking forward but she did not make a single comment nor spoke a word knowing that causing conflict would be a waste of breath when Beepaw should be focused on catching prey. Her bicolored gaze focusing on the sight of a younger tom walking behind Raccoonstripe and her eyes light up with brief interest still it isn't enough to make her speak up.

She nods to what Lilybloom says and becomes rather hopeful that they would find fish further down the river as it has been hard to find prey, the smoke furred molly knows if she manages to catch anything that it would go to Willowroot and her kittens. She'd follow the law brought up by her father on the last gathering before the journeying cats had left and her tail swept behind her.

- mentor tag @Smokethroat

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus

Berryheart was stoic as he walked, keeping to the back of the patrol. Though he was never talkative, there was something more hardy than ever about his silence today. Not once had he trained a warrior apprentice, but the manner in which Stripes spoke to Chompers, that instructional tone, made him ache for what he had left behind in the medicine den. His apprentice was sick, and Berryheart's gaze was empty. With nothing to glean from this illness, with no one to teach and an uncertain future, what was he to do?

The tom did not often find himself distracted. He was prideful in his watchfulness, but today his mind dwelled elsewhere and it was obvious. Every plant looked the same as the last. There was no-one here who would know what he was talking about, if he asked for help.

Lopsided eyes flicked up, then- there was a patchwork of pelts over the river, and the scent of the wetland Clan hit him very suddenly. "Oh," he vocalised in quiet surprise. Foolish, distracted- how could he have failed to see them?
Rainbowpaw halfheartedly follows his mentors directions, scanning the forest with wide blue eyes. Though they're moreso looking for something cool they can tell Sunshinekit about later than they are looking for evil (?) cats.

When addressed, Rainbowpaw perks to attention. A nod is offered, though the question was probably rhetorical. Apparently, Sunningrocks wasn't always ThunderClans— there's something interesting he could tell Sunshinekit. If they didn't know any better, they'd think that was a bit mean on ThunderClan's part, but didn't that make more sense anyways, considering Sunningrocks was on their side of the river? Rainbowpaw decides that he doesn't have a problem with this.

" You sort of smell like a RiverClanner, " Rainbowpaw observes. He'd been surprised when they had come across the river to discover it apparently smelled a bit like Raccoonstripe. Later, it clicked that the opposite was actually true. Also, they're now realizing that the observation had probably sounded more like an insult. " Only a little bit, though, " he adds smoothly.

Rainbowpaw then glances to the Medicine Cat at the back of their patrol. They wonder if Berryheart was more quiet than usual, of if he was just imagining it. Probably the latter — but, oh, Lichenpaw was sick, wasn't he? The apprentice frowns at the thought.

Following his gaze brings him to RiverClan, though. On their own patrol, it seems. Without really thinking about it, Rainbowpaw waves his tail in greeting. " Hi, RiverClan! " Could they even hear them?

  • ( I DO, I DO, I DO ) RAINBOWPAW: Sunfreckle xx Rabbitnose. Mentored by Raccoonstripe
    ✦ he / they ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    ✦ currently 4 moons old as of 10/11/2023 ; ages every 25

    warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. sports long curling whiskers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck. growing into themselves; rainbowpaw is showing signs of growing into an above - average height with a somewhat leggy frame. rainbowpaw is most plainly to be described as kind, his most tangible goals and motives being to make the people around him happy. somewhat aloof when it comes to more complex / outer clan issues. lives in the present first and foremost.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
  • Wow
Reactions: Marquette
Similarly to Berryheart the speckled she-cat trailed behind the group alongside her apprentice. Honeydapple's pace affected by the healing injuries she bore. The small gasp of pain still occasionally slipped from her as she moved, but it was nothing compared to what she had endured.

Chance or starclan's will alone kept the gash from being critical. Of course, a large part of the rapid healing, was owed to the dutiful medicine cat. If it weren't for him, she very well could have died in the pelt of her beloved. The mere thought made her throat constrict with grief.

Seeking a kinder distraction, gentle blues peered down at her smaller companion. A small smile curled her maw as she aimed to use her tail and lightly flick the apprentice's ear. Not paying any particular mind to Raccoonstripe's conversation. Unaware of Rainbowpaw's insensitive words.

Her voice rolled lowly in a comfortable string of words. "Just as Raccoonstripe pointed out, this is sunning rocks." Her head tilted forward a touch. "The river right there marks around our borders. Riverclan has a fishy scent from hunting In its rapids."

Playfully, her nose crinkled in mock disgust, an attempt to lighten the tense mood. "The easiest smell to pick out among all four clans." Her dark paws continued to keep pace with her apprentice.

An intruding scent of fish seemingly intensified. Pausing she peered across the way. Spotting the fuzzy form of a passing patrol. Her curled cheeks bounced with surprise as Rainbowpaw's voice echoed in the clearing. Catching the older she-cat off guard.

The shock bubbled into a quiet chuckle. Her chest lightened with the site of such an innocent moment. Ah, screw it. Opposite of the lead's more cautious behavior she waves her stumpy tail at the passing crew. Unsure if they could even spot her friendly motion.

Times were already difficult and a small token of solidarity could go far. Especially, when every cat was going to sleep starving. She hoped the kind passing would offer luck in their bounty. A fleeting hope but one that pinked her thoughts and riled her empty stomach.

However, the gesture assuredly could appear smug to some, despite their polite intentions. Many fearsome battles had been fought near these very rocks. Some she had even seen the painful aftermath of.

OOC; @shardkit talking with her apprentice near Berryheart and also waving at the Riverclan patrol.

XXXXXRiverClan appears on their side of the border, though Raccoonstripe notes they remain quiet and pensive. They look thinner, too, and he wonders if their hunters are as crippled as ThunderClan’s have been. He observes them for a moment, thoughts interrupted by Rainbowpaw’s inane comments. He gives his apprentice a sharp look, anger flaring in his dark eyes. “You think I smell like RiverClan? I ought to make you camp out here and smell that patrol until you can tell the difference.” His tail lashes, though his temper fades after a heartbeat.

XXXXXHe lifts his gaze to Berryheart and then Honeydapple; the other warrior tries to hide her amusement, instead using the opportunity to teach Shardpaw something. He can only hope her own apprentice takes their training more seriously than his seems to.
