————— —————

Starlightkit has decided, rather graciously, that they are going to be social today. They are going to talk to the other kits, the ones whose blood does not radiate with starlight, to grace them with their presence and give them a chance to earn her good graces. She is going to make friends. Raised beneath the willow tree of the leaders' den rather than among the reeds and branches of the nursery, they don't quite know any of the other kits.

Starlightkit ventures out with his mind set on engaging someone close to his age (who is not her sibling) and settles upon the first kit they see. "Hey! You!" warbles Starlightkit, eyes set on an older kit. They don't know her name yet, but they also don't particularly care. He wobbles up to her on his too-stiff legs, stares with star-speckled eyes.

Oh, now he needs to think of something to say to her. What do the other kits like to do? Oh, now's the chance to find out. Their gaze sharpens. "Do you know any good games? What's your favorite game, what's the best one?" She's been out in camp longer than he has, she must know more games than him. This is unacceptable. "We're gonna play it, your favorite game," he decides, lilting tone leaving no room for argument as he waits expectantly.
————— —————

  • // please wait for @CARPKIT !
  • STARLIGHTKIT named for faith and for the star-like mark on her forehead.
    — he/him, she/her, they/them. 2 moons.
    — riverclan kit. smokethroat x cicadastar
    — twitchy and strange, with boundless curiosity.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 68224970_22aRU29gri8jjcf.png
Oh, GOOD, one of those new kits wasn't absolutely boring.

At least, that was the first thought that struck Carpkit. The second one was that they talk a lot- almost as much as her. That meant that kit had a TOOOON of love to share, right? Carpkit looked at Starlight, blinking expectantly. The other in front of her had a lot of spunk, for sure, but her demanding tone caused Carpkit to tilt her head. This kit was totally different then Cicadakit, after all. He had been all kinds of quiet and reserved and NO FUN and this one was like, the opposite of the sp.. sc... OPPOSITE.

Carpkit grinned wide, all teeth and vigor as she squared her shoulders. She was only older by a couple of days, but that seemed to matter in the size department, after all. "MY favorite game, huh?" Her head tilted, thinking for a long moment. Finally, her ears wiggled as she spoke, landing on a game to play. "I like to play tag. It's really fun to chase each other around and like, I win at running." Carpkit responded, her head tilting in interest. Scanning the other up and down, she spoke again, her voice careful but far too curious to hold back. "Well, what's your favorite game? What if it's better?"


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

Fernpaw was observant enough to see that Iciclefang had been quite watchful of her old mentor's kits- and so too did the ginger tom often find his attention drifting toward their shenanigans. It really was strange, seeing them- cats who had grown from a union he remembered the exposure of. It made him feel old- a bitter reminder of the paw still lagging at the end of his name, a flaw he was not sure he'd ever be able to conceal. To the future he'd look, though- things worked out for everyone else. Cicadastar and Smokethroat had a family, and... and Fernpaw was going to be a warrior.

It really wasn't the same thing, was it?

Squinting a little, he heard Carpkit before he saw her- the spitfire she was, spurred to go on a tirade about a game. As she spoke toStarlightkit about tag, Fernpaw couldn't help but let out a small puff of laughter, working eye curving in a joyful half-moon. "I don't know if you'll stand a chance with tag," Fernpaw advised Starlightkit. "Carpkit's pretty good at getting other cats." Or their tails. He was hardly aware that his words might set a competitive bonfire in front of him- it was a rather earnest attempt at advise, though humour-dressed.
penned by pin
————— —————

TBefore Starlightkit can bark out a challenging response at the other kit claiming she wins at running, they find their own question turned upon them. Her face blanks in surprise for a moment. "My favorite game is, uh — you wouldn't know it, obviously, 'cause only the smartest and coolest cats can play it and — and obviously it is better, it's the best one, but —" he prattles on, face scrunched as he tries to think up a name. He can't let Carpkit know he barely knows any games... "It's called. River... Monster... Battle." That sounds cool enough. "Yeah, River Monster Battle. But we're not playing that," she adds quickly, before Carpkit can question how their alleged favorite game is played.

"We're playing tag, 'cause that's your favorite, and tag is fine. Ac-cep-table," they enunciate haughtily. But then — a narrowed-eye glance is cast at the orange tom, eye twitching and head ticking to the side. "I don't know if you'll stand a chance," he says. The humor in his tone is not read as such; disrespect, more like. Challenge. She grits her teeth, stares at him for a moment.

Then, Starlightkit's lips pull back to reveal a kitten-teeth grin, star-dappled eyes widening as they set on Carpkit. "Okay, then," he says simply. His legs begin to twitch in anticipation as he lowers himself into a bundled crouch, muscles held tense. "I'm it. Run, if you're so good at it." Her grin widens, languid and confident. Her eyes carry the same sharpness as her bared teeth.

"I'll even give you a head start." They're feeling gracious today, after all. They'll catch her, they're sure of it, if only prove that obnoxious apprentice wrong.
————— —————

  • //
  • STARLIGHTKIT named for faith and for the star-like mark on her forehead.
    — he/him, she/her, they/them. 2 moons.
    — riverclan kit. smokethroat x cicadastar
    — proud and strange, with boundless curiosity.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 68224970_22aRU29gri8jjcf.png